Indlæg tagged med IUCN World Leaders Dialogues

IUCN – Nature +: Saving nature, why bother?

11. september 2012

Nature +: Saving nature, why bother? den afsluttende “World Leaders Dialogue” ved IUCNs biodiversitetskonference i Korea 11.09.2012 – 92:36 min. video.

Oplægget til den sammenfattende nature + dialog

The four World Leaders Dialogues will culminate in the final dialogue of the Forum by seeking to answer the central question: saving nature, why bother? This session, while closing the Forum, will also serve to directly link the World Leaders Dialogues to the overall message of the Forum and to lead into the next segment of the Congress: the IUCN Members’ Assembly.

Are we overestimating the importance of conserving biological diversity?
What does biodiversity mean for development?
Who is responsible for conserving nature?
Can development happen without nature?
Can we live without nature?

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IUCN – Nature + people & governance: Can conservation tackle poverty?

10. september 2012

Nature + people & governance: Can conservation tackle poverty? –  den fjerde af fem “World Leaders Dialogues” ved IUCNs biodiversitetskonference i Korea 10.09.2012 – 91:13 min. video.

Oplægget til nature + people & governance

People everywhere depend directly or indirectly on nature for their wellbeing. From food, fuel and freshwater, to crop pollination, flood protection and climate regulation, nature provides the fundamental infrastructure needed for our societies to survive and prosper. Nature’s benefits, however, are not equally shared. Richer countries are better placed to reap benefits from nature, while poorer nations bear the cost of biodiversity loss and see little benefit. All too often, nature is absent from development aid.

Can we strike a better balance?
Can we achieve conservation without sacrificing social justice?
What can we change in our current model for nature’s benefits to be properly reflected
in national economies and individual incomes?
How can we ensure that the rights of indigenous and other vulnerable communities
are truly taken into account?

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IUCN – Nature + development: Green growth: myth or reality?

9. september 2012

Nature + development: Green growth: myth or reality? – den tredje af fem “World Leaders Dialogues” ved IUCNs biodiversitetskonference i Korea 09.09.2012 – 98:12 min. video.

Oplægget til nature + development

Although awareness of the economic significance of nature is increasing, it has yet to trigger the kind of change needed to make our economies and lifestyles truly sustainable. Several countries have started a process of restructuring their national economies towards “green growth”.

What does “green growth” mean in practice?
How “green” is “green growth” and, is it possible to reconcile economic with
environmental goals?
How can we resolve the inevitable “green dilemmas”, for example in the energy sector?
What does green growth means in terms of jobs?
Are there alternatives to our current economic model?

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IUCN – Nature + food: Can we feed the world Sustainably?

8. september 2012

Nature + food: Can we feed the world Sustainably? – den anden af fem “World Leaders Dialogues” ved IUCNs biodiversitetskonference i Korea 08.09.2012 – 88:52 min. video.

Oplægget til nature + food

Food production systems rely on the richness and diversity of natural ecosystems. One billion people worldwide rely on fish as their primary protein source, while bush meat provides 80% of the protein and fat intake for rural communities in Central Africa. Pollination services are worth an estimated USD 153 billion annually. Agriculture everywhere relies on adequate and well-managed water resources. Fisheries production also relies on healthy marine and freshwater ecosystems – and at the moment is far from sustainable. To secure food supplies, equitable and sustainable use of natural resources is required. Food security is also linked to human security on a broader level.

Are we serious about redirecting ‘perverse’ subsidies that currently wipe out biodiversity
on land and in the sea?
What impacts are biofuels likely to have on food production and food security?
What is the role of technology in feeding the world?
Can sound environmental management help prevent or reduce conflicts and improve
human security?

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IUCN – Nature + climate: Can Nature save us?

7. september 2012

Nature + climate: Can Nature save us?Den første af fem “World Leaders Dialogues” ved IUCNs biodiversitetskonference i Korea 07.09.2012 – 104:19 min. video.

Ved den igangværende IUCN-konference i Korea er det muligt at følge en række biodiversitetsdialoger, som det i bakspejlet har været en fornøjelse af følge, så jeg gradvist har lagt alle fem dialoger op. De udfolder sig som dialoger mellem først og fremmest politikere og statsoverhoveder, men man finder også fremtrædende forskere og virksomhedsledere som Marvin Odum fra Shell, og Sir Richard Branson fra Virgin.

Fællestemaet er Nature + – naturen plus noget, naturen set i kontekst, i forhold til den verden uden for reservaterne, som også er natur, men i dag ofte nødlidende natur, stærkt presset af den menneskelige tilstedeværelse. Og faktisk er det virkelig spændende ved disse dialoger, at det at tage naturen som  udgangspunkt for klima-diskussione, grøn vækst-diskussionen, fødevare-diskussionen osv. tilfører dem en vigtig perspektivering.

Alle konferencens tilhørere har små tablets – IUCNs konference er stort set papirløs – og under vejs inddrages konferencedeltagernes spørgsmål til panelet, som hele vejen igennem er projiceret op på den store digitale bagvæg.

Oplægget til Nature + climate

Human-induced climate change continues unabated, and some of its impacts are irreversible. Reducing greenhouse gas emissions is the only long-term answer to stabilising the global climate. But as a new wide-ranging global climate deal remains elusive, many are turning to nature-based solutions, like REDD+ (reducing emissions from deforestation and ecosystem degradation), to help stave off the worst effects of climate change. Nature has often been portrayed as the victim of climate change but healthy natural ecosystems such as forests, peatlands and wetlands are critical for absorbing and storing carbon and helping us adapt.

But are these measures enough?
Can ecosystems really make a difference before it is too late?
What have we learnt already about nature-based solutions to climate change
and what are the challenges for the future?

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