Indlæg tagged med Pachamama

Bolivia: The climate is not for sale

5. december 2012

Dette indlæg rummer Bolivias statement ved klimakonferencen COP18 i Doha, fremlagt af Jose Antonio Zamora, Bolivias minister for miljø og vand, 5. december. Det er et godt eksempel på, hvordan en række sydamerikanske lande som en helt fundamental del af deres miljø- og selvforståelse taler om Pachamama, Moder Jord – som en levende størrelse, vi må respektere og indfælde vores samfund og levevis i på harmonisk vis.

I det perspektiv bliver de kvoteordninger, som er tænkt som en kommende global klimaaftales primære mekanisme, blot en købmandsløsning, en de riges lande fralæggen sig ansvaret for de problemer med jordens klimasystem, som man har skabt gennem halvandet århundredes bevidstløs brug af fossile brændstoffer. I politisk perspektiv bliver de rige landes måde at håndetere klimaudfordringen på blot endnu en neokolonialistisk udbygning, hvor det kapitalistiske marked underlægger sig endnu mere af vores fælles levende planet. 

DOHA, Qatar – Mr. President of the COP, distinguished Heads of State of countries of the world, Ministers, Officials, delegates and representatives of social organizations, indigenous peoples and communities and farmers of the world, receive a greeting from the Plurinational State of Bolivia and our President Evo Morales Ayma. The planet and humanity are in serious danger of extinction. The forests are in danger, biodiversity is in danger, the rivers and the oceans are in danger, the earth is in danger. This beautiful human community inhabiting our Mother Earth is in danger due to the climate crisis.

The causes of the climate crisis are directly related to the accumulation and concentration of wealth in few countries and in small social groups, excessive and wasteful mass consumption, under the belief that having more is living better, polluting production and disposable goods to enrich wealth increasing the ecological footprint, as well as the excessive and unsustainable use of renewable and non-renewable natural resources at a high environmental cost for extractive activities for production.

A wasteful, consumerist, exclusionary, greedy civilization generating wealth in some hands and poverty everywhere, has produced pollution and climate crisis. We did not come here to negotiate climate. We did not come here to turn the climate into a business, or to protect businesses of them who want to continue aggravating the climate crisis, destroying Mother Earth. We have come with concrete solutions. THE CLIMATE IS NOT FOR SALE, LADIES AND GENTLEMEN!

Mr. President, The withdrawal of some developed countries of the Kyoto protocol and avoiding of their commitments is an attack on the Mother Earth and to life. The problem of climate crisis will not be solved with political declarations, but with specific commitments.

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