Indlæg tagged med Thomas Agergaard

Pausebillede X – Thomas Agergaard: Genius Loci

18. marts 2012

Sammen med udgivelsen af sin CD Genius Loci lavede Thomas Agergaard i 2009 en video med billeder og kort fra grønlandske landskaber, som i disse år hastigt transformeres af den globale opvarmning.

Det er uudgrundeligt smukke, krystallinsk transparente lyduniverser, som møder umådeligt smukke is- og snelandskaber.

Men frem for at skrive yderligere, vil jeg invitere til en stille stund i godt selskab og give ordet til Thomas, som i går aftes skrev nedenstående introduktion på Facebook:

Se tidligere pausebilleder og indlæg om indlandsisen og gletsjere.

This music is dedicated to our ability to listen, and to the Arctic. It does not follow set patterns, like Danish forestry, but flows by its own momentum. To me, it feels natural – like moving through a landscape shaped by time, wind and weather.

I have filled it with shimmers of darkness and light. Some is dry. Much is wet.

We must learn to listen to the warnings flowing from nature. We must learn to listen deep within ourselves, and to each other. We have been born with the keenest senses, which can develop in all directions. With this we have been charged with the responsibility, to develop our empathy, and make room for the multiplicity, of which we are a part.

Our survival depends on our ability to listen to Nature within ourselves. Nature will always survive. We are only part of it. Experts have warned us for decades, and today, it is clearer than ever. Nature is rising up, and may end up sweeping us away.

What we do to it, we do to ourselves. What we pour into it will return to ourselves.

Diversity is the wealth of this planet, and our place at the top of the food chain places in our lap the responsibility to maintain that, which is the foundation of our own existence.

Listening makes the journey more beautiful.

Thomas Agergaard

CDen Genius Loci kan erhverves via

