Åbent brev til Obama fra verdens fattigste lande

8. november 2012

I disse dage, hvor støvet efter den amerikanske valgkamp langsomt lægger sig og verdens egentlige problemer igen toner frem af valgtågerne, får Obama mange henvendelser og formaninger om, hvad han skal gøre i de kommende fire år.

En af dem er fra Pa Ousman Jarju, som er forhandlingsleder for verdens 48 fattigste lande, de såkaldte LCD-lande ved FNs klimaforhandlinger. Han påpeger, at selvom LCD-landene tegner sig for 12% af verdens befolkning, står de kun for 1% af verdens CO2-udledninger, men har 34% af verdens dødsfald som følge af klimaforandringer. I et åbent brev til Obama opfordrer Jarju direkte Obama til at gå i alliance med EU, LCD og AOSIS-landene (Alliance of Small Island States) om at få fastlagt en stærk og nødvendig klimaindsats.

Jarjus brev starter som følger:

Dear President Obama,

As the lead negotiator for the world’s 48 Least Developed Countries (LDCs) in the United Nations climate change negotiations, I congratulate you on your re-election. I also want to express my admiration for your response to superstorm Sandy: without the preparations that you made, the impacts to those hit by the storm would have been even more devastating. As communities in the north-east work to rebuild and recover, the world has an opportunity to begin a new, reality-based conversation about climate change.

I write with a simple request: as this discussion continues in the world’s most developed countries, remember those who live in its poorest regions. Remember that as a result of climate change, this kind of fatal weather event has become commonplace for us while we lack the infrastructure and resources to adequately protect our citizens.

As researchers at Brown University’s climate and development lab have shown, climate-related disasters such as droughts, extreme temperatures, floods, and hurricanes have caused an estimated 1.3 million deaths since 1980. Two-thirds of these deaths (over 909,000) occurred in the least developed countries. We are only 12% of the world’s population, but we suffer the effects of climate-related disasters more than five times as much as the world as a whole.

Læs Jarjus fulde henvendelse på The Guardian

indlæg oprettet af Jens Hvass

Pa Ousman Jarju: An open letter to Obama from the world’s poorest countries, The Guardian 08.11.2012.

