Brev til den japanske statsminister
3. juli 2008Klimaforskeren James Hansen sendte i dag et brev til den japanske premierminister Yasuo Fukuda. Anledningen er det forestående G8-møde på Hokkaido, hvor Japan som vært har annonceret, at klimaet vil stå højt på dagsordenen.
James Hansen er måske verdens største kapacitet på klimaområdet, og i brevet til den japanske statsminister, som findes i fuld udstrækning nedenfor, giver han et godt rids af, hvad der ud fra et klimatologisk perspektiv er uomgængeligt nødvendigt.
I brevet opfordrer han Japan til at styrke sit initiativ og lederskab på klimaområdet og advarer om, at vi nærmer os ‘critical tipping points’, som kan føre til ustoppelige havstigninger, ændre klimazoner, udrydde et stort antal dyre- og plantearter, give vandmangel for millioner af mennesker og en lang række andre problematiske indvirkninger på vores levevilkår. Han konkluderer i brevet blandt andet, at et moratorium for afbrænding af kul er nødvendigt for at sikre klimaet og levevilkårene for fremtiden.
3 July 2008
Prime Minister Yasuo Fukuda
1-6-1 Nagata-cho, Chiyoda-ku
Tokyo 100-8968, Japan
Dear Prime Minister,
Your leadership, and continued leadership by Japan, is needed on the matter of climate change, a matter with ramifications for life on our planet, including all species. Prospects for today’s children, and especially the world’s poor, hinge upon success in stabilizing climate.
For the sake of identification, I am a United States citizen, director of the NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies and Adjunct Professor at the Columbia University Earth Institute. I am a member of our National Academy of Sciences, have testified before our Senate and House of Representatives on many occasions, have advised our Vice President and Cabinet members on climate change and its relation to energy requirements, and have received numerous awards including the World Wildlife Fund’s Duke of Edinburgh Conservation Medal from Prince Philip. I write today, however, as a private citizen, a resident of Kintnersville, Pennsylvania, USA.
Japan has been a strong supporter of actions to mitigate dangerous climate change, including the Kyoto Protocol. It is not Japan’s fault that international action has failed so far to slow emission of dangerous gases. But as the host for the upcoming G8 meeting, you can initiate discussion of an approach that could meet the challenge humanity faces.
The past approach, and extensions now under discussion, are fatally flawed and would doom our children and grandchildren to an increasingly impoverished life on a more desolate planet. Clear thinking and bold leadership of the international community are essential in the next 1-2 years to change the course of human history.