Optakt til COP18

3. oktober 2012

Selvom klimaudfordringen er vor tids måske største udfordring – og set i sammenhæng med bæredygtigheds- og biodiversitetsudfordringen uomtvisteligt er det – så fylder den foruroligende lidt i vores bevidsthed og dagligdag. Måske fordi det ikke er rart at tumle med ting, som er svære at få til at gå op, måske fordi vi er trætte af at høre om uafvendelige katastrofer, måske fordi vi ikke helt er til sinds at slippe de mange flyrejser og røde bøffer og det materielle forbrug (når der er så mange ting som er et større problem). Måske fordi vi ikke har tillid til, at de institutioner, som skulle tage de store beslutninger, rent faktisk tager den – eller bare prøver på det. Måske … allermest bare fordi vi ikke får ordentlig besked.

Dette indlæg er først og fremmest en linkside for at råde bod på klimaspørgsmålets alarmerende usynlighed i de danske medier, at vi om mindre end to måneder tager hul på næste runde i verdenssamfundets klimaforhandlinger, COP 18 i Doha, Quatar.

For ikke at løbe med halve vinde lavede jeg her primo oktober en søgning på politiken.dk. Her var der kun en enkelt artikel, som overhovedet nævner COP18 – i en opremsning i en artikel om madspild af Selina Juul (som er ekstern skribent). Berlingske har bragt et enkelt telegram fra BNB i februar, mens BT ud over samme BNB-telegram tilbage i december bragte en egentlig artikel om alliancen mellem EU og de fattigste ulande, som var med til at repolarisere forhandlingerne ved COP17. Ingeniøren har intet om COP18. Også Ekstrabladets søgemaskine melder pas, men spørger håbefuldt, om jeg mente COP15?

Information er i en klasse for sig med hele fem artikler, hvori COP18 er nævnt, heraf to fra i år. Begge af Jørgen Steen Nielsen, som om nogen holder fanen højt, når det gælder lødig, solid, perspektiverende information om klimaudfordringen.

Man kan forledes til at tro, at der kun sker noget én gang om året. Men positionerne flytter sig sjældent på konferencerne, og hvis de gør, skal der oftest repareres og redefineres efterfølgende, så det vigtigste sker i høj grad mellem de store konferencer. Siden sidste større runde af klimaforhandlingerne, COP17 i Durban, har forhandlerne været samlet først i Bonn og siden i Bangkok – hvilket heller ikke på nogen måde dominerer i de danske medier.

I tiden frem til COP18 vil jeg derfor på dette sted løbende samle links ind til artikler om COP18 og de problemfelter, alliancer, forhåbninger, sympatier og antipatier, som udfolder sig omkring næste store runde i klimaforhandlingerne, som indledes 26. november i Doha, Qatar.

I bedste fald har vi inden COP18 en genvalgt Obama, som har både flertal og vilje til at gennemføre en amerikansk klimalovgivning, et EU, som er villig til at stramme sin klimaudfordring, som nu er så slap, at vi kommer i mål med målsætningen om 20% reduktion inden 2020 længe før tid – 30% ville være overkommeligt, og 40% ville kalde på opfindsomheden – og et EU, som vil lave de opstramninger af kvotesystemet, som gør, at det rent faktisk gør en forskel.

I Doha skal Kyoto-aftalen forlænges, klimaindsatser verden rundt finansieres, skibsfart og luftfart indrulleres, og den store globale klimaaftale, som blev skitseret i Durban, hvor alle yder efter evne, skal lægges i langt fastere rammer, samtidig med at tiden inden dens iværksættelse ikke må gå til spilde. I bedste fald er de store BASIC-lande med de svulmende økonomier og drivhusgasudledninger klar til at tage deres del. Så der er masser af vitale temaer på højkant.

Og hvis du støder på en god artikel om COP18, så send gerne linket.

Se blog-indlægget Klimaforhandlinger i Bonn – links.
Se blog-indlæg tagged COP17 / COP18.

Se UNFCCCs side om Doha Climate Change Conference – November 2012.

PS: her 25. november, dagen inden COP18 starter, gentog jeg søgningerne. Der var nu tilkommet yderligere 2 artikler på politiken (23.11. og 25.11) og hele 5 yderligere på Information her i november. Berlingske har yderligere tre artikler, heraf én om situationen i Syrien, én hvor Morten Messerschmidt mener COP18 er ligegyldig, og én hvor klimaministeren siger, at det endda giver mening at afholde COP18. Så her er klimadækningen tilbage i klassisk pro et contra helt uden detaljer om de reelle problemstillinger. Ekstrabladets søgemaskine spørger stadig håbefuldt, om det var COP15, jeg mente?

Fiona Harvey: Doha climate talks: what to expect? The Guardian 25.11.2012.

Climate offender Qatar hosts the world, Deutsche Welle 25.11.2012.

Jørgen Steen Nielsen: ’Tanken om at være kommet for sent er ubærlig’, Information 25.11.2012.

Alister Doyle & Reagan Doherty: UN talks seen falling short despite climate change fears, Reuters 25.11.2012.

Wu Wencong & Lan Lan: China urges turning climate talks into action, China Daily 25.11.2012.

Matt McGratt: Doha climate talks: Will ‘hot air’ derail the process? BBC News 25.11.2012.

Heike Schroeder: Is it time to modernise UNFCCC? RTCC 25.11.2012.

Geoffrey Lean: Doha climate talks; a Gulf between need and action, 25.11.2012.

Karl Ritter: 2012 UN Climate Talks In Doha, Qatar Face Multiple Challenges, (AP) Huffington Post 25.11.2012.

John Vidal: Time is running out: the Doha climate talks must put an end to excuses, The Guardian 25.11.2012.

Abdullah Bin Hamad Al Attiyah: Climate change is Qatar’s biggest long-term challenge, RTCC 25.11.2012.

Ahmed Yonis: Arab nations must lead on ambition in Doha, RTCC 25.11.2012.

Michael Rothenborg: Klimatopmøde begynder med dommedagsrapporter i bagagen, Politiken 25.11.2012.

Karl Ritter: Will US role at climate talks change after storm? (AP) San Fancisco Chronicle 24.11.2012.

D.J. Yap: PH to push for extension of treaty on reducing greenhouse gases, Global Nation Inquirer 24.11.2012.

Niamh Fleming-Farrell: Doha climate change conference chance for youth, The Daily Star Lebanon 24.11.2012.

Ajay Gambhir: Will we meet the Copenhagen emission targets? RTCC 24.11.2012.

Doha conference seeks faster response to climate change, Gulf Times 24.11.2012.

Geoffrey Lean: Doha: the world holds its breath before climate change summit, Telegraph 23.11.2012.

Hope for UN Climate Talks, (audio) Living on Earth 23.11.2012.

Bob Hughes: Our forgotten environment, The Gisborne Herald 24.11.2012.

Henry Ridgwell: Kyoto Protocol Winds Down As Delegates Head To Doha, Voice of America (audio) 23.11.2012.

Jeff Tollefson: What’s at stake in Doha climate talks, Nature 23.11.2012.

Joelle de Sepibus, Wolfgang Sterk & Andreas Tuerk: How the UN climate talks can glue together a global carbon market, RTCC 23.11.2012.

Louise Gray: UK to sign up to new climate change treaty in Doha rejected by US and China, Telegraph 23.11.2012.

Sven Wunder & Louis Verchot: Will uncertainty over new climate agreement prolong the REDD+ stalemate? Forests News 23.11.2012.

Olga Dobrovidova: Russia set to link decision on Kyoto Protocol to Doha outcomes, RTCC 23.11.2012.

Amal Lee-Hamin: Ministers must put climate cash offers on the table in Doha, RTCC 23.11.2012.

Fiona Harvey: Doha climate talks: EU weakened over new emissions targets, The Guardian 23.11.2012.

Ed King: COP18: A bluffer’s guide to the UN climate talks in Doha, RTCC 23.11.2012.

Tierney Smith: How are Pacific Islanders coping with life at climate change ground zero? RTCC 23.11.2012.

Tierney Smith: Who wants what from the Doha climate change talks, RTCC 23.11.2012.

Suzanne Goldenberg: Obama under pressure to show Doha he is serious on climate change, The Guardian 23.11.2012.

Sven Wunder & Louis Verchot: Will uncertainty over new climate agreement prolong the REDD+ stalemate? Forests News 23.11.2012.

Poul Aarø Pedersen: Ny COP-fiasko er under opsejling i Qatar, Politken 23.11.2012.

Lan Lan & Yang Yao: Leading role pledged to fight climate change, China Daily 23.11.2012.

Alister Doyle: Resuscitation hopes dim for expiring Kyoto climate treaty, (Reuters) Planet Ark 23.11.2012.

Urmi A. Goswami: No more just a dire warning: Climate change, India Times 23.11.2012.

Kumi Naiido: Stark warnings on climate change must be heeded by business, The Guardian 23.11.2012.

Doubts as greenhouse gas leader hosts climate meet, AFP 23.11.2012.

Regin Cline: The Week Ahead: 2020 Global Agreement, Fate of Kyoto Protocol in Hands of U.N. Climate Negotiators, Blomberg 23.11.2012.

Pano Kroko: Mr. Obama – It’s time, Bleeding Edge Blog 22.11.2012.

What is at stake at the Doha climate talks? Deutsche Welle 22.11.2012.

China defends carbon emissions growth, The Guardian 22.11.2012.

Michael Chasey: Qatar set to host major climate talks, AP 22.11.2012.

Tierney Smith: AOSIS: Rich countries must up carbon cutting ambition in Doha, RTCC 22.11.2012.

Cutting-edge design brings sustainable living home, cop18.qa 22.11.2012.

European Parliament demands tougher emissions cuts, Business Green 22.11.2012.

China starts carbon emission rights trading scheme, Xinhua 22.11.2012.

R.K. Pachauri: Science must drive ambition in Doha, RTCC 22.11.2012.

John Parnell: UNEP: 2020 climate change deal is too late for drastic carbon cuts, RTCC 22.11.2012.

Elizabeth Kolbert: UN Climate Chief: Talks Are Making Slow, Steady Progress, environment 360 21.11.2012.

Biodiversity neglected in countdown to Doha, Deutsche Welle 21.11.2012.

UNFCCC Executive Secretary: Doha’s COP18/CMP8 climate change conference must deliver objectives to speed up inadequate climate action, Press Release 21.11.2012 (pdf).

Ashley Betteridge: Action on agriculture needed at upcoming U.N. climate talks, Forests News 21.11.2012.

Stian Reklev: Developing nations push rich on climate targets ahead of talks, Reuters 21.11.2012.

Yvo de Boer: Why a global climate treaty remains worth fighting for, The Guardian 21.11.2012.

Climate action must be accelerated at Doha talks, warns UN climate chief, RTCC 21.11.2012.

Tom Arup: MPs skip climate meetings in Doha, Sydney Morning Herald 21.11.2012.

John Parnell: EU looking to delay Kyoto commitments, says Indian negotiator, TRCC 21.11.2012.

Africa: Greenhouse Gas Emissions Gap Widening As Nations Head to Crucial Climate Talks in Doha, All Africa 21.11.2012.

Karl Ritter: UN report warns of widening climate gap, AP 21.11.2012.

China issues report addressing climate change, (Xinhua) China Daily 21.11.2012.

Visitors helped to bridge cultural divide with Jeremy Williams, cop18.qa 21.11.2012.

Lan Lan: BASIC countries call for commitment on climate change, China Daily 21.11.2012.

Dean Scott: Seeking Progress Toward 2015 Deadline, Climate Negotiators Head to Talks in Qatar, Bloomberg 20.11.2012.

Thabit Jacob: African governments must leave ‘climate tourists’ behind and drive action in Doha, RTCC 20.11.2012.

Tyndall Centre calls for UN climate delegation numbers to be capped, RTCC 20.11.2012.

Experts not hopeful about Doha climate conference, China Daily 20.11.2012.

Urmi A. Goswami: EU’s decision to defer emission levy to give negotiating bloc leverage over the Kyoto Protocol, India Times 20.11.2012.

Alex Morales: China Rules Out New Climate ‘Regime,’ Setting Up U.S. Conflict, Bloomberg 20.11.2012.

Ron Hart: Climate change a ‘real and present danger,’ Kent says, Eradicating Ecocide 20.11.2012.

Will Nichols: CCS could be cost-competitive with nuclear by 2020s, Business Green 20.11.2012.

J. Robert Gibson: What’s the cure for the EU’s aviation emissions headache? RTCC 19.11.2012.

Alister Doyle: Glacial-paced U.N. climate talks need overhaul: researchers, (Reuters) Planet Ark 19.11.2012.

‘Politicians Haven’t Listened’ Merkel Climate Advisor Blasts Global Inaction, Der Spiegel 19.11.2012.

Ed King: Figueres backs China’s new leader to increase climate ambition, RTCC 19.11.2012.

Jennifer Morgan: Issues to Watch at the Doha Climate Negotiations (COP 18), WRI insights 19.11.2012.

John Parnell: Rumoured US proposal to pull climate change talks out of UN slammed, RTCC 19.11.2012.

Chris Arsenault: Backgrounder: How climate negotiations work, Al Jazeera 18.11.2012.

Chris Arsenault: How climate negotiations work, Al Jazeera 18.11.2012.

Tony Arrdwark: COP18 Could This Be The Last UN Climate Circus Meeting? 18.11.2012.

Doha Conference-Climate Change: High expectations from Doha Conference, Africa News 18.11.2012.

Bonnie James: Climate Change panel chief says ‘not invited to COP18’, Gilf Times 17.11.2012.

Athur Neslen: US considers shifting climate negotiations away from UN track, The Guardian 16.11.2012.

John Parnell: Russian Government offers faint hope of Kyoto 2 participation, RTCC 16.11.2012.

Jørgen Steen Nielsen: Det grønne kom med i EU-budget i 11. time, Information 16.11.2012.

Clancy Moore: Australia outshines New Zealand on Kyoto, Adopt a Negotiator Project 16.11.2012.

Hilma Hasange: Namibia: Climate Change Adaptations to Be Recognised At Cop18 Conference, All Africa 16.11.2012.

Susmita Baral: Sea Level Rise Caused Predominantly By Melting Glaciers, Greener Ideas 16.11.2012.

Ed King: President of UN climate summit in Qatar says shale gas is “good news”, RTCC 15.11.2012.

Jonathan Watts: Doha conference: carbon cuts talks must wait, says key negotiator, The Guardian 15.11.2012.

Indonesia urges developed nations to join 2nd Kyoto Protocol, (Xinhua) china.org 15.11.2012.

Melissa Low: New Durban Platform seeks transparency and openness, ecobusiness.com 15.11.2012.

UN’s Clean Development Mechanism registers 5,000th project, RTCC 15.11.2012.

Solar power is driving force of Qatar National Convention Centre, cop18.qa 14.11.2012.

A message from Kiribati to the UN Climate Change Summit in Doha, Radio Australia 14.11.2012.

Jerico Espinas: Tokelau Succeeds In Becoming Fully Renewable Nation, Greener Ideas 14.11.2012.

Julian Drape: ‘Wild west’ if Doha climate talks fail, (AAP) Sydney Morning Herald 14.11.2012.

Jesper Løvenbalk Hansen: Splittet EU kommer tomhændet til topmøde, Information 13.11.2012.

Jesper Løvenbalk Hansen: EU slækker på ambitionerne forud for klimatopmøde, Information 13.11.2012.

Pia Glud Munksgaard: Minister: Klimamål kræver flere tiltag, Berlingske 13.11.2012.

Tierney Smith: Australia announces Kyoto II commitment, New Zealand opts out of second phase, RTCC 12.11.2012.

China objects to EU carbon emission plan, CNTA 12.11.2012.

QP and Maersk Oil win gas flare reduction award, cop18.qa 12.11.2012.

Alister Doyle & Nina Chestney: Poor nations dismayed by looming climate aid gap, Reuters 11.11.2012.

How climate change is threatening lives of ocean-dependent people, cop18.qa 11.11.2012.

Qatar ‘ready’ to host largest environmental gathering in the world, 10.11.2012.

Arab youth set to make a mark at climate meet, Gulf Times 09.11.2012.

Edith M. Lederer: UN: Sandy shows need for action on climate change, AP 09.11.2012.

Noimot Olayiwola: Doha climate change meeting to address ‘crucial issues’, Gulf Times 09.11.2012.

Jørgen Steen Nielsen: Kyoto-aftalen smuldrer efter New Zealands udmelding, Information 09.11.2012.

Mike Anderson & James Paton: Australia Joins Europe in Kyoto Extension; New Zealand Opts Out, Bloomberg 09.11.2012.

Lebanon must address climate change: Khoury, The Daily Star 09.11.2012.

Obama can drive climate action at Doha talks: Figueres, RTCC 08.11.2012.

Andrea Arzaba: Kumi Naidoo: What to Expect from COP18? (video) The Adopt a Negotiator Project 08.11.2012.

Ron Hart: Former UN official says climate report will shock nations into action, Eradicating Ecocide 07.11.2012.

Jørgen Steen Nielsen: Obamas sejr kan – måske – bringe klimaet tilbage på dagsordenen, Information 07.11.2012.

Laurie Balbo: Over Polluted Qatar Hosts UN Climate Conference, Green Prophet 08.11.2012.

Ed King: How can President Obama effectively address climate change? RTCC 07.11.2012.

Countries hone positions for Doha climate talks, (Bloomberg) Brisbane Times 07.11.2012.

John Tarnell: Has Poland given up on climate mitigation? RTCC 07.11.2012.

Peter Hannam: Shock report may spark climate push, Canberra Times 07.11.2012.

John Tarnell: European Parliament committee backs 30% emission cuts by 2020, RTCC 06.11.2012.

Ethan Bilby & Barbara Lewis: Cooling gases must fall to curb global warming, Reuters 06.11.2012.

Ed King: Huhne calls for greater political backing of climate action, RTCC 06.11.2012.

Jørgen Steen Nielsen: Vi er hastigt på vej op over to graders opvarmning, Information 06.11.2012.

John Parnell: Is it time the UN climate change talks abandoned consensus? RTCC 05.11.2012.

Catriona Moss: Outcome of U.S. election likely to impact climate negotiations in Doha, says negotiator, Forests News 05.11.2012.

Qatar quadruples recycling rates as part of green vision, cop18.qa 05.11.2012.

Richard Black: Climate summit set for rows on flying, cash and history, BBC News 05.11.2012.

Matthew Hooton: Doha to administer last rites to Kyoto, National Business Rewiev 03.11.2012.

Qatar will produce ‘40% of its food’ to cut foreign dependency, cop18.qa 01.11.2012.

John Parnell: WWF: Shipping emissions tax worth $10bn a year to the Green Climate Fund, RTCC 01.11.2012.


Pia Glud Munksgaard: Messerschmidt vil skrotte klimaforhandlinger i Qatar, Berlingske 31.10.2012.

UN climate talks will fail without acknowledgment of rich/poor divide, says Indian diplomat, RTCC 30.10.2012.

Qatar’s mosques urge good environmental stewardship, cop18.qa 30.10.2012.

Tierney Smith: Pressure grows on Australia to sign Kyoto Protocol II, RTCC 29.10.2012.

Greenpeace resumes watchdog role for COP18/CMP8, cop18.qa 28.10.2012.

Sahara Forest Project is creating an oasis in Qatar’s desert, cop18.qa 27.10.2012.

John Parnell: Oil producers and emerging economies build powerful new alliance at UN climate change talks, RTCC 26.10.2012.

Olga Dobrovidova: Think you know Russia’s position on climate change? Think again, RTCC 25.10.2012.

Babs McHugh: International Energy Agency says CCS will reduce global CO2 by 20 per cent, ABC Rural 25.10.2012.

Barbara Lewis: EU environment ministers in disarray over “hot air”, Reuters 25.10.2012.

John Parnell: South Korea selected to host Green Climate Fund, RTCC 24.10.2012.

Africans demand fairness in global climate change fight, PressTV 24.10.2012.

Arab civil society groups are ready to take part in COP18/CMP8, cop18.qa 24.10.2012.

John Parnell: EU on track to hit Kyoto climate change target as protocol’s future faces crucial period, RTCC 24.10.2012.

Warsaw delegate announces candidacy to host next session, cop18.qa 22.10.2012.

John Parnell: UN climate talks a miserable experience says negotiator, (video) RTCC 22.10.2012.

Doha’s Green Man says small lifestyle changes have a big impact, cop18.qa 21.10.2012.

Alister Doyle: South Korea picked as HQ of new U.N. Green Climate Fund, Reuters 20.10.2012.

John Parnell: Green Climate Fund prepares to name host city but meeting dogged by civil society shut-out, RTCC 20.10.2012.

Adela Putielu: Are carbon markets an effective way to address climate change? RTCC 15.10.2012.

World ‘must strengthen commitment to cut emissions’, cop18.qa 14.10.2012.

Waste to be cut as Doha to be first “Paper Smart” climate meeting, cop18.qa 08.10.2012.

Madison E. Rove: Finland to ditch coal as a power source by 2025, Greener Ideas 07.10.2012.

Figueres: Asia is new centre of the universe for carbon cuts, RTCC 04.10.2012.

Valerie Volcovici: U.N. climate chief urges greater ambition in Doha, Reuters 02.10.2012.

Brian Winter: Rich nations owe more to combating global climate change: Brazil, Reuters 01.10.2012.

John Parnell: EU lays groundwork for global shipping climate action, RTCC 01.10.2012.


Evan Juska: Why the UN Still Matters on Climate Change, Huffington Post 28.09.2012.

Jørgen Steen Nielsen: Klimakrise og fossil energi æder af væksten, Information 27.09.2012.

John Parnell: Ban Ki-moon accuses governments of being wilfully blind to dangers of climate change, RTCC 26.09.2012.

Christiana Figueres: The next steps on the climate change agenda, (9:32 min. video) UNFCCC 25.09.2012.

John Parnell: Poland cannot block EU decision to increase climate ambition – WWF, RTCC 25.09.2012.

Olga Dobrovidova: Why Russia’s climate change policy is like a cargo cult, RTCC 25.09.2012.

John Parnell: BASIC group make Kyoto II “essential” outcome for progress in Doha, RTCC 24.09.2012.

Ed King: Yvo De Boer: Climate change talks need greater clarity, RTCC 24.09.2012.

Maria Carolina Marcello & Marcelo Teixeira: BASIC group calls for adoption of “Kyoto 2” in Doha, Reuters 21.09.2012.

John Parnell: EU and China sign climate change deal, RTCC 20.09.2012.

Barbara Lewis: Top emitter China agrees to work with EU to cut carbon, Reuters 20.09.2012.

Fidelis E. Satriastanti: Climate Change Aid Pledges Go Unfulfilled in Indonesia, Jakarta Globe 17.09.2012.

Tierney Smith: Francois Hollande: EU should adopt 40% emissions reduction target by 2030, RTCC 14.09.2012.

Ed King: Greg Barker: COP18 climate talks can boost Saudi green ambitions, RTCC 14.09.2012.

Tierney Smidt: Christiana Figueres calls on Africa to drive adaptation agenda at COP18, RTCC 14.09.2012.

Daan Bauwens: Carbon Trading Scheme Close to Collapse, IPS News 14.09.2012.

Russia rules out taking part in “useless” Kyoto Protocol, RTCC 13.09.2012.

Edward Cameron & Yamide Dagnet: Was enough achieved at UN climate talks in Bangkok? 12.09.2012.

Barroso calls on EU to take lead in combating climate change, RTCC 12.09.2012.

Ed King: EU negotiator calls for urgent ambition to avoid 2 degrees, RTCC 12.09.2012.

COP18: ICLEI joins the World Climate Summit, World Climate 11.09.2012.

Ed King: UN climate talks close with ‘unofficial’ draft on Kyoto Protocol 2nd period, RTCC 11.09.2012.

John Parnell: Lead EU negotiator Runge-Metzger says a 30% emission reduction target is still possible, RTCC 11.09.2012.

Marwaan Macan-Markar: Kyoto Protocol May End With the Year, IPS News 09.09.2012.

Chris Wright: Australia’s needs to commit to KP2, The Adopt a Negotiator Project 08.09.2012.

Tierney Smith: World’s most vulnerable countries call for greater ambition in Doha to guarantee integrity of Kyoto Protocol, RTCC 06.09.2012.

Tierney Smith: Russia considers signing up to Kyoto Protocol extension, RTCC 06.09.2012.

U.N. touts climate change talks progress, UPI 06.09.2012.

Tierney Smith: Forests: The make or break for New Zealand and Kyoto II, RTCC 05.09.2012.

Tierney Smith: USA accused of backtracking on legally binding UN climate treaty, RTCC 05.09.2012.

John Parnell: Time to treat big emerging economies like developed nations, says former Bolivia negotiator, RTCC 04.09.2011.

Alex Pearlman: Climate talks breaking down, Global Post 04.09.2012.

John Parnell: Obama reaffirms commitment to UN climate change talks in key election document, RTCC 04.09.2012.

Ed King: LDC chief confident Australia will sign up to Kyoto Protocol extension, RTCC 04.09.2012.

John Parnell: NGOs warn of climate finance complacency, RTCC 03.09.2012.

James Murray: Breakthroughs continue to elude Bangkok climate talks, Businesss Green 03.09.2012.

Chris Wright: Confusion reigns at UN climate talks as negotiators prove inflexible over flexibility but agree to disagree, RTCC 02.09.2012.

Ed King: EU signals it will not adopt 30% emissions target, RTCC 02.09.2012.


Andrew Allan & Stian Reklev: Nations warn of broken promises at U.N. climate talks, Reuters 30.08.2012.

Ed King: UNFCCC parties hope Bangkok’s summer sun can thaw deep divisions sown in Bonn, RTCC 24.08.2012.

2°C warming target “out the window” says top UK scientist, RTCC 23.08.2012.

Tierney Smith: IEA say limiting global temperatures to 2°C rise still possible, RTCC 22.08.2012.

Ed King: What’s stopping Russia taking a lead at the UN climate change talks? RTCC 21.08.2012.

John Parnell: India signals it may be willing to consider emissions target at UN climate talks, RTCC 21.08.2012.

Ed King: Does Todd Stern have a point over 2C climate change target? RTCC 16.08.2012.

John Parnell: Brazil, China and India become first countries to break Rio+20 pledges with HFC ban block, RTCC 14.08.2012.

John Parnell: EU commits to two degrees climate change goal despite US doubts, RTCC 07.08.2012.

John Parnell: Global deal should focus on green economy not binding emission targets, says former UN climate change chief, 06.08.2012.

US says two degree guarantee should be dropped by global climate change deal, RTCC 02.08.2012.

Nina Chestney: First U.N. climate fund board meeting set for August 23, Reuters 02.08.2012.


Ed King: UNFCCC Durban Ambition workshop calls for better emissions reporting and information sharing, 31.07.2012.

Susmita Baral: Up To 95% Arctic Ice Loss Is Human-Induced, Greener Ideas 27.07.2012.

Ron Hart: Canada, of all places, should understand climate change, Eradicating Ecocide 27.07.2012.

New impetus needed in climate talks, says Merkel, Deutsche Welle 17.07.2012.

Ron Hart: Canada still has no plan to address climate change, Eradicating Ecocide 16.07.2012.

John Parnell: Will the billions needed for climate change finance be found in Doha? 14.07.2012.

Ed King: Ed Davey: Vital EU gets Poland to accept new emissions target with Doha climate talks looming, RTCC 12.07.2012.

Ron Hart: Kent says Canada still plans to eliminate fossil fuel subsidies, Eradicating Ecocide 11.07.2012.

Ed King: Dr Rajendra Pachauri: Time to forget governments and use people power to fight climate change, RTCC 05.07.2012.

Tierney Smith: Greg Barker: China’s domestic ambition must be reflected in international climate negotiations, RTCC 04.07.2012.


John Parnell: New Kyoto climate change targets proposed for rich countries, 07.06.2012.

Ed King: Kyoto lifeline as Figueres announces extra UN climate talks in Bangkok, 01.06.2012.

Qatar signs pact to host UN climate change conference, Gulf Times 05.06.2012.

Se også blog-indlægget:


Governments extending “emissions gap” between climate policy and 2°C target, RTCC 25.05.2012.

John Parnell: G8 leaders sign-up to Obama and Clinton’s climate plan, RTCC 21.05.2012.

Saleemul Huq: Climate change talks from Durban to Bonn, The Daily Star, 14.05.2012.

We must close gaps on funding and ambition: UN climate change chief, RTCC 14.05.2012.

Mexico embarks on ambitious clean energy roll-out, 14.05.2012.

Tierney Smith: Is the Philippines’ climate law the best in the world? RTCC 04.05.2012.


Han Mo & Ban Wei: Three tasks await climate negotiators on road to Doha summit: UN official, (interview med Christiana Figueres) Xinhua 23.04.2012.


Mexico to introduce radical climate law, RTCC 23.04.2012.

Nordic nations sign non-CO2 emissions pact, 29.03.2012.

China Hopes for end to Kyoto Negotiations at Doha Conference, (Xinhua) CRI 19.04.2012.


Canadian Minister: We need an effective, binding climate deal, RTCC 27.02.2012.

BASIC countries set out stall for crucial year of climate negotiations, RTCC 17.02.2012.

Hilary Clinton launches voluntary non-CO2 emissions reduction scheme, RTCC 16.02.2012.

Samir Goel: Canadian Government Being Sued Over Kyoto Withdrawal, Greener Ideas 15.02.2012.

Brundtland: Use fight against poverty to deal with climate change, RTCC 14.02.2012.

Figueres expresses ‘regret’ at Canadian withdrawal from Kyoto, RTCC 13.02.2012.

Tierney Smith: Durban Platform leaves world on pathway to 4 degrees, 13.02.2012.

Beijing announces drastic action to slash air pollution, RTCC 13.02.2012.

Hannah Ryder: A global deal: If not 2009, why 2015? RTCC 13.02.2012.

John Parnell: BASIC group slams developed countries as ministerial talks begin, RTCC 13.02.2012.

China pledges to establish carbon trading mechanism, RTCC 13.02.2012.

John Parnell: US: Canada’s Kyoto pull-out will have no effect on new global deal, RTCC 13.02.2012.

Blog-indlægget Doha positioner og forviklinger samler løbende links til artikler om og kommentarer til forhandlingerne i løbet af de to uger i Doha, mens Klimaforhandlinger i Bonn har links til artikler mv. omkring det mellemliggende klimatmøde i Bonn i juni 2012.

