Indlæg tagged med COP18 links

COP18 på Strøtanker

8. december 2012

Fra 26. november til 8. december var repræsentanter fra alle verdens lande samlet i Doha, Qatar til COP18, en ny runde af forhandlingerne om en globale klimaaftale. I den forbindelse har jeg løbende fulgt processen her på Strøtanker om bæredygtighed, og det er i løbet af de to uger blevet til en bred vifte af indlæg:

Indlægget COP18 reaktioner og konklusioner søger at opsummere resultatet af COP18 og samler links til synspunkter på COP18 fra hele verden, mens COP18 – The Doha Gateway bringer et rids af aftalens vigtigste punkter.

Daglige indlæg (tagged COP18 noter) giver en række nedslag under vejs: note I (26.11.), note II (27.11.), note III (28.11.), note IV (29.11.), note V (30.11.), note VI (01.12), note VII (03.12.), note VIII (04.12.), note IX (05.12.), note X (06.12.), note XI (07.12.) og note XII (08.12.).

En lang række små introducerede videoer (tagged COP18 video) giver forskellige perspektiver på en mangfoldig konference med 17.000 deltagere, se: Al Jazeera: Has Doha delivered?, An Open Letter to Barack Obama, Alden Meyer: Union of Panicked Scientists, Bolivia: The climate is not for sale, Yasuní-ITT: Biodiversitet eller oliemilliarder?Satu Hassi: 30% målsætning for EU vil give 6 mio. nye jobs, Carbon Market Watch om EUs ‘hot air’-problem, Ban Ki-moon: Window of opportunity on climate change is closingGeoffrey Lean: A mad way to run a planetSlut med fossile subsidier, CO2-lagring med bambusPeople find it quite hard to contemplate changes in their lifestyle, Christiana Figueres: COP18 status efter de første dage, Carol Turley: Oceanerne står overfor et tipping pointRunge-Metzger: Indblik i forhandingerne i Doha, Rajendra Pachauris tale ved COP18UNEP: Permafrosten en tikkende metanbombeJim Dougherty om fracking-problemerAn open letter to governments and their negotiatorsAl Jazeera: What do these climate talks actually achieve?, COP18 Side Event: Drivers of Deforestation, Australien melder klar til Kyoto-aftalens anden runde, IUCN: Oprindelige folkeslag kan lære os om klimatilpasning samt Kitty Ehn: Sweden must live up to its climate reputation.

Forud for COP18 ser en håndfuld blog-indlæg på baggrunden for konferencen: Christiana Figueres: Udfordringen i Doha, UNEP Emissions Gap Report 2012, Verdensbanken: “Skru ned for varmen”, ‘Carbon Intensity’ skal reduceres 6 gange hurtigere end i dag, Klimafølsomheden større end hidtil antaget, IEA: Verdens CO2-udledninger steg 2,5% i 2011Terningerne er kastet, Førstehjælp til det europæiske kvotesystemEU indstiller CO2-flyafgift midlertidigt for at fremme global aftaleDanmark i mål med Kyoto-aftalen og Klimaministeren efter Durban: 6º varmere en reel risiko.

Endelig har indlægget COP18 positioner og forviklinger links til artikler omkring forhandlingerne i løbet af de to uger i Doha, hvor COP18 reaktioner og konklusioner har links fra tiden efter afslutningen, og Optakt til COP18 rummer links omkring klimakonferencen forud for COP18, mens Klimaforhandlinger i Bonn har links omkring det forberedende møde i Bonn i juni 2012.

Se indlæg tagged COP18 video, COP18 noter, COP18 linksCOP18COP17COP16, COP15.

indlæg oprettet af Jens Hvass



COP18 reaktioner og konklusioner

8. december 2012

Links til reaktioner på COP18 og The Doha Gateway vil løbende blive opdateret herunder i de kommende dage.

Christiana Figueres på Twitter: “All #COP18 decisions adopted by acclamation. We have a Second Commitment Period of the Kyoto Protocol !!!”

Roger Harrabin på Twitter: “Take-out thought. Exhibition of green technology linked to #cop18 showed Saudi plans for carbon capture and storage. To force out more oil.”

Lad mig blot starte med denne 1½ min. opsummering fra Alden Meyer, som er leder af afdelingen for policy og strategi i Union of Concerned Scientists, som siger, at vi netop her i Doha har set, at det var den fossile industri, som vandt – at sceancen i Doha er en trade fair, og ikke som den burde, bygget på en afklaring af den nødvendige indsats på baggrund af den tilgængelige videnskab.

I videoen til højre gør Kumi Nadoo fra Greenpeace status: Vi kom med små forventinger, og er endda blevet skuffede. “Any government walking out of these negotiations saying that this was a success, is suffering from a terrible case og cognitive dissonance. Where the reality is telling us that we are running out of time, and the science is telling us that we need much greater ambition, and we have to call this a substantial failure. All we are seeing is baby steps in the positive direction. Our governments now have to realise that the science is not negotiable. We cannot change the science,” siger Naidoo.

Ed King 13.12.: COP19 hosts Poland maintained its stash of hot air credits, a relic from the Soviet era, but found its potential buyers renounce their addiction one by one. Imagine winning the lottery and finding no-one used money anymore.

John McCormick skrev i en diskussionsspalte på Climate Progress 10.12., at: “UNFCCC agreed to hold the next COP (Number 19 when 18 COPs produced nothing) in Poland. A huge coal burner. Instead, COP 19 should be held on the Philippines southern island of Mindanao so the delegates can experience the real suffering climate change is ravaging around the world. Let them sleep in the refuge camps and talk with the survivors to get a real sense of the issue.”


Syed Mujtaba Hussain: Doha Climate Change Conference another lost opportunity to enhance ambition, The Nation (Pakistan) 31.12.2012.


Seoul Mayor calls for climate funds to be channelled through cities, RTCC 28.12.2012.


Olga Dobrovidova: A letter on behalf of the climate to Russia’s Father Christmas, RTCC 27.12.2012. 


Tseming Tang: Quicker fix for climate change, CNN 26.12.2012.


Iraq calls for Arab action on climate change, AFP 24.12.2012.

Pano Kroko: 18 years wasted just talking about Climate Change… Bleeding Edge Blog 24.12.2012.

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COP18 positioner og forviklinger

26. november 2012

Så er COP18 skudt i gang. I de næste 2 uger vil verdens lande dels forsøge at komme nærmere en global klimaaftale, dels prøve at få Kyoto-aftalen fortsat for den lille gruppe lande, som er til sinds at binde sig i årene frem mod 2020.

Herunder vil jeg løbende opdatere med links til artiker mv. om udviklingen i Doha. Tilsvarende er der links til artikler forud for COP18 samlet i blog-indlægget Optakt til COP18.

Se COP18 på Strøtanker for en oversigt over indlæg forbundet med COP18 og links til løbende information om COP18.

Se indlæg tagged COP18 video, COP18 noter, COP18 linksCOP18COP17COP16, COP15.


Roger Harrabin: Doha climate talks: US faces dilemma over final text, BBC News 08.12.2012.

Alister Doyle & Barbara Lewis: Weak plan to save Kyoto pushes climate talks to brink, Reuters 08.12.2012.

Qatar seeks to extend Kyoto to break climate change deadlock, (Reuters) Asahi Shimbun 08.12.2012.

James Murray: Doha deal in balance as “Loss and Damage” text tabled, Businesss Green 08.12.2012.

Ed King: UN climate talks: Why is loss and damage so controversial? RTCC 08.12.2012.

Bangladesh, Maldives front runners in adapting to climate change impacts: WB, The Daily Star 08.12.2012.

John Parnell: ‘Loss and damage’ to make or break Doha climate talks, RTCC 08.12.2012.

Steps taken to save Amazon forests, 08.12.2012.

Karl Ritter: UN Climate Talks: Aid To Developing Countries Disputed On Final Day, (AP) Huffington Post 08.12.2012.

Bikash Singh: Several areas in Assam witnessing change in rainfall pattern: Study on climate change, The Times of India 08.12.2012.

Zack Beauchamp: U.S. Senator Protests Climate Talks With Activist Who Believes The UN Is The Anti-Christ, Climate Progress 08.12.2012.

Sophie Trevitt: The Morning After Stock-Take, International Political Forum 08.12.2012.

Countries have to close ranks to cut greenhouse gas emission: Al-Naimi, Saudi Gazette 08.12.2012.


Selina Juul: Kom ud af hamsterhjulet. COP18: Nekrolog for klimabølgen, Jyllandsposten 07.12.2012.

Fiona Harvey: Doha climate talks stall over draft text wording, The Guardian 07.12.2012.

Submission from Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and United Arab Emirates, UNFCCC 07.12.2012 (pdf).

Ed King: Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain & UAE make mysterious climate pledge, RTCC 07.12.2012.

Fiona Harvey: UN climate summit’s Qatari hosts under fire as talks drag on, The Guardian 07.12.2012.

Roger Harrabin: ‘Hot-air’ release at Doha climate talks dispels tension, BBC News 07.12.2012.

Karl Ritter: Money in focus as UN climate talks enter last day, AP 07.12.2012.

Michael Casey: UN climate talks go into overtime in Qatar, (AP) Contra Costa Times 07.12.2012.

Jesper Løbenbalk Hansen: Klimakampens uovervindelige ildsjæle, Information 07.12.2012.

Jesper Løbenbalk Hansen: Dagbog fra Doha: Håbløshedens logik, Information 07.12.2012.

Jørgen Steen Nielsen: Permafrosten tør, og FN’s klimapanel tier, Information 07.12.2012.

Rebecca Lefton & Andrew Light: Deadlock In Doha: Is Qatar Going To Be The Place Where International Agreements Go To Die? Climate Progress 07.12.2012.

Jessica Shankleman: But COP18 talks likely to continue into tomorrow as negotiators attempt to tie together key strands, Business Green 07.12.2012.

Richard Harris: At Doha Climate Talks, Modest Results At Best, NPR 07.12.2012.

John Parnell: Most vulnerable nations urged not to sign weak climate deal, RTCC 07.12.2012.

UN Climate Talks in Doha, (audio m. transscript, interview med Alden Meyer) Living on Earth 07.12.2012.

Ed King: Clock ticking for UN climate talks as tempers fray in Doha, RTCC 07.12.2012.

Stephen Leahy: A Hotter World Is a Hungry World, IPS 07.12.2012.

Michael Marshall: Doha climate talks stumbling towards a deal, New Scientist 07.12.2012.

John Parnell: Tension mounts as UN climate talks enter final day in Doha, RTCC 07.12.2012.

Louise Gray: Climate change deal limping towards ‘disappointing’ conclusion, 07.12.2012.

Nicole Ghio: World Bank’s New Climate Strategy: Keep Financing Coal, Just Don’t Call It A Coal Plant, Climate Progress 07.12.2012.

Julia Whitty: Yikes! Government Details 6 Most Terrifying Arctic Trends, Mother Jones 07.12.2012.

Invention demonstrates how humidity can be turned into water, 07.12.2012.

Regan Doherty: Qatar deports activists after climate talks protest: group, Reuters 07.12.2012.

Religions agree prayer has a role in war on climate change, 07.12.2012.

Avaaz launch drive to boost US climate finance contributions, RTCC 07.12.2012.

Sophie Trevitt: Stop Blaming Civil Society, International Political Forum 07.12.2012.

Ed King: Doha protests as doubts grow over Qatari leadership at UN climate talks, RTCC 07.12.2012.


The Doha Climate Change Conference: Getting to ‘Yes’ – 194 Times, Zahwya 06.12.2012.

Vesela Todorova: Middle East faces extreme climate change, The National 06.12.2012.

John Vidal: Will Philippines negotiator’s tears change our course on climate change? The Guardian 06.12.2012.

Philippines negotiator makes emotional plea at Doha climate talks – video, The Guradian 06.12.2012.

Ministers from 25 Nations Commit to Scaling Up Voluntary Action to Reduce Short-Lived Climate Pollutants, UNEP 06.12.2012.

Fiona Harvey: Rare note of harmony at Doha as action agreed on black carbon, The Guardian 06.12.2012.

Jörg Schindler: US Disappoints at Doha Climate Talks, Der Spiegel 06.12.2012.

Suzanne Goldenberg: US envoy’s cutting remark on C02 emissions fails to add up, The Guardian 06.12.2012.

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Klimaforhandlinger i Bonn – løbende opdateret linksamling

14. maj 2012

I dag indledes en ny runde af FNs klimaforhandlinger i Bonn 14.-25. maj 2012. Her skal de spæde spirer fra Durban-aftalen i december stå deres første prøve, om verden vitterligt er på vej mod sin første samlede klimaaftale, som ifølge planerne skulle træde i kraft i 2020 men ligge klar fra 2015. Hvorfor der ikke skal ske noget i disse år er uforståeligt og dybt uforsvarligt – og hvert års tøven kommer til at koste.

Det bliver også denne gang, at en ny runde af Kyoto-aftalen skal fastlægges. Med store lande som USA, Canada og Rusland ude af Kyoto-aftalen kommer anden fase kun til at dække omkring 15% af verdens samlede udledninger. Det har således fuldt så stor betydning som signalpolitik – at der er rige industrilande, som rent faktisk vil gå foran, og som herigennem vil give de virksomheder, som arbejder for at udvikle grøn teknologi og grønne produkter, ordentlige rammebetingelser for at fortsætte deres udviklingsarbejde.

Men dette lille indlæg er først og fremmest tænkt som en løbende linkopsamling. Pressedækningen er forsvindende lille – søgninger på og viser stort set ingen omtale af de forestående klimaforhandlinger i Bonn. Det handler jo også kun om vores fælles fremtid, og det er der ikke noget nyt i.

Via UNFCCs hjemmeside kan man følge med i de vigtigste forhandlinger i Bonn (se on demand webcast), ligesom præsentationer og forhandlingsdokumenter løbende gøres tilgængelige.

På Twitter finder man løbende opdateringer for eksempel via @UN_ClimateTalks og @CFigueres.

Bob Berwin: Global warming: Inching ahead at Bonn climate talks, Summit County Citzens Voice 27.05.2012.

Little Progress Made at Bonn Climate Negotiations, Union of Concerned Scientists 25.05.2012.

Fiona Harvey: Bonn climate talks end in discord and disappointment, The Guardian 25.05.2012.

Nathan Witkop: Bonn climate talks end in squabbling, Deutsche Welle 25.05.2012.

Karl Ritter: Is China poor? Key question at climate talks, Bloomberg 25.05.2012.

Connie Hedegård: Statement, 25.05.2012.

Richard Balk: Climate talks stall with nations ‘wasting time’, BBC News 25.05.2012.

Bonn Climate Talks Close in Disappointment; World Leaders Whistle Towards Disaster, Common Dreams 25.05.2012.

Credibility and will can move climate talks forward, Can Europe 25.05.2012.

Jesper Løvenbalk: Klimaaftalen fra Durban hænger i en tynd tråd, Information 25.05.2012.

Alex Morales: Climate Deadlock Breaks as Slow UN Talks Frustrate U.S., EU, Bloomberg 25.05.2012.

Clancy Moore: Australia: new negotiator, new opportunities? Adopt a Negotiator Project 25.05.2012.

Stephen Leahy: Global Temperatures Rising on a Devastating Trajectory, IPS News 25.05.2012.

Bonn UN Climate Change meeting delivers progress on key issues, (pressemeddelelse) UNFCCC 25.05.2012.

Bonn Climate Change Conference – May 2012, Press Briefing, (EU) (video) UNFCCC 25.05.2012.

Bonn Climate Change Conference – May 2012, Press Briefing, (Christiana Figueres) (video) UNFCCC 25.05.2012.

Chris Lang: REDD discussions at the UN climate meeting in Bonn: “The only thing negotiators did here was produce more things to disagree on”, Redd Monitor 25.05.2012.

Michelle Kovacevic: One of Indonesia’s top REDD+ experts discusses logging moratorium progress, Forests News 25.05.2012.

Alexander Besant: Climate talks in Bonn end in disappointment, Global Post 25.05.2012.

Mariette la Roux: Climate pact process stumbles as countries bicker, AFP 25.05.2012.

China says it holds fast to Durban outcome, Xinhua 25.05.2012.

US, Europe and Australia trying to evade climate commitments: climate, AFP 25.05.2012.

Nina Chestney: Deadlock breaks at UN climate talks, mistrust remains, Reuters 25.05.2012.

Warming could exceed 3.5C, say climate scientists, The News (Pakistan) 25.05.2012.

China to spend $27bn on energy efficiency and renewables, (Reuters) The Guardian 25.05.2012.

U.N. climate talks stall over rich-poor divisions, (AP) San Fanciso Chronicle 25.05.2012.

Climate scientists say warming could exceed 3.5 C, AFP 24.05.2012.

Michel Rose: Global CO2 emissions hit record in 2011 led by China: IEA, Reuters 24.05.2012.

Mariette la Roux: China hits back at claims it is blocking climate talks, AFP 24.05.2012.

Nina Chestney: Countries doing too little on warming: researchers, Reuters 24.05.2012.

Nina Chestney: U.N. Doha climate talks risk sinking ‘like Titanic’, (Reuters) 24.05.2012.

Alex Morales: Greenhouse Gas Gap Grows as Climate Pledges Fall Short, Bloomberg 24.05.2012.

Nina Chestney: CO2 Cut Review Could Raise Kyoto Ambition – EU, Reuters 24.05.2012.

Mark Bonner: Agreement on draft text for CCS in the CDM, Global CSS Institute 24.05.2012.

Anthony Lucas & Mariette le Rou: UN climate talks ‘stalled’, Kyoto architect tells AFP, AFP 23.05.2012.

EU warns climate talks at risk of floundering, AFP 23.05.2012.

Vananda Shiva: Eco warriors, arise! The Asian Age 23.05.2012.

James Murray: G8 pledges climate action as Bonn talks stall, Business Green 23.05.2012.

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