COP18 reaktioner og konklusioner
8. december 2012Links til reaktioner på COP18 og The Doha Gateway vil løbende blive opdateret herunder i de kommende dage.
Christiana Figueres på Twitter: “All #COP18 decisions adopted by acclamation. We have a Second Commitment Period of the Kyoto Protocol !!!”
Roger Harrabin på Twitter: “Take-out thought. Exhibition of green technology linked to #cop18 showed Saudi plans for carbon capture and storage. To force out more oil.”
Lad mig blot starte med denne 1½ min. opsummering fra Alden Meyer, som er leder af afdelingen for policy og strategi i Union of Concerned Scientists, som siger, at vi netop her i Doha har set, at det var den fossile industri, som vandt – at sceancen i Doha er en trade fair, og ikke som den burde, bygget på en afklaring af den nødvendige indsats på baggrund af den tilgængelige videnskab.
I videoen til højre gør Kumi Nadoo fra Greenpeace status: Vi kom med små forventinger, og er endda blevet skuffede. “Any government walking out of these negotiations saying that this was a success, is suffering from a terrible case og cognitive dissonance. Where the reality is telling us that we are running out of time, and the science is telling us that we need much greater ambition, and we have to call this a substantial failure. All we are seeing is baby steps in the positive direction. Our governments now have to realise that the science is not negotiable. We cannot change the science,” siger Naidoo.
Ed King 13.12.: COP19 hosts Poland maintained its stash of hot air credits, a relic from the Soviet era, but found its potential buyers renounce their addiction one by one. Imagine winning the lottery and finding no-one used money anymore.
John McCormick skrev i en diskussionsspalte på Climate Progress 10.12., at: “UNFCCC agreed to hold the next COP (Number 19 when 18 COPs produced nothing) in Poland. A huge coal burner. Instead, COP 19 should be held on the Philippines southern island of Mindanao so the delegates can experience the real suffering climate change is ravaging around the world. Let them sleep in the refuge camps and talk with the survivors to get a real sense of the issue.”
Syed Mujtaba Hussain: Doha Climate Change Conference another lost opportunity to enhance ambition, The Nation (Pakistan) 31.12.2012.
Seoul Mayor calls for climate funds to be channelled through cities, RTCC 28.12.2012.
Olga Dobrovidova: A letter on behalf of the climate to Russia’s Father Christmas, RTCC 27.12.2012.
Tseming Tang: Quicker fix for climate change, CNN 26.12.2012.
Iraq calls for Arab action on climate change, AFP 24.12.2012.
Pano Kroko: 18 years wasted just talking about Climate Change… Bleeding Edge Blog 24.12.2012.