Youth Profiles: Verden rundt blandt klimaaktivister

19. november 2012

Siden juli har RTCC (Responding To Climate Change) løbende bragt artikler i en ganske fascinerende serie, “Youth Profiles“, som giver et enestående indblik i unges klimaaktivisme verden rundt – som for eksempel på billedet herover, hvor kinesiske studerende har lavet et tableau, hvor de studerer med stigende verdenshave mellem benene.

Der er foreløbig omkring 20 af disse Youth Profiles, og man kan herigennem opleve, hvordan klimaudfordringen bliver erkendt og sat på dagsordenen verden rundt, i lande som Nigeria, Mexico, Canada, Nepal, Bangladesh, Indonesien, Ghana, USA, Australien, Kina og Costa Rica, man kan møde arabiske aktivister og et afrikansk samarbejde om at forene videnskab og oprindelige folkeslags viden. Den fulde liste af klimaaktivist-portrætter kan ses nedenfor.

Det er en fascinerende rejse, som giver håb om en verden, hvor vi bedre evner at passe på vores omgivelser og værne om vores livsvilkår.

Links til Youth Profiles-serien:

#1: How Nigerian Climate Coalition are building green bridges ahead of COP18.

#2: How PIDES are working on practical solutions to climate change in Mexico.

#3: Canada’s climate coalition on taking on the Tar Sands lobby and fighting for Kyoto.

#4: Nepal’s youth fight to save Himalayan paradise from effects of pollution and climate change.

#5: Bangladeshi youth fight to give world’s second most climate vulnerable country a voice.

#6: Meet the African coalition that brings together 54 countries to tackle climate change.

#7: Why Indonesia’s biodiversity is at the front line of the fight against climate change.

#8: Why education is key to developing climate awareness in Ghana.

#9: Young entrepreneurs driving sustainability at US campuses.

#10: Life on climate change’s frontline with the Australian Youth Climate Coalition.

#11: China’s young activists out to prove they do care about climate change.

#12: European activists demand governments put their futures ahead of ‘dirty industry’.

#13: Giving youth a platform at the European Parliament.

#14: Costa Rica’s youth eye a carbon neutral future.

#15: Canadian youth rise above dirty domestic policies and push for climate action.

#16: Inspiring climate change action through education in Africa.

#17: The African youth group driving climate adaptation in rural communities.

#18: The young African scientists linking modern research with indigenous wisdom.

#19: The new group taking the green world by storm – meet the Arab Youth Climate Movement.

