Denne linkside vil i det kommende 1½ år blive markant udbygget i takt med løsningen af projektet Byens grønne lunger - en undersøgelse af planternes betydning for nedbringelsen af luftforureningen, herunder særlig den ultrafine partikelforurening.
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Se Links om byforgrønnelse.
OBS - Blandt linksene herunder er der en del døde links, som er oprettet på den nye side på bloggen.
Planter og mindskelse af luftforureningen
Wang, Lei et al.: Physicochemical characteristics of ambient particles settling upon leaf surfaces of urban plants in Beijing - (abstract).
Hewlitt, Nick et al.: Trees & Sustainable Urban Air Quality. Using Trees to Improve Air Quality inCities, Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, Lancaster University (9,7 Mb pdf).
Institute for Environmental Solutions: The Tree project: Integrated Urban Environmental Improvement Through Tree Selection and Management (pdf).
Powe, Neil A & Kenneth G. Willis: Mortality and morbidity of air pollution absorption by woodland, Centre for Research in Environmental Appraisal & Management, University of Newcastle 2002.
Seco, Roger et al.: Short-chain oxygenated VOCs: Emission and uptake by plants and atmospheric sources, sinks, and concentrations, Barcelona 2006 (pdf).
Fomsgaard, I.S.: The Influence of sorption on the degradation of pesticides and other chemicals in soil, Environmental Project no. 902, 2004 (pdf).
www.americanforests.org - Urban forests - Urban ecosystem analysis.
B.C. Wolverton & NASA research om planter og luftforurening
Wolverton, B.C., Rebecca C. McDonald & E.A. Watson Jr.: Foilage plants for removin indoor air pollutants from energy-efficient homes in Ecomomic Botany vol. 34 1984, pp. 224-28 (pdf).
Wolverton, B. C.: The role of plants and microorganisms in assuring a future supply of clean air and water - NASA paper 1984 (pdf).
Wolverton, B.C., Rebecca C. McDonald & Hayne H. Mesick: Foilage plants for indoor removal of the primary combustion gases carbon monooxide and nitrogen dioxide in Journal of the Mississippi Academy of Sciences vol. 30 1985, pp. 1-8 (pdf).
Wolverton, B. C.: Foliage plants for removing air pollutants from energy-efficient buildings - NASA paper 1985 (pdf).
Wolverton, B. C.: Houseplants, indoor air pollutants, and allergic reactions - NASA-paper fra 1986 (pdf) - se abstract.
Wolverton, B. C.: Foliage plants for improving indoor air quality - NASA paper 1988 (pdf) - se abstract.
Wolverton, B. C.: Plants and their microbial assistants nature's answer to earth's environmental pollution problems - NASA paper 1989 (abstract).
Wolverton, B.C., Willard L. Douglas & Keith Bounds: A study of interior plants for indoor air pollution abatement - NASA-paper fra 1989 (pdf).
Schede piante con assorbimenti relativi - med tabeller for absorption af benzen, formaldehyd og trichloretylen.
Umwelt und Zeitgeschehen - Umweltgifte - med tabeller for absorption af benzen, formaldehyd og trichloretylen.
Ten eco-friendly house plants - uddrag af samtale med Bill Wolverton på Living on Earth).
Wolverton Environmental Services: Indoor air pollution - FAQ about indoor air pollution.
Philipps, Carole L.: House plants that clean the air in South Coast Today 07.11. 1999.
zone10.com: NASA Study shows common plants help reduce indoor air pollution.....
Fresh air and plants.
Kaiser, Manfred: Can plants improve indoor air quality?
Ikke tilgængelig online
Wolverton, B. C.: "How to Grow Fresh Air, 50 Houseplants That Purify Your Home", Penguin Books 1997.
Wolverton, B. C.: & K. Takenaka: "Plants. Why You Can't Live Without Them", Roli & Janssen BV 2010.
Sundhed og partikelforurening
Montague, P.: Exposing a Dirty Secret: The deadliest air pollution isn't being regulated or even measured on www.bioneers.org.
Oberdörster, G. et al.: Nanotoxicology: An emerging discipline evolving from studies of ultrafine particles in Environmental Health Perspectives vol. 113 no. 7 2005, pp. 823-39 (pdf).
Oberdörster, G. et al.: Nanotoxicology: An emerging discipline evolving from studies of ultrafine particles. Supplemental web sections (pdf).
Penttinen, P. et al.: Ultrafine particles in urban air and respiratory health among adult asthmatics in European Respiratory Journal vol. 17 2001 pp. 428-35 (pdf).
Gauderman, W.J. et al.: The effect of air pollution on lung development from 10 to 18 years of age in New England Journal of Medicine vol. 351 no. 11 Sept. 9 2004 pp. 1057-67.
Potera, C.: The freeway running through the yard: Traffic exhaust and asthma in children in Environmental Health Perspectives vol. 114, no. 5, May 2006.
Potera, C.: Heavy traffic can be a pain in the . . . ear? Vehicle emissions linked to otitis media in Environmental Health Perspectives vol. 114, no. 9, Sept. 2006.
Frampton, M.W.: Systemic and cardiovascular effects of airway injury and inflammation: Ultrafine particle exposure in humans in Environmental Health Perspectives vol. 109 supp. 4, Aug. 2001 pp. 529-32 (pdf).
Goldberg, M.S. et al.: Associations between ambient air pollution and daily mortality among persons with congestive heart failure in Environmental Research vol. 91 2003 pp. 8-20 (pdf).
Kessler, R.: Death by particles: The link between air pollution and fatal coronary heart disease in women in Environmental Health Perspectives vol. 113, no. 12, Dec. 2005.
Potera, C.: Far-reaching effects of fine particles in Environmental Health Perspectives vol. 111, no. 7, June 2003.
Vinzents, P.S. et al: Personal exposure to ultrafine particles and oxidative DNA damage in Environmental Health Perspectives vol. 113, no. 11 Nov. 2005, pp. 1485-90 (pdf).
Oberdörster, G.: Pulmonary effects of inhaled ultrafine particles in International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health vol. 74 2001 pp. 1-8 (pdf).
Hood, E.: Linking emissions to admissions: PM2.5 and respiratory health in Environmental Health Perspectives vol. 110, no. 3, March 2002.
Adler, T.: The radical theory of sneezing in Environmental Health Perspectives vol. 113, no. 11, Nov. 2005.
Boldogh, I. et al.: ROS generated by pollen NADPH oxidase provide a signal that augments antigen-induced allergic airway inflammation in Journal of Clinical Investigations vol. 115 no. 8 2005 pp. 2169-79 (som abstract).
Li, N. et al.: Comparison of the pro-oxidative and proinflammatory effects of organic diesel exhaust particle chemicals in bronchial epithelial cells and macrophages in Journal of Immunology vol. 169 8 2002 pp. 4531-41 (som abstract).
Li, N. et al.: Ultrafine particulate pollutants induce oxidative stress and mitochondrial damage in Environmental Health Perspectives vol. 111 no. 4 Apr. 2003 pp. 455-60 (pdf).
Dick, C.A.J. et al.: The role of free radicals in the toxic and inflammatory effects of four different ultrafine particle types in Inhalation Toxicology vol. 15 2003 pp. 39-52.
Weinhold, B.: Particles in practice. How ultrafines disseminate in the body in Environmental Health Perspectives vol. 113, no. 11, Nov. 2005.
Brown, J.S. et al.: Ultrafine particle deposition and clearance in the healthy and obstructed lung in American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine vol. 166 2002, pp. 1240-47 (pdf).
Seaton, A., and M. Dannenkamp: Hypothesis: Ill health associated with low concentrations of nitrogen dioxide - an effect of ultrafine particles? in Thorax vol. 58 2003, pp. 1012-15 (pdf).
Smidt, L.M.: Ultrafine partikler - vidensopbygningsstudie Dansk Gasteknisk Centre, Hørsholm 2003 (pdf).
Oversigt over partikelforurening og helbredseffekter - (flyttet) præsentation af Steffen Loft, Institut for folkesundhedsvidenskab, ved Seminar om partikler 29.09.2005.
Sharma, A.K.: Små partikler - store problemer in Miljøsk no. 33 pp. 16 ff. (pdf).
Raaschou-Nielsen, O. et al.: Helbredseffekter af partikulær luftforurening i Danmark - et forsøg på kvantificering in Ugeskrift for Læger vol. 164 no. 34 2002 pp. 3959-63.
Vrang, M.-L. et al.: Helbredseffekter af trafikgenererede ultrafine partikler in Ugeskrift for Læger vol. 164 no. 34 2002 pp. 3937-41.
København og partikelforurening
Ege, C.: Luftforurening med særlig vægt på dieselforurening, Økologisk Råd, København 2006.
Thomsen, Birte Busch: Den københavnske luft lever ikke op til grænseværdierne, notat fra Center for Miljø, 25.06. 2004.
Thomsen, Birte Busch: Vurdering af luftkvalitet og sundhedseffekter - i forbindelse med en miljøzone i København, Københavns Kommune 2004.
Jensen, Steen Solvang et al.: Virkemidler til overholdelse af NO2 grænseværdier for luftkvalitet i København, Miljøkontrollen, Københavns Kommune, København 2005.
Palmgreen, F. et al.: Luftforurening med partikler i Danmark, miljøprojekt nr. 1021, Miljøstyrelsen 2005 (pdf).
Vinzents, P. et al.: Eksponering for ultrafine partikler fra trafikken i København, Miljøprojekt nr. 981 2005 (pdf).
Jensen, K.A., V. Kofoed-Sørensen & P.A. Clausen: The indoor and outdoor concentrations of particulate airpollution and PAHs in different size fractions and assessment of exposure and health impacts in the Copenhagen population, Arbejdsmiljøinstituttet, Environmental Project No. 1003, 2005 pdf).
Jensen, M.P. et al.: Miljøzoner, partikler og sundhed, Miljøprojekt nr. 620, 2001 (pdf).
Køster, H.: Miljøzoner og effekter, Miljøprojekt nr. 878 2003 (pdf).
Partikelforureningen skader danskernes helbred, artikel fra Miljøstyrelsen.
Miljøministeriets og Sundhedsstyrelsens arbejdsgruppe om udendørs-luftforurening:
- Vurdering af partikelforurening og dieselpartikler 2003 (pdf).
- Vurdering af kulilte i udeluft 2001 (pdf).
- Vurdering af nitrogendioxid i udeluft 2000 (pdf).
- Vurdering af benzen i udeluft 2002 (pdf).
- Vurdering af cadmium i udeluft 2001 (pdf).
- Vurdering af ozon i udeluft 2002 / ozon opdatering 2005 (pdf).
- Vurdering af kviksølv i udeluft 2002 (pdf).
- Vurdering af nikkel i udeluft 2000 (pdf).
Grønne gaderum
Messenger, S.: Is This the Most Beautiful Street in the World? Treehugger 31.01.2012.
Sundhed og støjforurening
Lang, L.: Environmental impact on hearing: Is anyone listening? in Environmental Health Perspectives vol. 102, no. 12, Dec. 1994.
Chepesiuk, R.: Decibel Hell: The effects of living in a noisy world in Environmental Health Perspectives vol. 113, no. 1, Janc. 2005.
København og støjforurening
Fryd, Jakob og Lone Pedersen: Undersøgelser af den oplevede støj af vejtrafikken fra tre stærkt trafikerede bygader i København, Københavns Kommune, København 2005 (pdf).
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