Mad fra Himmelen
19. marts 2011Thornton’s Budgens, et supermarked i det nordlige London, har sammen med miljøorganisationen The Positive Earth Project og mennesker fra lokalsamfundet etableret en grøntsagshave på taget af supermarkedet, kaldet FOOD from the SKY, som ikke bare leverer grøntsager til salg i supermarkedet nede på jorden, men er tænkt som et mødested for lokalsamfundet og et sted, hvor man kan se maden blive til.
Projektet ser det som sin vision: ‘To grow Life, Food and Community in our most cemented places’ and ‘To plant seeds in people’s heart’.
FOOD from the SKY is about inspiring and growing a healthy and sustainable relationship with food in cities and with our supermarkets. We are doing this through food growing on roofs and running educational programmes for individuals, schools, supermarket’s team members and organisations.
By establishing an alternative approach to food production and consumption, we intend to build an organisational template that can be easily used by other supermarkets and organisations.”
Al dyrkning foregår i potter og spande, og forud for projektets opstart blev der løftet 10 ton kompostjord op på taget.