Fukushima links – år 1
11. november 2011Siden jordskælvet og den gigantiske tsunami ud for Japans nordkyst 11. marts i år har jeg løbende fulgt udviklingen, særligt omkring den A-kraft-ulykke ved Fukushima Dai-ichi-værket, som ikke bare har ført til nedsmeltningen af tre reaktorer, men har sat et helt land på den anden ende.
Det har været en øjenåbner, i hvor høj grad et sådant teknologisk kollaps har kunnet få en altgennemgribende indvirkning på 126 millioner menneskers hverdag og på en lang række områder vil have alvorlige implikationer mange år frem i tiden, ikke bare i Japan, men kloden rundt. Jeg har derfor løbende samlet links til informationer omkring Fukushima-ulykken, som findes kronologisk nedenfor.
Det er stort og småt mellem hinanden, nyheder, baggrund, teknik, lidelse, håb og politiske rænkespil, som kan læses på mange forskellige måder – jeg har med denne liste søgt at fastholde et øjebliksbillede af, hvordan en sådan ulykke udfolder sig på utroligt mange planer, og hvordan den overhovedet bliver begribelig – fra fortvivlelsen og usikkerheden overfor, om livsvilkårene i landskaberne omkring Fukushima Dai-ichi-værket nogensinde vil heles, til globale overvejelser om, hvordan vi møder klimaudfordringen og bedst sikrer livsgrundlagets videregivelse til kommende generationer.
Udvælgelsen er sket løbende og rummer usorteret, hvad jeg umiddelbart har hæftet mig ved under vejs. Endda håber jeg, at den kan have værdi for andre.
Den japanske presse har været kaldt verdens kedeligste – der er en tradition for at videregive et ganske nøgternt-positivt billede af det japanske samfund. Opgaven som samfundets vagthund, som står stærkt i den vestlige presses selvforståelse, bliver i Japan varetaget af en noget tandløs godmodigt aldrende lænkehund, som nok heller ikke hverken ser eller hører så godt mere. Hvis man skal finde mere kritiske kommentarer og analyser, skal man derfor til udenlandske medier. Endda har man han ad vejen set medierne markere sig ganske markant.
I en situation med tredobbelt katastrofe – jordskælv, tsunami og kernenedsmeltninger – kalder situationen måske også på en anden presse. Selv efter massakren på Utöy holdt den norske presse længe tilbage med kritik af, hvordan det overhovedet kunne ske, og hvordan det kunne tage så mange timer for politiet at nå frem.
På den korte bane har de japanske medier tilsvarende en vigtig opgave i at medvirke til at holde modet oppe og styrke samfundets sammenhængskraft frem for at eksponere inkompetente politikere, svigtende ledelse og dømmekraft, afdække det omfattende misbrug af daglejere til det farligste oprydningsarbejde, eller bore i, hvorfor Tepco (Fukushima-værkets ejer) ikke for år tilbage havde revideret sikkerhedsrutinerne og sikkerhedsforanstaltningerne, når der adskillige gange har været påpeget, at de var helt utilstrækkelige.
Og tag ikke fejl. Japanerne ved, at deres samfundsinstitutioner har svigtet. Lige under overfladen ligger vreden, frustrationen og fortvivlelsen. Og man har i de seneste måneder set mennesker på gaden for at protestere og markere et ønske om et Japan uden A-kraft i et hidtil uset omfang. I en tid, hvor internettet er blevet reelt interaktivt, er fortielsens strategi dømt til at mislykkes.
Smerten, frustrationen, indignationen, fortvivlelsen og vreden efter Fukushima er så stor og så gennemgribende i det japanske samfund, at der i allle afkroge af samfundet graves i, hvordan det kunne ske, og hvordan det vil kunne undgåes i fremtiden. Så tingene får ikke bare lov til at komfortabelt at glide tilbage i business as usual.
Illustrationerne i højre margin er plakater fra siden nonukeart.org, som fanger nogle af de mange stemninger og dilemmaer, som Fukushima-ulykken har kastet det japanske samfund ud i. Se mere derom i det foregående blog-indlæg, Fukushima – No Nukes Art Project.
Denne link-samling er med tiden så lang, at den er delt op efter år, så efter denne side, Fukushima links – år 1, følger Fukushima links – år 2 samt Fukushima links – år 3.
I et efterfølgende blog-indlæg, Fukushima – otte måneder i tvivl, har jeg prøvet at lave en lille otte-måneders-status i en stadig meget uafsluttet situation.
Siden juni 2012 har jeg næsten dagligt lavet små optegnelser over udviklingen omkring genstarten af de japanske reaktorer og vedtagelsen af en ny energiplan, som bringer Japan ind i en udvikling baseret på vedvarende energi. Disse optegnelser er holdt månedsvis – se tilsvarende optegnelser for juni, juli, august, september, oktober, november og december 2012, januar, februar, marts, april, maj, juni, juli, august, september, oktober, november og december 2013 samt januar, februar og marts 2014. I den forbindelse er der medtaget ganske mange links til belysning af den politiske side af energiplanens tilblivelse, som ikke findes herunder.
Det har vist sig, at både Mainichi og Kyodo inddrager de fleste af deres nyhedsartikler. Frem for at fjerne disse links fra oversigten er de givet en brun farve og link-henvisningen er fjernet. Hvis det er noget, man meget gerne vil læse, vil en Google-søgning på overskriften (sat i gåseøjne) ofte afsløre, at der er en tredjepart, som har indkopieret artikelteksten. Dette vil blot være uoverkommeligt at gøre for samtlige artikler, så jeg har valgt at lade overskriften stå for at bevare overskriftsbilledet af en proces med mange variable.
Jeg har sat paper.li-siden Fukushima Blues op, så den opdateres hver morgen kl. 8 dansk tid med nyhedsartikler, videoer mv. om om Fukushima-katastrofen og dens udfoldelse i det japanske samfund. Der dukker indimellem regulære skæverter op, men omvendt kommer Fukushima Blues langt omkring i informationsstrømmen omkring Fukushima Daiichi.
Gå direkte til links for marts, april, maj, juni, juli, august, september, oktober, november og december 2011 samt januar og februar 2012.
Se samtlige blog-indlæg om Fukushima.
1.-11. marts 2012
Robert Peter Gale: Assessing Fukushima, one year later, Washington Post 11.03.2012.
Seven Lives, Seven Fates. Japan – One Year After the Catastrophe, Der Spiegel 11.03.2012.
Yukiya Amano: Beyond Fukushima, Al Jazeera 11.03.2012.
Erik Holm: Et år efter Fukushima: Atomkraften okser videre, Ingeniøren 11.03.2012.
Andrew DeWit: Japan’s Remarkable Renewable Energy Drive- After Fukushima, The Asia-Pacific Journal, 11.03.2012.
Justin McCurry: Japan marks first anniversary of earthquake and tsunami, The Guardian 11.03.2012.
Roger Pulvers: Japan’s disasters must prompt a radical rethink of citizens’ quality of life, Japan Times 11.03.2012.
Matthew Penney: The Fukushima Anniversary: Japanese Press Reactions, The Asia-Pacific Journal 11.03.2012.
Once ‘ideal’ Fukushima village begins to drift apart after nuclear disaster, Mainichi 11.03.2012.
Reiji Yoshida: 869 Tohoku tsunami parallels stun, Japan Times 11.03.2012.
Municipalities around Fukushima nuclear plant divided over ‘new town’ scheme, Mainichi 10.03.2012.
Mitsuro Obe: March 11, One Year On: Occupy METI, Wall Street Journal 10.03.2012.
High radioiodine levels found in thyroids of Fukushima residents post-meltdown, Mainichi 10.03.2012.
Richard Black: Global fallout: Did Fukushima scupper nuclear power? BBC News 10.03.2012.
TEPCO to indicate in March whether all Fukushima reactors to be scrapped, (Kyodo) Mainichi 10.03.2012.
Andrew Revkin: Nuclear Risk and Fear, from Hiroshima to Fukushima, New York Times 10.03.2012.
The dream that failed, The Economist 10.03.2012.
Japan conditionally allows rice planting in cesium-detected areas, (Kyodo) Mainichi 10.03.2012.
Blow-ups happen. Nuclear plants can be kept safe only by constantly worrying about their dangers, The Economist 10.03.2012.
The dream that failed. A year after Fukushima, the future for nuclear power is not bright – for reasons of cost as much as safety, The Economist 10.03.2012.
Obama praises Japan’s resilience, fortitude on quake anniv., (Kyodo) Mainichi 10.03.2012.
D. Parwaz: Japan: Nuclear plant clean up to take decades, Al Jazeera 09.03.2012.
Ex-Japan PM Kan compares Fukushima crisis to ‘war with invisible enemy’, (Kyodo) Mainichi 09.03.2012.
Martin Fackler: Nuclear Disaster in Japan Was Avoidable, Critics Contend, New York Times 09.03.2012.
Hajime Yamaguchi: March 11, One Year On: Call for Tepco Nationalization, Wall Street Journal 09.03.2012.
Justin McCurry: Fukushima residents plagued by health fears of nuclear threat in their midst, The Guardian 09.03.2012.
James M. Cayton & Mark Hibbs: Fukushima Could Have Been Prevented, New York Times 09.03.2012.
Peter Aldhous: Fukushima’s fate inspires nuclear safety rethink, New Scientist 09.03.2012.
Justin McCurry: How Fukushima is leading towards a nuclear-free Japan, The Guardian 09.03.2012.
Taku Nishikawa: Japan should decrease dependence on nuclear power instead of trying to reactivate reactors, Mainichi 09.03.2012.
Kazuaki Nagata: Noda’s definition of ‘safe’ questioned, Japan Times 09.03.2012.
John Rose: One Year Later: Japan’s Wreckage And Recovery, NPR 09.03.2012.
Nearly 60 percent of mayors in disaster-hit areas want nuclear power stations abolished, Mainichi 08.03.2012.
Amy Goodman: Big Nuclear’s cosy relationship with the Obama administration, The Guardian 08.03.2012.
Martin Fackler: Japan’s Nuclear Energy Industry Nears Shutdown, at Least for Now, New York Times 08.03.2012.
One year on, Fukushima governor vows to replace atomic power with green energy, Mainichi 08.03.2012.
Unifying Japan’s power frequencies would cost 10 trillion yen, (Kyodo) 08.03.2012.
Toshiro Okuyama: Fukushima No. 4 reactor saved by upgrade mishap, Asahi Shimbun 08.03.2012.
Fukushima plant still needing great care a year after tsunami, (Kyodo) Mainichi 08.03.2012.
Fiona Harvey, John Vidal & Damian Carrington: Dramatic fall in new nuclear power stations after Fukushima, The Guardian 08.03.2012.
Nuclear Lobby Pushes Ahead with New Reactors, Der Spiegel 08.03.2012.
Rob Edwards: UK nuclear sites at risk of flooding, report shows, The Guardian 08.03.2012.
Time to say goodbye to nuclear power, (leder) Mainichi 07.03.2012.
Geoff Brumfiel & Ichiko Fuyuno: Japan’s nuclear crisis: Fukushima’s legacy of fear, 07.03.2012.
Contaminated water may still be leaking into sea from Fukushima plant, (Kyodo) Mainichi 07.03.2012.
Rob Edwards: UK nuclear sites at risk of flooding, report shows, The Guardian 07.03.2012.
56 percent of quake, tsunami victims in 3 hardest-hit prefectures aged 65 or over, Mainichi 07.03.2012.
Mizuho Aoki: Fukushima farmers in two-front war, Japan Times 07.03.2012.
Fukushima nuclear crisis was preventable: U.S. experts, ?? Mainichi 07.03.2012.
Damian Carrington: Why taxpayers serve nuclear power and not the other way around, The Guardian 07.03.2012.
Time to say goodbye to nuclear power, (leder) Mainichi 07.03.2012.
John Matson: 1 Year after Fukushima: Could It Happen in the U.S.? Scientific American 06.03.2012.
Health effects of radiation doses under 100 millisieverts still unknown, Mainichi 06.03.2012.
36% of evacuees from Fukushima not wanting to return: survey, Kyodo 06.03.2012.
Jürgen Trittin: The Post-Nuclear Transition, Project Syndicate 06.03.2012.
15 tsunami-hit schools to move to high ground, 38 staying put: Mainichi survey, Mainichi 06.03.2012.
Matthew L.Wald: An Ad-Hoc Solution for Extra Nuclear Safety, New York Times 06.03.2012.
Fukushima city sees more patients with insomnia, high blood pressure: survey, Mainichi 05.03.2012.
Julian Siddle: Daunting challenge of Fukushima clean-up, BBC News 05.03.2012.
Toru Nakagawa: Thermal power generation planned in national parks, Asahi Shimbun 05.03.2012.
Raveena Aulakh: Fukushima’s fallout: Farmers suffer as buyers reject food even though it’s safe, The Star 04.03.2012.
Tatsuyuko Kobori: NISA’s ad hoc team pointed to reactor meltdowns early, 04.03.2012.
Eriko Arita: Taro Yamamoto: Actor in the spotlight of Japan’s antinuke movement, Japan Times 04.03.2012.
Mark McDonald: When the Dosimeters Were Screeching, New York Times 04.03.2012.
From broken temp sensors to leaky pipes, Fukushima nuke plant plagued with problems, Mainichi (via Europe Solidaire (pdf)) 03.03.2012.
Japan leader points to disaster response failures, (AP) R&D 03.03.2012.
Lessons learned 1 year after March 2011 disasters, (leder) Mainichi 03.03.2012.
Hiroko Tabuchi: Japanese Prime Minister Says Government Shares Blame for Nuclear Disaster, New York Times 03.03.2012.
1,331 deaths related to March 2011 disaster recognized in 5 prefectures, (Kyodo) 03.03.2012.
Ministry leaders decided to hold nuclear data after Fukushima crisis, (Kyodo) Mainichi 04.03.2012.
Katherine Harmon: Japan’s Post-Fukushima Earthquake Health Woes Go Beyond Radiation Effects, Scientific American 02.03.2012.
Peter Behr: Fukushima disaster compounded by ‘public myth of absolute safety,’ investigators say, E & E Publishing 02.03.2012.
Fukushima One Year On: Poor Planning Hampered Fukushima Response, Science Daily 02.03.2012.
Keith Johnson & Peter Landers: Fukushima Health Impact: Minimal? 02.03.2012.
Roy K. Akagawa: Criminal charges for Fukushima crisis difficult to pursue, Asahi Shimbun 01.03.2012.
Peter Behr: New report describes official chaos as Japan faced the Fukushima disaster, E & E Publishing 01.03.2012.
Independent nuke disaster panel must scrutinize gov’t crisis management, (leder) Mainichi 01.03.2012.
Edano says possible all reactors shut this summer, (Reuters) Asahi Shimbun 01.03.2012.
Wieland Wagner: What Future Does Nuclear Power Have in Japan? Der Spiegel 01.03.2012.
Februar 2012
Report says Kan’s meddling disrupted Fukushima response, Asahi Shimbun 29.02.2012.
Robot detects high radiation levels at Fukushima Daiichi plant, ?? (Kyodo) Mainichi 29.02.2012.
Matthew L. Wald: The Nuclear Ups and Downs of 2011, New York Times 29.02.2012.
Justin McCurry: Fukushima’s rebel farmers refuse to abandon livestock, The Guardian 28.02.2012.
John M. Glionna: Japan feared ‘demonic chain reaction’ at reactor, report says, Los Angeles Times 28.02.2012.
Justin McCurry: Fukushima, a year on: 3,000 workers take on the twisted steel and radiation, The Guardian 28.02.2012.
Hidenori Tsuboya: Radioactivity levels leaking at nuke plant fall sharply, Asahi Shimbun 28.02.2012.
‘It’s Amazing How Traumatized They Are’, Der Spiegel 28.02.2012.
Japan’s nuclear disaster: a long half-life, (leder) The Guardian 28.02.2012.
Panel on nuclear crisis criticizes inspections conducted merely as formality, ?? Mainichi 28.02.2012.
Kim Murphy: Japan tsunami debris: First wave approaches West Coast, Los Angeles Times 28.02.2012.
Kan’s response to Fukushima crisis only created chaos: panel, ?? (Kyodo) Mainichi 28.02.2012.
Yuka Hayashi: Japan Planned for ‘Worst-Case’ Nuclear Options, Wall Street Journal 28.02.2012.
Gov’t quake panel cut tsunami warning in report prior to March 11, (Kyodo) Mainichi 28.02.2012.
Martin Fackler: Japan Weighed Evacuating Tokyo in Nuclear Crisis, New York Times 27.02.2012.
Fertilizer mixed with potassium helps cut down amount of cesium in brown rice, ?? Mainichi 27.02.2012.
Tomoyuki Yamamoto: Study shows potassium can reduce radioactive cesium in soil, Asahi Shimbun 26.02.2012.
3 major Kansai cities aim to break dependence on nuclear power, (Kyodo) Mainichi 27.02.2012.
Ammu Kannampilly: India PM blames foreign NGOs for anti-nuclear demos, AFP 26.02.2012.
Kazuaki Nagata: Overseas experts urge Japan to create ‘safety culture’ in nuke power industry, Japan Times 26.02.2012.
Gov’t to demand resignation of entire TEPCO board, Mainichi 25.02.2012.
Japan’s nuclear recycling plant, a probable failure, nuclear-news 25.02.2012.
Mitsuru Obe: Nuclear Experts Examine Japan’s Lax Safety Culture, Wall Street Journal 25.02.2012.
Overwork death recognized for worker at Fukushima plant, (Kyodo) Mainichi 25.02.2012.
Agency finds around 10 flaws during inspection of Fukushima plant, (Kyodo) Mainichi 25.02.2012.
Lucas W. Hixson: Japan confirms some areas surrounding Fukushima Daiichi likely permanently off-limits to habitation, Enformable 24.02.2012.
Atomkraft vinder frem trods Fukushima, (Ritzau) Politiken 24.02.2012.
Q&A with Naomi Wolf: America’s nuclear future, The Guardian 24.02.2012.
Risa Maeda: Japan’s nuclear crisis goes much further than Fukushima, Reuters 24.02.2012.
New technology can remove 99.9 percent of radioactive cesium in soil, Mainichi 24.02.2012.
P. Zhang et al.: Tomography of the 2011 Iwaki earthquake (M 7.0) and Fukushima nuclear power plant area, Solid Earth no. 3 pp. 43-51, 2012.
Last evacuation facility in 3 disaster-hit prefectures closes, (Kyodo) Mainichi 24.02.2012.
U.S. assumed spent fuel pool dried up, ordered evacuation, Asahi Shimbun 23.02.2012.
At least 4.37 million chickens died from lack of feed after quake shut ports, Mainichi 23.02.2012.
Shinichi Saoshiro: Hosono sees bigger govt role in Japan nuclear power, Reuters 23.02.2012.
Kuwait abandons nuclear power option, Nuclear Power Daily 23.02.2012.
Hiroko Nakata: Lithuania follows nuclear path, Japan Times 23.02.2012.
Yuko Inoue: Japan steel body urges restart of nuclear reactors, Reuters 22.02.2012.
Radiation levels in Fukushima now available in real time, Asahi Shimbun 22.02.2012.
Suvendrini Kakuchi: Trust Deficit – Worst Fallout of Fukushima, IPS News 22.02.2012.
Kuwait scraps nuclear power in light of Fukushima crisis, (Kyodo) Mainichi 22.02.2012.
Government sat on survey of radiation in Fukushima children’s thyroid glands, Asahi Shimbun 22.02.2012.
TEPCO to cover seabed near Fukushima plant to prevent radiation spread, (Kyodo) Mainichi 22.02.2012.
Matthew L. Wald: Records Show Confusion in U.S. at Start of Japan’s Atomic Crisis, New York Times 21.02.2012.
Reactor safety not confirmed by first-round stress tests: Madarame, (Kyodo) Mainichi 21.02.2012.
Struggling utilities now down to 2 reactors online, Asahi Shimbun 21.02.2012.
Takao Yamada: Changing TEPCO in wake of nuclear disaster, Mainichi 20.02.2012.
Residents to sue operator to stop Tokai No. 2 nuclear plant, (Kyodo) Mainichi 20.02.2012.
Fukushima residents exposed to up to 23 millisieverts of radiation, Mainichi 20.02.2012.
Nuke crisis caused by Japan, not quake: Kan, (AP) Japan Times 19.02.2012.
The 30-year itch. America’s nuclear industry struggles to get off the floor, The Economist 18.02.2012.
Takayuki Kihara: Fukushima pro-nuclear energy PR group calls it quits, Asahi Shimbun 18.02.2012.
Panel OKs lower cesium limit for food, (Kyodo) Japan Times 17.02.2012.
Caroline Lucas, Rebecca Harms, & Dany Cohn-Bendit: Why we must phase out nuclear power, The Guardian 17.02.2012.
Tetsuo Kogure & Tetsushi Yamamura: Debate stirring over effects of nuclear-free summer, Asahi Shimbun 16.02.2012.
Major parties back off from anti-nuclear rhetoric, Asahi Shimbun 16.02.2012.
Ulrik Andersen: USA godkender første nye kernekraftværk i 34 år, Ingeniøren 16.02.2012.
Fukushima evacuees losing hope of homecoming, Asahi Shimbun 16.02.2012.
Fukushima faces increased quake risk – study, AFP 15.02.2012.
Hiroko Tabuchi: Japan Ignored Nuclear Risks, Official Says, New York Times 15.02.2012.
Yuri Kageyama: Japan Planned Review of Tsunami Risk, but Too Late, AP 15.02.2012.
Michael Marshall: US to resume building nuclear plants, New Scientist 14.02.2012.
Yuri Kageyama: Japan official faults nuke design, defends secrecy, (AP) Boston.com 14.02.2012.
Hokkaido Electric seeks dismissal of demand for decommissioning of Tomari reactors, Mainichi 14.02.2012.
Fukushima No. 2 reactor’s thermometer likely faulty: TEPCO, (Kyodo) Mainichi 14.02.2012.
Masami Ito: Nuclear safety boss faults agency, utilities, Japan Times 12.02.2012.
From atomic bombings to nuclear disaster: director turns camera toward Fukushima, Mainichi 12.02.2012.
TEPCO: No. 2 reactor’s temperature hits 82 degrees, Asahi Shimbun 12.02.2012.
TEPCO provided radiation map to U.S. before Japanese public, (Kyodo) Mainichi 12.02.2012.
Nuclear Phase-Out Faces Billion-Euro Lawsuit, Der Spiegel 11.02.2012.
High radioactive content detected in ash from wood stoves, Asahi Shimbun 11.02.2012.
Thousands march against nuclear power in Japan amid worries set off by Fukushima disaster, (AP) USA Today 11.02.2012.
Power politics, The Economist 11.02.2012.
Over 100,000 signatures collected for Tokai nuclear plant scrapping, (Kyodo) Mainichi 11.02.2012.
Hiroko Tabuchi: A Confused Nuclear Cleanup, New York Times 10.02.2012.
Operations at all TEPCO nuclear reactors to be halted in March, (Kyodo) Mainichi 10.02.2012.
Enough voters sign petition seeking Tokyo nuclear power referendum, (Kyodo) Mainichi 10.02.2012.
Moves under way to restart Oi nuke plants before summer, Asahi Shimbun 09.02.2012.
Steven Mufson: NRC approves construction of new nuclear power reactors in Georgia, Washington Post, 09.02.2012.
Tsunami exceeded 21 meters near Fukushima plant, say researchers, Asahi Shimbun 09.02.2012.
Daisuke Nohara: Oi reactor restarts still in limbo after passing stress test, Mainichi 09.02.2012.
Julia Whitty: Birds Near Fukushima Hit Harder Than at Chernobyl, Mother Jones 08.02.2012.
Kajima, Shimizu order receipts double amid reconstruction, (Kyodo) Mainichi (se via recovering tohuku) 08.02.2012.
Shiro Yoneyama: Nobel Prize winner Oe stresses Japan’s ethical responsibility for ending nuclear program, Mainichi 08.02.2012.
Michael Reiter: Ulven kom ikke: Tysklands elnet trodser vinterkulden, Ingeniøren 08.02.2012.
4 biomass power plants to burn debris from quake-hit areas, (Kyodo) Mainichi 08.02.2012.
Nobutaro Kaji: Scientist: Cesium sank 20 cm in Tokyo Bay mud, Asahi Shimbun 08.02.2012.
Reiji Yoshida: Nuke dangers nowhere near resolved: Kan’s crisis adviser, Japan Times 08.02.2011.
311 citizens to launch natural energy network in E. Asia, (Kyodo) Mainichi (se via Free Library) 08.02.2012.
Torben R. Simonsen: Frankrigs ældste a-kraftværk ligger i muligt jordskælvsområde, Ingeniøren 07.02.2012.
Pro-nuclear energy town councillor’s firm had 700 million yen in nuke plant contracts, Mainichi (se via n former) 07.02.2012.
Torben R. Simonsen: Frankrigs ældste a-kraftværk ligger i muligt jordskælvsområde, Ingeniøren 07.02.2012.
Temperature in part of Fukushima No. 2 reactor rises to 70 C, (Kyodo) Mainichi 07.02.2012.
Experts on nuclear panel got funds from power industry, Asahi Shimbun 06.02.2012.
Kyushu men sent to Fukushima nuke plant under falsified labor deals, Mainichi 06.02.2012.
George Nishiyama: Anti-Nuclear Tokyo Mayor Challenges Big Utilities, Wall Street Journal 06.02.2012.
High radioactive cesium levels detected in worms 20 km from nuke plant, Mainichi 06.02.2012.
Japan says no reactor restarts yet, report suggests April, Reuters 06.02.2012.
Takao Yamada: Edano key person in Japan’s nuclear future, but keeps true intentions hidden, Mainichi 06.02.2012.
Ruthie Iida: An Act of Murder? Kanagawa Notebook 05.02.2012.
Plowing technique to fight spread of radiation demonstrated, Mainichi 04.02.2012.
Jin Nishikawa: Experiment to dispose of nuclear waste hits another roadblock, Asahi Shimbun 04.02.2012.
Mizuho Aoki: Scientists say contamination of ocean fish minimal so far, Japan Times 04.02.2012.
Excessive radioactive cesium levels found at 38 Fukushima rice farms, (Kyodo) Mainichi 04.02.2012.
David McNeill: Bird numbers plummet around stricken Fukushima plant, The Independent 03.02.2012.
Takehiro Higuchi: Hibakusha: Now is the time to discuss radioactive ‘black rain’, Mainichi 02.02.2012.
Mari Yamaguchi: Chernobyl experts hopeful on Fukushima, AP 02.02.2012.
NISA compiles 30 requirements for nuclear plants, Asahi Shimbun 02.02.2012.
Researchers produce device to create biofuel from contaminated lumber, Mainichi 02.02.2012.
NISA compiles 30 requirements for nuclear plants, Asahi Shimbun 02.02.2012.
Ken Mozikoshi: Book compiles Christian pastors’ anti-nuclear power views, Asahi Shimbun 02.02.2012.
TEPCO says 8.5 tons of water leaked from Fukushima No. 4 reactor, (Kyodo) Mainichi 02.02.2012.
Toru Nakagawa & Takeshi Kamiya: METI to financially support wind power industry, Asahi Shimbun 01.02.2012.
Kawauchi village in Fukushima calls on evacuees to return home, (Kyodo) Mainichi (via recovering Tohuku) 01.02.2012.
Eric Johnston: Fukui nuclear plants key issue in Kyoto mayor race, Japan Times 01.02.2012.
1,704 people seek shutdown of Genkai nuclear plant in largest group suit, (Kyodo) Mainichi 01.02.2012.
Sophie Knight: Nuclear safety advisers slam stress tests, Asahi Shimbun 01.02.2012.
Januar 2012
Mari Yamaguchi: Japan Cabinet OKs bills capping nuclear reactors at 40 years, merging safety agencies, AP 31.01.2012.
Yuta Moriyama & Yohei Odakura: JNFL to resume vitrification tests shortly / 1st tests in 3 years; outcome to have significant impact on policy regarding nuclear fuel cycle, Yomiuri Shimbun 31.01.2012.
Erik Holm: Atomskrot: USA skal efterligne Sverige, Ingeniøren 30.01.2012.
‘Worst scenario’ on Fukushima crisis shared only by a few lawmakers, (Kyodo) Mainichi (via Europe Solidaire (pdf)) 30.01.2012.
Japan studies flora and fauna near Fukushima plant, AP 30.01.2012.
Evacuees allowed to reclaim pets during 3rd no-go zone visit, but none found, Mainichi 30.01.2012.
Japan emissions rising after atomic crisis: report, AFP 29.01.2012.
Hiroyuki Maegawa: TEPCO comes 2nd in vote for most irresponsible company, Asahi shimbun 29.01.2012.
Antinuclear activists refuse to move tents from gov’t land, (Kyodo) Mainichi 28.01.2012.
Toru Nakagawa: Edano wants households to lend their roofs to solar drive, Asahi Shimbun 28.01.2012.
Mari Yamaguchi: Govt failed to keep records of key nuke meetings, AP 28.01.2012.
Anti-nuclear movement unites rightists, leftists, Asahi Shimbun 27.01.2012.
Decontamination schedule sheds no light on when evacuees can return, Mainichi 27.01.2012.
Kentaro Hamada: UPDATE 3-Japan says can avoid summer power cuts even if nuclear offline, Reuters 27.01.2012.
Chester Dawson: Nuclear Reactors in Japan Examined, Asahi Shimbun 27.01.2012.
Ex-Japan PM Kan calls for int’l discussion on nuclear safety, (Kyodo) Mainichi 27.01.2012.
Justin McCurry: Experts cast doubt on Japan nuclear plant tests, The Guardian 27.01.2012.
Only 3 reactors online in Japan after Chugoku Electric halts unit, (Kyodo) Mainichi 27.01.2012.
Japan’s ‘Nuclear Alley’ conflicted over reactors, AP 26.01.2012.
Toko Sekiguchi: Naoto Kan: Japan’s Al Gore? Wall Street Journal 26.01.2012.
Toko Sekiguchi: Japan’s Ex-Premier Turns Anti-Nuclear Activist, Wall Street Journal 26.01.2012.
Yoko Kubota: Japanese town’s dependence on nuclear plant hushes criticism, Reuters 26.01.2012.
Mari Yamaguchi & Yuri Kageyama: Japan kept silent on worst nuclear crisis scenario, AP 25.01.2012.
Chico Harlan: After earthquake, Japan can’t agree on the future of nuclear power, Washington Post 26.01.2012.
Village in Fukushima no-go zone to call for residents to return permanently by March, Mainichi (via Recovering Tohuku) 25.01.2012.
TEPCO to shut down another reactor, to leave only 1 in service, (Kyodo) Mainichi 25.01.2012.
TEPCO’s damages claim processing staff to top 10,000, (Kyodo) Mainichi 25.01.2012.
Marc Prosser: Lollands borgmester: Brug vores ler til at indkapsle radioaktivt affald, Ingeniøren 23.01.2012.
Gov’t withheld estimates showing electricity surplus to boost nuclear power: critics, Mainichi (se via EcoBusiness) 23.01.2012.
Franz Pichler: Deliver us from nuclear waste, Japan Times 22.01.2012.
Gov’t kept Fukushima crisis worst-case scenario under wraps for months, (Kyodo) Mainichi 22.01.2012.
Martin Fackler: Japanese Struggle to Protect Their Food Supply, Washington Post 21.01.2012.
Risky nuclear loophole, (leder) Japan Times 19.01.2012.
TEPCO to be effectively nationalized for at least 10 yrs: sources, (Kyodo) Mainichi 21.01.2012.
High levels of cesium found in ash in wood stoves of homes in Fukushima, Mainichi 20.01.2012.
Fukushima people eating more cesium but not in danger, says study, Asahi Shimbun 19.01.2012.
Eric Johnston: Nuke opponents warn of more Fukushimas, Japan Times 19.01.2012.
Shinichi Saoshiro & Risa Maeda: Japan’s push to restart nuclear plants sparks public anger, Reuters 19.01.2012.
Nuclear reactor operation period could be up to 60 years, Mainichi (via Europe Solidaire (pdf)) 18.01.2012.
TEPCO announces 17% rise in electricity charges for companies, (Kyodo) Mainichi 17.01.2012.
TEPCO sees no board member as responsible for Fukushima disaster, (Kyodo) Mainichi (via Europe Solidare) 17.01.2012.
Hosono: Stop storing spent nuclear fuel rods in reactor buildings, Asahi Shimbun 16.01.2012.
Opponents of Hamaoka nuclear plant restart gain momentum, Mainichi 16.01.2012.
Conference calls for quick exit from nuclear power, Asahi Shimbun 15.01.2012.
Naoko Kawamura: Fukushima boy wants Japan to be reactor free, Asahi Shimbun 15.01.2012.
Louis Templado: Tokiko Kato gives voice to anti-nuclear power movement, Asahi Shimbun 15.01.2012.
Edan Corkill: Danger! Nuclear waste! Keep out – forever! Japan Times 15.01.2012.
All 3 nuclear reactors in Shikoku suspended, Mainichi 14.01.2012.
Tenji Tamaki: A-bomb survivors’ dark experiences must not be repeated for Fukushima crisis victims, Mainichi 14.01.2012.
Louis Templado: Anti-nuke energy conference starts in Yokohama, Asahi Shimbun 14.01.2012.
Operating rate of Japan’s nuclear reactors falls to 38% in 2011, (Kyodo) Mainichi 14.01.2012.
Kazuaki Nagata: Antinuclear conference under way in Yokohama, Japan Times 14.01.2012.
Alex Roslin: The debate in Canada: What is a ‘safe’ level of radiation? The Montreal Gazette 13.01.2012.
Alex Roslin: After Fukushima, fish tales, The Montreal Gazette 13.01.2012.
Germans Oppose New Plants Next Door, Der Spiegel 13.01.2012.
TEPCO shareholders to sue utility’s directors for 5.5 tril. yen, (Kyodo) Mainichi 13.01.2012.
Sophie Knight: Conference to present vision of a nuclear-free Japan, Asahi Shimbun 13.01.2012.
Top 2 Kyushu Electric executives to resign April 1 over scandal, (Kyodo) Mainichi 13.01.2012.
Study: Child leukemia doubles near nuclear power plants, Fox News 12.01.2012.
NGOs, nuclear experts to draw up plans to phase out nuclear power, Mainichi 12.01.2012.
Fukushima to test milk from 10,000 mothers, (Kyodo) Japan Times 12.01.2012.
Declan Butler: France ‘imagines the unimaginable’, Nature 11.01.2012.
Ruthie Iida: The Spirit of “Madei”, Kanagawa Notebook 10.01.2012.
Takao Yamada: Renewal after nuclear disaster impossible without sound foundations, Mainichi 09.01.2012.
Winifred Bird: As Fukushima Cleanup Begins, Long-term Impacts are Weighed, Yale Environment 360, 09.01.2012.
David McNeill: Fukushima lays bare Japanese media’s ties to top, Japan Times 08.01.2012.
Kevin Meyerson: Clinging to nuclear fantasies, Japan Times 08.01.2012.
Japan’s nuclear phaseout could cause severe power shortages, Asahi Shimbun 07.01.2012.
Daisuke Nohara & Kenji Wada: 40-year limit to promote public acceptance of nuclear plants has few, if any, real changes, Mainichi 07.01.2012.
Oil-yielding algae show promise as domestic, export energy trove, (Kyodo) Japan Times 07.01.2012.
Government envisioned Tokyo evacuation in worst-case scenario, Asahi Shimbun 07.01.2012.
The Fukushima black box, The Economist 07.01.2012.
Kaori Kaneko: Japan plans 40-year limit on reactors’ life, with exceptions, Reuters 06.01.2012.
Hiroko Nagata: Domestic robots failed to ride to rescue after No. 1 plant blew, (5 af 5) Japan Times 06.01.2012.
Reiji Yoshida: Tokyo exodus nuke report’s worst scenario, Japan Times 06.01.2012.
Minoru Matsutani: Disasters kick-started dormant volunteer spirit, Japan Times 05.01.2012.
Erik Holm: Krav om mere sikkerhed efter stresstests af Europas a-kraftværker, Ingeniøren 04.01.2012.
Mizuho Aoki: Mothers first to shed food-safety complacency (3 af 5), Japan Times 04.01.2012.
Bethany Bell: Austria and Czech Republic divided over nuclear power, BBC news 04.01.2012.
Kazuaki Nagata: Fukushima meltdowns set nuclear energy debate on its ear (2 af 5), Japan Times 03.01.2012.
Dan Joling: Sick Alaska seals will be tested for Japanese radiation, (AP) Anchorage Daily News 03.01.2012.
Satoshi Otani & Yusuke Nikaido: Nuclear watchdog members received donations from energy sector, Asahi Shimbun 02.01.2012.
Søren Astrup: Tsunamiaffald nærmer sig Nordamerikas kyster, Politiken 02.01.2012.
Gayle Greene: Science with a Skew: The Nuclear Power Industry After Chernobyl and Fukushima, The Asia-Pacific Journal 02.01.2012.
Tadashi Kobayashi, Kenji Shimizu & Seiichi Ota: Cover-up of estimated costs to dispose of radioactive waste raises serious questions, Mainichi (via Atomic Age) 02.01.2012.
Shigeko Segawa: Researchers: 30% chance of magnitude-9 quake in 30 years, Asahi Shimbun 02.01.2012.
Roger Pulvers: For how much longer will Japan’s fate remain in the hands of amateurs? Japan Times 01.01.2012.
Erik Holm: Fukushima – atomulykken der ikke kunne ske, Ingeniøren 01.01.2012.
Jun Hongo: DIY cesium scanning store may be ‘new normal’ (1 af 5), Japan Times 01.01.2012.
Teri Sforza: Nuclear power 2012: Costs to rise another 50 percent? Orange County Register 01.01.2012.
December 2011
Awareness that natural disasters cannot be conquered could fade with time: experts, Mainichi 31.12.2011.
Teri Sforza: Nuclear energy, 2011: ‘The year of Fukushima’, Orange County Register 31.12.2011.
GSDF commander says he thought Japan done for as he faced Fukushima nuke crisis, Mainichi 31.12.2011.
Japan may see new leader in 2012 with political turmoil in sight, (Kyodo) Mainichi 31.12.2011.
Can Web-savvy activist moms change Japan? (AP) Mainichi 30.12.2011.
TEPCO neglected anti-flood measures at Fukushima plant despite knowing risk, Mainichi 30.12.2011.
Gov’t request for nuclear storage facility site sends shockwaves through Fukushima, Mainichi (via Europe Solidaire) 29.12.2011.
Tatsuyuki Kobori: Report: Fukushima plant chief kept his cool in crisis, Asahi Shimbun 29.12.2012.
Last of evacuation shelters closed in Fukushima, Mainichi 29.12.2011.
Gov’t should promote renewable energy as myth of nuclear power’s cheapness shattered, (leder) Mainichi 29.12.2011.
Yoko Kubota and Kentaro Hamada: Tepco Seeks $9 Billion More For Fukushima Compensation, (Reuters) Planet Ark 28.12.2011.
Tatsuyuki Kobori: Design of Fukushima venting pipes prompted explosion, Asahi Shimbun 28.12.2011.
Fukushima governor demands TEPCO decommission all its 10 nuke reactors, Mainichi (via Europe Solidaire) 28.12.2011.
Report: U.S. nuclear renaissance unlikely after Fukushima, (AP) Los Angeles Times 28.12.2011.
Residents sue to seek complete suspension of Genkai reactors, (Kyodo) Mainichi 28.12.2011.
Shinichi Saoshirio: Japan Nuclear Disaster Panel Faults Preparation, Communication, (Reuters) Planet Ark 28.12.2011.
Gov’t to enhance tsunami measures, panel doubles quake focal area, Mainichi (via Recovering Tohuku) 28.12.2011.
John Glionna: Japan, utility at fault for response to nuclear disaster, report says, Los Angeles Times 27.12.2011.
Niels Holst: Fukushima-chef mistede kontrollen under informations-bombardement, Politiken 27.12.2011.
Thomas Djursing: Rapport om atom-ulykke: Chefen gav op og alle styrtede forvildede rundt, Ingeniøren 27.12.2011.
Hiroko Tabuchi: Japan Recommends Temporary State Control for Tokyo Electric, New York Times 27.12.2011.
New plants to clean Fukushima debris, (Kyodo) Japan Times 27.12.2011.
More detailed information needed in final report on nuclear crisis, (leder) Mainichi 27.12.2011.
Kazuaki Nagata: State, Tepco slammed for crisis response, Japan Times 27.12.2011.
TEPCO dissatisfied with panel’s view of severe accident measures, (Kyodo) Mainichi 27.12.2011.
Ministry to buy up cesium-tainted rice from Fukushima Pref., (Kyodo) Mainichi 27.12.2011.
More detailed information needed in final report on nuclear crisis, (leder) Mainichi 27.12.2011.
Phred Vorak & Mitsuru Obe: Panel Finds Japan Was Unprepared for Nuclear Disaster, Wall Street Journal 27.12.2011.
Oil-producing algae potential savior for resource-poor Japan, (Kyodo) Mainichi 27.12.2011.
David Guttenfelder & Eric Talmadge: No-Man’s Land Attests to Japan’s Nuclear Nightmare, (AP) ABC News 27.12.2011.
Bill Rigby: Scientists test sick Alaska seals for radiation, Reuters 27.12.2011.
Noda vows to prevent recurrence of nuclear accident, (Kyodo) Mainichi 27.12.2011.
Pano Kroko: Fukushima Rice is radioactive, Bleeding Edge Blog 27.12.2011.
Radiation fears spread to forest industry, Mainichi (se via Recovering Tohuku) 26.12.2011.
Hiroko Tabuchi: Japan Panel Cites Failure in Tsunami, New York Times 26.12.2011.
Genkai reactor suspended, leaving 6 reactors in service in Japan, (Kyodo) Mainichi 26.12.2011.
Regering får høvl for atomulykke i Japan, (Ritzau) Politiken 26.12.2011.
Executive Summary of the Interim Report Investigation Committee on the Accidents at Fukushima Nuclear Power Stations of Tokyo Electric Power Company, 26.12.2011 (pdf).
Stephen Hesse: Time for Japan to realize it really is the canary in the mine, Japan Times 25.12.2011.
Michael Hoffman: The aftershocks of 2011 will be felt for many years to come, Japan Times 25.12.2011.
Tetsu Miyata: Experts weigh in on the controversial Monju fast-breeder reactor project, Mainichi 24.12.2011.
Christopher Joyce: After Fukushima: A Changing Climate For Nuclear, NPR 24.12.2011.
AEC chairman warned people within 170 km of Fukushima plant might need to relocate, Mainichi 24.12.2011.
Yuka Hayashi: Past Haunts Tally of Japan’s Nuke Crisis, Wall Street Journal, 23.12.2011.
Gov’t unveils lower radioactive limits for food, (Kyodo) Mainichi 23.12.2011.
Emperor reflects on year of disasters in birthday statement, Mainichi 23.12.2011.
6 utilities in western Japan to tie up to expand wind-power generation, (Kyodo) Mainichi 23.12.2011.
Cordul Meyer: Fukushima Refugees Trapped By Uncertainty, Der Spiegel 22.12.2011.
Edan Corkill: Seeking solace in artistic responses to March 11, Japan Times 22.12.2011.
Academic critical of gov’t response to nuclear crisis lauded by journal Nature, (Kyodo) Mainichi 22.12.2011.
Erik Holm: Ny køreplan: Fukushima-oprydning tager 40 år, Ingeniøren 22.12.2011.
Panel to compile post-nuclear crisis energy policy ‘from scratch’, (Kyodo) Mainichi 22.12.2011.
Kazuaki Nagata: Fukushima fuel removal deadline set at 10 years, Japan Times 22.12.2011.
Gov’t to cut R&D spending on nuclear fuel cycle program based on fast-breeder reactor, Mainichi 22.12.2011.
TEPCO omits total cost of decommissioning nuclear reactors from work schedule, Mainichi 22.12.2011.
Tons of tree bark pose new radiation hazard, (Kyodo) Japan Times 22.12.2011.
Next road map: 30-40 years to scrap Fukushima plant, (Reuters) Asahi Shimbun 21.12.2012.
Fukushima local decontamination costs bust estimates, Mainichi 21.12.2011.
Paul J. Scalise: Japanese Energy Policy After Fukushima, Policy Innovations 21.12.2011.
Michael Reiter: Pris for skrotning af tyske a-kraftværker: 134 milliarder, Ingeniøren 21.12.2011.
Nuclear Irresponsibility: Koide Hiroaki Interviewed by Le Monde, The Asia-Pacific Journal 21.12.2011.
Shiro Yoneyama: Actor Yamamoto cries foul over nuclear power, raps trespassing complaint, Mainichi 20.12.2011.
Reiji Yoshida: 3/11 memories haunt American at No. 1 plant, Japan Times 20.12.2011.
Cutting Japan’s dependency on nuclear power ‘basic direction’: gov’t panel, (Kyodo) Mainichi (se via Free Library) 20.12.2011.
Michael Moyer: Researchers Trumpet Another Flawed Fukushima Death Study, Scientific American 20.12.2011.
Joseph J. Mangano & Janette D. Sherman: An unexpected increase in the United States follows arrival of the radioactive plume from Fukushima: Is there a correlation? In International Journal of Health Services, vol. 42, no. 1 2012, pp. 47-64 (pdf).
Taira Tomoyuki et al.: ‘Nuclear Energy: Nationalize the Fukushima Daiichi Atomic Plant’, The Asia-Pacific Journal 19.12.2012.
Is Berlin Still in the Nuclear Power Business? Der Spiegel 19.12.2011.
Hirose Takashi: Farewell to Nuclear Power – A Lecture on Fukushima, (video/forelæsning) The Asia-Pacific Journal 18.12.2011.
Yoshiaki Ebata: Former nuclear industry insider speaks out on lessons and disillusionment, Mainichi 18.12.2011.
Christopher Johnston: Lone holdout’s first nuclear winter looms in Tohoku, Japan Times 18.12.2011.
Gov’t declares cold shutdown at nuclear plant, but crucial steps lie ahead, (leder) Mainichi 17.12.2011.
What is a ‘cold shutdown’ at the Fukushima nuclear plant? Mainichi 17.12.2011.
TEPCO faces tough challenges after ‘cold shutdown’ of Fukushima nuclear reactors, Mainichi (se via Paul Langley’s Nuclear History Blog) 17.12.2011.
People remain afraid of returning to homes near Fukushima plant, (Kyodo) Mainichi 17.12.2011.
Towns seek decommissioning of Hamaoka nuclear power plant, (Kyodo) Mainichi (se via NewsEdge) 17.12.2011.
Prime minister declares nuclear crisis under control, Asahi Shimbun 16.12.2012.
Phred Dvorak & Mitsutu Obe: After Nuclear Milestone, a Long Road, Wall Street Journal 16.12.2011.
Softbank launches solar power generation at Hokkaido test plant, (Kyodo) Mainichi 16.12.2011.
Geoff Brumfiel: Fukushima reaches cold shutdown, Nature 16.12.2011.
‘Absolutely no progress being made’ at Fukushima nuke plant, undercover reporter says, Mainichi (se via Energy News) 16.12.2011.
Hatoyama says Fukushima plant should be nationalized, Asahi Shimbun 15.12.2011.
Cesium can be removed completely from dead leaves and weeds: research team, Mainichi 15.12.2011.
Gov’t panel sees renewable energy costs dropping to level of nuclear energy by 2030, Mainichi (se via Europe Solidaire) 13.12.2011.
Asahi poll: 57% of Japanese say no to nuclear power, Asahi Shimbun 13.12.2011.
Fishermen’s OK needed to dump nuclear plant water into sea: Edano, Mainichi 13.12.2011.
Hugo Gården: Kina satser massivt på atomkraft og bygger Bill Gates 4G-reaktor, Ingeniøren 13.12.2011.
Christa Mahr: Blood Money: Tsunami Recovery Funds Go to Japan’s Whaling Industry, Time Magazine 12.12.2011.
Mariko Takahashi: Radiation levels to drop to 3/4 in 1 year, 1/2 in 3 years, Asahi Shimbun 11.12.2011.
Massive signature campaign on nuclear power launched in Tokyo, Osaka, (se via Europe Solidaire) Mainichi 10.12.2011.
Japan needs more discussion before exporting atomic energy technology, (leder) Mainichi 10.12.2011.
Meiji ignored info on cesium-tainted baby food for 2 weeks, (Kyodo) Mainichi 10.12.2011.
Japan’s reactor capacity utilization rate rebounds to 20.1% in Nov., (Kyodo) Mainichi 10.12.2011.
Long and tough road ahead for work to decommission Fukushima nuclear reactors, Mainichi (via Europe Solidaire (pdf)) 08.12.2011.
How much time and money are needed to dispose of the Fukushima reactors? Mainichi 08.12.2011.
Panel to say preparation against tsunami at Fukushima plant was possible, Mainichi (via Europe Solidaire) 08.12.2011.
Cesium found in Meiji baby formula, (Kyodo) Japan Times 06.12.2011.
Up to 1 million people could get Fukushima compensation, Asahi Shimbun 06.12.2011.
Matthew L. Wald: Fukushima’s Ripple Effects Continue, New York Times 06.12.2012.
Japan’s lower house OKs nuclear cooperation accords with 4 countries, (Kyodo) Mainichi 06.12.2011.
Shunsuke Kimura: No simple steps to carrying out decontamination work, Asahi Shimbun 05.12.2011.
Hiroko Tabuchi & Martin Fackler: More Radioactive Water Leaks at Japanese Plant, New York Times 05.12.2011.
Takashi Sugimoto: TEPCO: 45 tons of radioactive water leaked at plant, Asahi Shimbun 05.12.2011.
Takuya Suzuki: Scientists call for dumping radioactive soil into sea, Asahi Shimbun 05.12.2011.
Christian Bartels: Fukushima lækker igen, Politiken 05.12.2011.
John M. Glionna: Japan’s ‘nuclear gypsies’ face radioactive peril at power plants, Los Angeles Times 04.12.2011.
Utility’s probe lays blame on tsunami, (Kyodo) Japan Times 04.12.2011.
TEPCO report depicts desperate workers left in tsunami-hit plant, (Kyodo) Mainichi (se via Europe Solidaire) 03.12.2012.
Takashi Tamaguri: Local bank to stop buying electricity from TEPCO, Asahi Shimbun 03.12.2011.
Japan to export nuclear technology if wanted, Noda says, (Kyodo) Mainichi 02.12.2012.
Yumi Nakayama: Cesium-137 deposits 50 times more than previous record, Asahi Shimbun 02.12.2011.
Gov’t sets radiation limit for school meals in 17 prefectures, (Kyodo) Mainichi (se via Education in Japan Community) 01.12.2012.
Naoto Kagoya: Cesium-tainted ash being returned to Tokyo area, Asahi Shimbun 01.12.2011.
Fukushima governor wants all reactors decommissioned, Asahi Shimbun 01.12.2011.
Lucy Craft: Japan’s Nuclear Refugees, National Geographic, december 2011.
November 2011
Melted nuclear fuel eroded reactor container by up to 65 cm: TEPCO, (Kyodo) Mainichi (se via Europe Solidaire) 30.11.2011.
Hiroko Tabuchi: Study Shows Worse Picture of Meltdown in Japan, New York Times 29.11.2011.
Fukushima plant head told workers to disregard order on water injection, (Kyodo) Mainichi 30.11.2011.
Melissa Eddy: Fukushima residents tour German renewable village, (AP) The Guardian 30.11.2012.
Justin McCurry: Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant operator ‘ignored tsunami warning’, The Guardian 29.11.2011.
TEPCO did not act on tsunami risk projected for nuclear plant, (Kyodo) Mainichi (se via Europe Solidaire) 29.11.2011.
Japan insurers not to renew contract for Fukushima nuclear plant, (Kyodo) Mainichi 29.11.2011.
Kansai Electric estimates 200 bil. yen required for nuclear plant safety, (Kyodo) Mainichi (se via Europe Solidaire) 29.11.2011.
Peter Lynch & Andrew DeWit: Feed-in Tariffs the Way Forward for Renewable Energy, The Asia-Pacific Journal 28.11.2011.
Dennis Normile: In Wake of Fukushima Disaster, Japan’s Scientists Ponder How to Regain Public Trust, Science Insider 28.11.2011.
Lester Brown & Yul Choi: Fukushima fallout: time to quit nuclear power altogether, Christian Science Monitor, 28.11.2011.
Power industry sees CO2 cut target as difficult due to nuclear crisis, (Kyodo) Mainichi (se via Europe Solidaire (pdf)) 26.11.2011.
Tomohiro Iwata: TEPCO: Radioactive substances belong to landowners, not us, Asahi Shimbun 24.11.2011.
Motoyuki Maeda: The Prometheus Trap/ Men in Protective Clothing-7: District chief refused to flee, Asahi Shimbun 26.11.2011.
Chance for big tsunami in eastern Japan within 30 yrs revised up to 30%, (Kyodo) Mainichi 26.11.2011.
More than 80% of nuclear reactors in Japan to be idled, (Kyodo) Mainichi 26.11.2011.
Tomohiro Iwata: TEPCO: Radioactive substances belong to landowners, not us, Asahi Shimbun 25.11.2011.
Nuke accident-linked cancer may be impossible to detect, (AP) Japan Times 25.11.2011.
Eisuke Sasaki: Cesium levels hit tens of billions of becquerels at river mouth, Asahi Shimbun 25.11.2011.
TEPCO denies responsibility for hot spring customer loss after March 11, Mainichi 25.11.2011.
Motoyuki Maeda: The Prometheus Trap / Men in Protective Clothing-6: Policeman forbidden from telling the truth, Asahi Shimbun 25.11.2011.
Motoyuki Maeda: The Prometheus Trap / Men in Protective Clothing-5: ‘I couldn’t tell you then’, Asahi Shimbun 24.11.2011.
Decontamination work at homes in Fukushima not going well as radiation lingers, Mainichi 24.11.2011.
Workers suspended cooling device at Fukushima plant, Asahi Shimbun 24.11.2011.
Agricultural cooperative tests radiation decontamination methods on fruit orchards, Mainichi 24.11.2011.
Vindicated seismologist says Japan still underestimates threat, (Blomberg) Fuelfix 23.11.2011.
Researchers say pond plant may help clean Fukushima, Asahi Shimbun 23.11.2011.
Gavin Blair: Japan’s anti-nuclear protesters find the going tough, despite Fukushima disaster, Christian Science Monitor 23.11.2011.
Roger Pulvers: Post-Fukushima, ‘they’ can no longer be trusted – if ever they could, Japan Times 23.11.2011.
Motoyuki Maeda: The Prometheus Trap / Men in Protective Clothing-4: Daughter urged parents to flee to Tokyo, Asahi Shimbun 23.11.2011.
Motoyuki Maeda: The Prometheus Trap / Men in Protective Clothing-3: ‘Am I going to die?’, Asahi Shimbun 21.11.2011.
George Monbiot & Justin McCurry: Post-Fukushima ‘anti-radiation’ pills condemned by scientists, The Guardian 21.11.2011.
Primer for decontamination, (Sentaku Magazine) Japan Times 21.11.2011.
Hiroshi Ishizuka: Radioactive cesium blankets 8% of Japan’s land area, Asahi Shimbun 21.11.2011.
Chico Harlan: Around the Fukushima plant, a world left behind, Washington Post 20.11.2011.
Malcolm Ritter & Mari Yamaguchi: Future cancers from Fukushima disaster may be hidden, AP 20.11.2011.
Article 9 group calls for end to nuclear power, (Kyodo) Japan Times 20.11.2011.
Justin McCurry: Japan’s nuclear disaster towns hold remote local elections, The Guardian 20.11.2011.
Shunsuke Kimura & Ryo Inoue: Rice from 4 Onami farms within safety limits, Asahi Shimbun 18.11.2011.
Japan CO2 emissions rise 4.4 percent in 2010/11, Reuters 18.11.2011.
Tatsuyuki Kobori: TEPCO: Fukushima plant close to cold shutdown state, Asahi Shimbun 18.11.2011.
Norimitsu Onishi & Martin Fackler: Utility Reform Eluding Japan After Nuclear Plant Disaster, New York Times 17.11.2011.
Fukushima radiation ‘mostly fell in sea’: study, AFP 17.11.2011.
Most radioactive cesium piled up within 2 centimeters of soil surface, Mainichi (via Europe Solidaire) 17.11.2011.
Half of radioactive materials from Fukushima fell into sea: study, (Kyodo) Mainichi (via Europe Solidaire) 17.11.2011.
Toko Sekiguchi: Will Noda Stick to Pledge of Eating Fukushima Rice? Wall Street Journal 17.11.2011.
Yoree Koh: Staple Scare: Radioactive Rice in Fukushima, Wall Street Journal 17.11.2011.
SDF to decontaminate no-entry zone, Asahi Shimbun 17.11.2011.
Natsuko Fukue: Fukushima to ban rice grown in Onami, Japan Times 17.11.2011.
Motoyuki Maeda: The Prometheus Trap / Men in Protective Clothing-2: Radiation information did not make it to residents, Asahi Shimbun 16.11.2011.
Motoyuki Maeda: The Prometheus Trap / Men in Protective Clothing-1, Asahi Shimbun 15.11.2011.
Koichiro Takano: Decontamination of houses under way, Yomiuri Shimbun 15.11.2011.
Kazuaki Nagata: Contaminated water still headache for Tepco, Japan Times 15.11.2011.
TEPCO shareholders demand directors pay for mistakes, Asahi Shimbun 15.11.2011.
TEPCO shareholders ask firm auditors to sue 61 directors, Mainichi 15.11.2011.
NISA puts off Fukui reactor stress test decision, Asahi Shimbun 15.11.2011.
Takashi Oshima & Shigeki Tosa: Fukushima native, foreign minister, Genba in dilemma over nuclear exports, Asahi Shimbun 14.11.2011.
Reiji Yoshida: Fukushima No. 1 tour an eye-opener, Japan Times 14.11.2011.
Are Fukushima Reactors 5 and 6 In Trouble Also? Global Reearch 14.11.2011.
Norikazu Kinoshita et al.: Assessment of individual radionuclide distributions from the Fukushima nuclear accident covering central-east Japan, PNAS 14.11.2011 (pdf).
Nuke plant director: ‘I thought several times that I would die’, Asahi Shimbun 13.11.2011.
Reactors No. 5 and 6 were NOT in cold shutdown after quake, implies report by US nuclear industry – Cooling at Spent Fuel Pool No. 5 stopped until cables installed – Fresh fuel had been loaded into both reactors, Energy News 13.11.2011.
Tatsuyuki Kobori: Dosimeters sound alert as media enter crippled nuke plant, Asahi Shimbun 13.11.2011.
Ruthie Iida: What the children have to say….., Kanagawa Notebook 12.11.2011.
Engineers Knew Fukushima Might Be Unsafe, But Covered It Up … Global Reearch 12.11.2011.
Martin Fackler: Devastation at Japan Site, Seen Up Close, New York Times 12.11.2011.
Reiji Yoshida: Calm at J. Village belies the danger, Japan Times 12.11.2011.
Lucas Whitefield Hixson: In the Wake of Fukushima: The Nuclear Energy Industry Must be Closed Down Worldwide, Global Research 11.11.2011.
Strontium flow directly into the sea at Fukushima Daichi, Fukushima Update 11.11.2011.
Researchers remove 90 percent of radioactive cesium from sludge with bacteria, Mainichi 11.11.2011.
Officials say Japan nuclear workers’ situation improving, open staging area to media, (AP) Washington Post 10.11.2011.
Hanna Gersmann: EDF fined €1.5m for spying on Greenpeace, The Guardian 10.11.2011.
Kazuka Nagata: Radiation cleanup plan falls short. Experts liken current strategy to letting nature run its course, Japan Times 09.11.2011.
Mizuho Aoki: Scrub homes, denude trees to wash cesium fears away, Japan Times 09.11.2011.
Shinichi Sekine: Study starts on ‘long-term no-return zones’ in Fukushima, Asahi Shimbun 09.11.2011.
Residents sue over Tsuruga reactors, (Kyodo) Japan Times 09.11.2011.
Nuclear energy ‘vital’ to face energy demand: IEA, AFP 09.11.2011.
Eisuke Asaki: TEPCO procrastinated even after tsunami threat shown, Asahi Shimbun 09.11.2011.
Jobless claims quadruple in disaster zone, Japan Times 08.11.2011.
Fukushima health concerns, (leder) Japan Times 08.11.2011.
Iori Mochizuki: Look after yourself (med dokument af Chris Busby: Calcium and other supplements to protect against internal radiation), Fukushima Diary 08.11.2011.
Ryota Goto: Cities at war over need for Hamaoka nuke plant, Asahi Shimbun 07.11.2011.
Many universities giving credits to students for volunteer work in disaster-hit areas, Mainichi (via Recovering Tohuku) 07.11.2011.
Andrew DeWit: Fallout From the Fukushima Shock: Japan’s Emerging Energy Policy, The Asia-Pacific Journal 07.11.2011.
Iori Mochizuki: There is on-going fission occurring at the site, Fukushima Dairy 05.11.2011.
Chris Busby: The significance of Xenon isotope ratios in the Fukushima catastrophe, 05.11.2011.
Fukushima cleanup to cost ¥1.1 trillion, (Bloomberg) Japan Times 05.11.2011.
Takio Murakami: Ma avoids putting deadline on nuclear phaseout, Asahi Shimbun 05.11.2011.
Matt Smith: Japan says no new reaction at Fukushima plant, CNN 04.11.2011.
Find out true reactor conditions, Japan Times 04.11.2011.
Exporting Fukushima Food as Foreign Aid, (video) Shingetsu News 04.11.2011.
Satoru Murata: Power-saving campaign to shorten illumination periods, Asahi Shimbun 04.11.2011.
Henning Gloystein: IEA draft: Nuclear to fall as power demand, Reuters 04.11.2011.
Disposal of quake debris begins, (Kyodo) Japan Times 04.11.2011.
Power companies behind anonymous donations in Fukui, Asahi Shimbun 04.11.2011.
Haruka Takashige: Award-winning Fukushima rice pitched as year-end gift, Asahi Shimbun 03.11.2011.
TEPCO says melted nuke fuel may have reached criticality, Asahi Shimbun 03.11.2011.
Svenske a-kraftværker dumper i stresstest, (Ritzau) Information 02.11.2011.
Norimitsu Onishi: Japan Revives a Sea Barrier That Failed to Hold, New York Times 02.11.2011.
Janice Tang: H.K. nuke fears abate; Japanese food is back, Japan Times 02.11.2011.
Hiroko Habuchi: Reactor in Japan Restarts, a First Since the Tsunami, New York Times 01.11.2011.
Debito Arudou: The costly fallout of tatemae and Japan’s culture of deceit, Japan Times 01.11.2011.
Radioactive tellurium, silver detected near Fukushima plant, Asahi Shimbun 01.11.2011.
Winter power cuts for Kansai, Kyushu, (Kyodo) Japan Times 01.11.2011.
Oktober 2011
Chris Rowthorn: The Enigma of Japan’s Nuclear Power, Kansai Scene, oktober 2011.
Jeffrey Hays: Who’s to blame for the Fukushima nuclear disaster, factsanddetails.com oktober 2011.
Jeffrey Hays: Radiation and fear from Fukushima nuclear power plant, factsanddetails.com oktober 2011.
Jim Bartel: The Tears of Sanriku (三陸の涙). The Death Toll for the Great East Japan Earthquake Nuclear Disaster, Global Research 31.10.2011.
Tatsuo Ito: Japan Closer to Exporting Nuclear Technology to India, Vietnam, Wall Street Journal 31.10.2011.
Marco Kaltofen: Japan Received Enormous Exposures of Radiation from Fukushima, Global Research TV 31.10.2011.
Soil, waste to be stored for 30 years, (Kyodo) Japan Times 30.10.2011.
Shu Nomura: Entrepreneur develops additive to desalinate tsunami-hit farmland, Asahi Shimbun 29.10.2011.
Cesium-137 flow into sea 30 times greater than stated by TEPCO: report, (Kyodo) Mainichi (via Europe Solidaire) 29.10.2011.
Fukushima decommissioning will take at least three decades, Asahi Shimbun 29.10.2011.
Michael Reiter: Analyse: Tysk energiskifte er kommet dårligt fra start, Ingeniøren 29.10.2011.
Kansai Electric submits reactor stress test report to NISA, Asahi Shimbun 29.10.2011.
Decommissioning Fukushima reactors to take over 30 yrs: gov’t panel, (Kyodo) Mainichi (via Europe Solidaire) 29.10.2011.
Chester Dawson: In Japan, Provocative Case for Staying Nuclear, Wall Street Journal 28.10.2011.
Expert calls for ‘realistic’ approach to eliminating nuclear power, (Kyodo) Mainichi 28.10.2011.
Miki Morimoto: Cherry trees to mark tsunami danger zone in Rikuzentakata, Asahi Shimbun 28.10.2011.
Fukushima disaster caused world’s biggest nuclear sea spill, (AFP) The Gazelle 27.10.2011.
David Stanway: China Environment Minister Says Nuclear Safety Risks Climbing, Reuters 27.10.2011.
Fukushima dairy farmer loses hope of returning as vegetation overruns farm, Mainichi 27.10.2011.
Takashi Sugimoto: Roasting technique could separate cesium from soil, Asahi Shimbun 27.10.2011.
Kazuaki Nagata: Tepco manuals point to critical safety lapses, Japan Times 26.10.2011.
John Laforge: Radiation Reporting: Blind, Idiotic, Corrupt – or All Three, The Huffington Post 26.10.2011.
Geoff Brumfiel: Fallout forensics hike radiation toll, Nature 25.10.2011.
David McNeill: Blood Money – Fukushima Victims Bitter Over Compensation, The Asia-Pacific Journal 25.10.2011.
TEPCO claims 120 billion yen from government, Asahi Shimbun 25.10.2011.
Up to 20 million tons of tsunami debris headed for U.S. shores, Washington Post 24.10.2011.
Stephen Hesse: Only the Japanese public’s will can raze that lethal ‘village’, Japan Times 23.10.2011.
Hiroo Sunaoshi & Kentaro Uechi: TEPCO never pushed electrical safety plan at nuke plant, Asahi Shimbun 23.10.2011.
Robert McKinney: Public paying for Tepco’s gamble, Japan Times 23.10.2011.
Fukushima OKs petition to decommission reactors, Kyodo 22.10.2011.
Japan’s largest labor organization takes an anti-nuclear stance, Japan Times Weekly 22.10.2011.
David Stanway: China nuclear targets to be cut after Fukushima, Reuters 21.10.2011.
Voluntary evacuees from Fukushima seek compensation, Asahi Shimbun 21.10.2011.
Fumikazu Asai: Scientist: Algae species can absorb radioactivity, Asahi Shimbun 21.10.2011.
Fukushima children forced to drink radioactive milk at school (video 29.09.), Fukushima Update 20.10.2011.
Keith Kloor: Britain’s Mark Lynas Riles His Green Movement Allies, environment 360, 19.10.2011.
Shinichi Saoshiro: Tepco: Radiation From Fukushima Plant Declines Further, Reuters 18.10.2011.
Chester Dawson: Living by Reactors, Japanese Are Split, Wall Street J0urnal 18.10.2011.
Chris Rowthorn: Noda, tear down this ‘nuclear village’, Japan Times 18.10.2011.
Marie Maitre: Japan still considering total nuclear power pullout, Reuters 18.10.2011.
Ulrik Andersen: Plastictelt over ødelagt Fukushima-reaktor klar, Ingeniøren 17.10.2011.
Japan Cities Face Growing Radioactive Ash, Troubles Ahead, (Reuters) New York Times 16.10.2011.
Harufumi Mori: IAEA: Cleanup of low contaminated areas will be ineffectual, Asahi Shimbun 16.10.2011.
Mari Yamaguchi: Paper shows Japan feared aftershocks at nuke plant, (AP) Star Telegram 15.10.2011.
Tatsuyuki Kobori: Study: Fukushima storage pool was vulnerable to aftershocks, Asahi Shimbun 15.10.2011.
Reflecting on relationship between media and March 11 disasters, (leder) Mainichi 15.10.2011.
Minoru Matsutani: Fukushima said not Tokyo hot spot source, Japan Times 14.10.2011.
Hiroko Tabuchi: Citizens’ Testing Finds 20 Hot Spots Around Tokyo, New York Times 14.10.2011.
Hiromi Kumai: Contaminated mushrooms bad news for picking season, Japan Times 14.10.2011.
TEPCO failed to report re-evaluation of quake resistance for equipment at Fukushima plant, Mainichi (via Europe Solidaire) 14.10.2011.
NISA: TEPCO lax on anti-quake measures at Fukushima plant, Asahi Shimbun 14.10.2011.
Aya Takada & Yasumasa Song: Rice Farmers in Japan Set Tougher Radiation Limits for Crops to Spur Sales, Blomberg 13.10.2011.
Governor declares Fukushima’s rice is safe, Asahi Shimbun 13.10.2011.
Inspections failed to detect cesium-tainted ‘Sayama’ tea, Asahi Shimbun 13.10.2011.
Setsuko Kamiya: Radioactive cleanup to be covered by state, Japan Times 12.10.2011.
DPJ nuclear power sceptics finding themselves isolated, Asahi Shimbun 12.10.2011.
Justin McCurry: Japan offers free return flights to revive tourism after Fukushima disaster, The Guardian 12.10.2011.
Government sets 2014 target for decontamination work, Asahi Shimbun 11.10.2011.
Fiona Harvey, John Vidal & Rob Edwards: UK nuclear safety review finds 38 cases for improvement, The Guardian 11.10.2011.
Karolin Schaps: UK nuclear inspector gives green light to atomic energy, Reuters 11.10.2011.
Hideshi Nishimoto & Kazuyo Nakamura: Amateur protesters in the forefront of anti-nuclear demonstrations, Asahi Shimbun 10.10.2011.
Tomomi Yamaguchi: The Kaminoseki Nuclear Power Plant: Community Conflicts and the Future of Japan’s Rural Periphery, The Asia-Pacific Journal, 10.10.2011.
Takao Yamada: Tokyo under illusion that things are normal while Fukushima remains a war zone, Mainichi 10.10.2011.
Government sets 2014 target for decontamination work, Asahi Shimbun 10.10.2011.
Emily Beament: ‘Rush’ for new nuclear power plants condemned, The Independent 09.10.2011.
Most municipalities undecided on where to store contaminated soil, Asahi Shimbun 09.10.2011.
Keiichiro Inoue: Agency asks prefectures to specify where fish are caught, Asahi Shimbun 08.10.2011.
Hot spots and blind spots. The mounting human costs of Japan’s nuclear disaster, The Economist 08.10.2011.
Takashi Ichida et al.: TEPCO orchestrated ‘personal’ donations to LDP, Asahi Shimbun 08.10.2011.
True radiation decontamination still a long way away, Mainichi 07.10.2011.
James Corbett: Japanese Government Insiders Reveal Fukushima Secrets, Global Research TV 06.10.2011.
K. S. Jayaraman: India’s nuclear future put on hold, Nature 06.10.2011.
Katsumasa Takenaka: TEPCO: Don’t worry about power blackouts this winter, Asahi Shimbun 06.10.2011.
Takahiro Takino: ‘Good-bye Nuclear Power’ protestors hope message rings loud for the future, Mainichi 06.10.2011.
Rich Wallace: British physicist Wade Allison calls for radical increase in radiation exposure limits, The Australian 06.10.2011.
Return to contaminated areas? (leder) Japan Times 05.10.2011.
Yasuhito Watanabe: Fukushima to post radiation levels at schools on Net, Asahi Shimbun 05.10.2011.
Japan criticized for pushing nuke plant exports despite accident, (Kyodo) Mainichi 04.10.2011.
Hiroshi Ishizuka & Hisae Sato: Ministry maps strontium, plutonium fallout, Asahi Shimbun 01.10.2011.
Radiation invades cycle of life through fallen leaves, Mainichi 01.10.2011.
To the brink in Fukushima, Japan Times Weekly 01.10.2011.
September 2011
Andy Coghlan: Fukushima’s radioactive sea contamination lingers, New Scientist 30.09.2011.
Tatsuyuki Kobori: Fukano says another quake could threaten Fukushima operation, Asahi Shimbun 30.09.2011.
Natsuko Fukue: Eight prefectures eyed for radioactive dumps, Japan Times 30.09.2011.
Akio Matsumura: The Fourth Reactor and the Destiny of Japan, 29.09.2011.
Suvendrini Kakuchi: New Radiation Limits Demanded for Children, IPS News 29.09.2011.
Naoya Kon: Water at 3 Fukushima reactors under 100 degrees for first time, Asahi Shimbun 29.09.2011.
Nu koger Fukushimas reaktorer ikke længere, (Reuters) Information 28.09.2011.
Erik Holm: Folkelig modstand truer indisk atomsatsning, 28.09.2011.
Paul Zimmerman: Fukushima and the Battle for Truth. Large sectors of the Japanese population are accumulating significant levels of internal contamination, Global Research 27.09.2011.
Arnie Gundersen: Safety Problems in all Reactors Designed Like Fukushima, Global Research TV 26.09.2011.
Takao Yamada: Noda must make promoters of nuclear power take responsibility for disaster, Mainichi 26.09.2011.
Jeff Kingston, Ousting Kan Naoto: The Politics of Nuclear Crisis and Renewable Energy in Japan, The Asia-Pacific Journal 26.09.2011.
Chris Busby: Fukushima Children at Risk of Heart Disease, The Asia-Pacific Journal 26.09.2011.
Satoshi Otani & Takemichi Nishibori: Fishermen’s livelihoods still drowning in Fukushima, Asahi Shimbun 25.09.2011.
In Japan, the Summer of Setsuden, (leder) New York Times 25.09.2011.
Shunsuke Kimura: Cesium exceeding safety threshold detected in Fukushima rice, Asahi Shimbun 25.09.2011.
Hiroko Tabuchi: Radioactivity in Japan Rice Raises Worries, New York Times 24.09.2011.
Fredrik Dahl: Analysis: Fukushima To Slow, Not Stop, Nuclear Growth, Reuters 23.09.2011.
Toshihide Kaneko: Can Noda succeed with ‘no-side’ approach to politics? Mainichi 23.09.2011.
Hajime Horiguchi: Noda vows cold shutdown of Fukushima reactors by year-end, Asahi Shimbun 23.09.2011.
Takao Yamada: Questions about PM’s please-everybody attitude, Mainichi 22.09.2011.
Fukushima Daiichi NPS 15-16 September 2011, storformat Tepco-billeder fra værket.
Cordula Meyer: Fukushima Nuclear Catastrophe, Der Spiegel 21.09.2011.
Kenji Tamaki: Secrecy in black ink: Redactions speak volumes about those doing the censoring, Mainichi 20.09.2011.
Shinichi Sekine: Hosono pledges to achieve cold shutdown by year-end, Asahi Shimbun 20.09.2011.
Robert X. Cringely: Truth About Fukushima Daiichi, BetaNews 20.09.2011.
Justin McCurry: Fukushima protesters urge Japan to abandon nuclear power, 19.09.2011.
Japanese urge “farewell” to nuclear power six months after quake, Reuters 19.09.2011.
Masayoshi Son & Andrew DeWit: Creating a Solar Belt in East Japan: The Energy Future, The Asia-Pacific Journal 19.09.2011.
Judy Dempsy: Siemens Abandoning Nuclear Power Business, New York Times 18.09.2011.
Sunflowers next to useless for nuclear decontamination, Asahi Shimbun 17.09.2011.
Akiko Okazaki & Hisae Sato: Study: Fallen leaves hold key to decontamination in Fukushima, Asahi Shimbun 16.09.2011.
Harufuki Mori: Fukushima clean-up may require removal of 100 million cubic meters of soil, Asahi Shimbun 15.09.2011.
Damian Carrington: What price safe and secure nuclear power? The Guardian 16.09.2011.
Japan plans floating wind farm near nuclear plant, AFP 15.09.2011.
Tatsuyuki Kobori: Researchers challenge nuclear power cost estimates, Asahi Shimbun 14.09.2011.
Rob Gilhooly: Fukushima man opts to be guinea pig, Japan Times 14.09.2011.
Stephanie Cooke: NRC must implement nuclear regulations now, not 10 years after Fukushima, Christian Science Monitor 13.09.2011.
Fujioka Atsushi: Understanding the Ongoing Nuclear Disaster in Fukushima: A “Two-Headed Dragon” Descends into the Earth’s Biosphere, The Asia-Pacific Journal 12.09.2011.
Mizuho Aoki: Effect of contaminated soil on food chain sparks fears, Japan Times 11.09.2011.
Kazuaki Nagata: Plugging leaks will end crisis, not cold shutdown: analysts, Japan Times 11.09.2011.
A third of Fukushima residents would move if they could, Asahi Shimbun 10.09.2011.
Town of Kaminoseki continues promoting nuclear plant despite Fukushima, (Kyodo) Mainichi 10.09.2011.
Tokyo Nuclear Protest 9/19/2011 over 50,000 people!! – YouTube video.
Economy minister Hachiro resigns over joke about radiation, Asahi Shimbun 09.09.2011.
Gov’t must learn lessons from nuclear crisis response to avoid repeating mistakes, Mainichi 08.09.2011.
Akiko Okazaki: Study: Some Fukushima residents exposed to alarming radiation levels, Asahi Shimbun 08.09.2011.
Erik Holm: Gigantisk jernvæg skal inddæmme Fukushima, Ingeniøren 08.09.2011.
Justin McCurry: Japan disaster: Fukushima residents return to visit their homes, The Guardian 08.09.2011.
David Cyranoski & Geoff Brumfiel: Fukushima impact is still hazy, Nature 07.09.2011.
Igor Khripunov & Duyeon Kim: Nature and malice: Confronting multiple hazards to nuclear power infrastructure, Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists 07.09.2011.
Kan: I couldn’t let TEPCO withdraw from Fukushima disaster, Asahi Shimbun 06.09.2011.
Yuichiro Oka: Radiation-free Fukushima rice hits Tokyo, Asahi Shimbun 03.09.2011.
Kaname Kanuta: Takashimaya to market goods made of cotton grown on tsunami-swamped rice paddies, Asahi Shimbun 03.09.2011.
Suvendrini Kakuchi: Fukushima Blows Lid Off Exploited Labour, IPS News 03.08.2011.
August 2011
Risa Maeda: Japan’s Tepco says to review CO2 emissions goal, Reuters 30.08.2011.
Extreme soil contamination detected near Fukushima plant, Asahi Shimbun 30.08.2011.
David McNeill: Why the Fukushima disaster is worse than Chernobyl, The Independent 29.08.2011.
Jørgen Steen Nielsen: A-kraften i knæ – grøn energi på vej i Japan, Information 28.08.2011.
Experts split on how to decommission Fukushima nuclear plant, Mainichi 28.08.2011.
Hiroko Tabuchi: Japanese Island’s Activists Resist Nuclear Industry’s Allure, New York Times 27.08.2011.
Elisabeth Rosenthal: Oh, to Be Warm in Summer’s Heat, New York Times 27.08.2011.
Fukushima accident released far more cesium than Hiroshima bombing, Asahi Shimbun 27.08.2011.
Søren Astrup: Fukushima-udslip svarede til 168 Hiroshima-bomber, Politiken 26.08.2011.
Japans udskældte leder trækker sig, (Ritzau) Politiken 26.08.2011.
John M. Glionna: Japan’s prime minister steps down, Los Angeles Times 26.08.2011.
Osamu Tsukimori & Nathan Layne: Areas near Japan nuclear plant may be off limits for decades, Reuters 26.08.2011.
Japan cuts radiation exposure limits for children, AFP 26.08.2011.
Nobuya Sawa: Government lifts remaining ban on shipment of beef cattle, Asahi Shimbun 26.08.2011.
TEPCO knew of tsunami danger in 2008, Asahi Shimbun 26.08.2011.
3/7: Tepco gave NISA high-wave scenarios, (Kyodo) Japan Times 25.08.2011.
Mari Yamaguchi: Japan utility knew of tsunami threat: government, AFP 24.08.2011.
Shipments of beef cattle from Miyagi are resumed, (Kyodo) Japan Times 24.08.2011.
Kazuyo Nakamura: Government’s move to monitor online sparks public outcry, Asahi Shimbun 24.08.2011.
Jun Hongo: Fukushima fallout said 30 times Hiroshima’s, Japan Times 24.08.2011.
Suvendrini Kakuchi: Energy-saving ‘setsuden’ campaign sweeps Japan after Fukushima, The Guardian 22.08.2011.
Government to rent land that will remain in no-entry zone, Asahi Shimbun 22.08.2011.
Erik Kirschbaum: German rail to run on sun, wind to keep clients happy, Reuters 22.08.2011.
Winifred Bird: Three Mile Island’s lessons for Japan, Japan Times 21.08.2011.
Yutaka Shiokura: Nation hit by A-bombs placed big bet on nuclear power, Asahi Shimbun 20.08.2011.
Cordula Meyer: ‘People Are Suffering from Radiophobia’, Der Spiegel 19.08.2011.
Haruki Murakami: Japans urealistiske drømmere, Information 18.08.2011.
Kenneth Maxwell: In Rare Tape, Fukushima Daiichi Chief Apologizes, Wall Street Journal 18.08.2011.
Nearly half of children near Fukushima plant absorbed radiation, Asahi Shimbun 18.08.2011.
Ray of light amid the nuclear gloom, (leder) Japan Times 17.08.2011.
Head of Tokyo University Radioisotope Center calls for speedy decontamination, (interview med Dr. Kodama) Mainichi 17.08.2011.
Shigeko Segawa: Seismologist calls for review of Japan’s quake approach, Asahi Shimbun 17.08.2011.
David McNeill: The explosive truth behind Fukushima’s meltdown, The Independent 17.08.2011.
Pio d’Emilia: Dispatches from the No-Go Zone, The Asia-Pacific Journal 15.08.2011.
Yuriko Suzuki & Junichi Bekku: Negative publicity overseas pummels agricultural exports, Asahi Shimbun 13.08.2011.
Naoya Kon: Temperatures fall in spent fuel pools at Fukushima plant, Asahi Shimbun 12.08.2011.
Professor’s anger at lawmakers creates buzz on Internet, Shukan Asahi Weekly Magazine 12.08.2011.
Mercury tops 35 degrees as heatstroke warnings issued, Asahi Shimbun 12.08.2011.
Dahr Jamail: Citizen Group Tracks Down Japan’s Radiation, IPS News 11.08.2011.
Nagasaki urges nuke policy shift on anniversary, (Kyodo) Japan Times 10.08.2011.
Tom Bawden: German nuclear shutdown forces E.ON to cut 11,000 staff, The Guardian 10.08.2011.
Ulrik Andersen: Japansk tsunami brækkede isbjerge løs i Antarktis, Ingeniøren 09.08.2011.
New nuclear safety agency must be independent, have real ability to manage crises, Mainichi 09.08.2011.
Tomooki Yasuda: Report suggests second meltdown at reactor at Fukushima plant, Asahi Shimbun 08.08.2011.
Heinrich Reinfried: Sushi and Samurai: Western Stereotypes and the (Mis)Understanding of Post-Tsunami Japan, The Asia-Pacific Journal 08.08.2011.
Eric Johnston: Fukushima nuke crisis invoked at Hiroshima event, Japan Times 07.08.2011.
Ruby Russell: Bayer threatens to quit Germany over nuclear shutdown, The Guardian 07.08.2011.
We must leave nuclear power behind us, (leder) Asahi Shimbun 07.08.2011.
Astronaut turned organic farmer reflects on modern Japan and evacuation from Fukushima, Mainichi 07.08.2011.
Kim Kyung Hoon: Japan PM Naoto Kan brings his nuclear-free vision to Hiroshima, Reuters 06.08.2011.
Ryuta Kuratomi: Hiroshima 66 years later: Renewed calls to heed victims’ accounts, create nuke-free world, Asahi Shimbun 06.08.2011.
Kazumi Matsui: Hiroshima’s Peace Declaration “Review energy policies”, Asahi Shimbun 06.08.2011.
Susumu Maejima: Hiroshima Peace Symposium: Fukushima disaster should trigger nuclear disarmament, Asahi Shimbun 06.08.2011.
Hiroshima Peace Symposium: Experts call for nuclear disarmament, Asahi Shimbun 06.08.2011.
Lessons learned from A-bombing should be applied to welfare of Fukushima residents, (leder) Mainichi 06.08.2011.
We must leave nuclear power behind us, (leder) Asahi Shimbun 06.08.2011.
Ryuichi Kanari: Archives reveal U.S. considered nuke plant in Hiroshima in ’53, Asahi Shimbun 06.08.2011.
Risa Maeda: Japan Town Retreats From Nuclear Project Near Fukushima Plant, Reuters 05.08.2011.
Bob Nichols: Japan’s air: 300 times more radioactive than Chernobyl, The Canadian 05.08.2011.
Yoree Koh: Business Stars Clash Over Solar Power, Wall Street Journal 05.08.2011.
Naoki Kimura & Atsushi Komori: Minami-Soma to turn down nuclear subsidies, Asahi Shimbun 04.08.2011.
Japan should free up electricity distribution network in reforms to power system, (leder) Mainichi 04.08.2011.
Yoshibumi Wakamiya: Kan should step down and return to being a guerrilla lawmaker, Asahi Shimbun 04.08.2011.
Peter Geoghean: Sellafield will remain a threat to Ireland, The Guardian 04.08.2011.
Taro Yamamoto on the Anti-Nuclear Movement, (video) Shingetsu News Agency 03.08.2011.
Fiona Harvey: Sellafield Mox nuclear fuel plant to close, The Guardian 03.08.2011.
David McNeill: A young man sacrificing his future to shut down Fukushima, The Asia-Pacific Journal 03.08.2011.
Nuclear energy can be replaced with renewable energy, (leder) Mainichi 03.08.2011.
Jeff Robin: Setsuden poised to replace nuclear power in Japan, The Globe and Mail 03.08.2011.
Tokyo Shimbun’s Devastating Critique of Fukushima Compensation Bill (oversættelse af leder i Tokyo Shimbun), The Asia-Pacific Journal 03.08.2011.
Osamu Tsukimono: Japan July Nuclear Plant Usage Falls To 33.9 Percent, Reuters 02.08.2011.
David Strahan: The carbon cost of Germany’s nuclear ‘Nein danke!’, New Scientist 02.08.2011.
Nobuya Sawa: Iwate, Tochigi beef shipments suspended, Asahi Shimbun 02.08.2011.
Time to dismantle dangerous nuclear reactors, scrap nuclear fuel cycle program, (leder) Mainichi 02.08.2011.
Ichiro Matsuo & Ryoma Komiyama: Dodgy data led to overestimate of electricity demand, Asahi Shimbun 02.08.2011.
Takuya Suzuki et al.: Foreign ministry simulated nuke plant disaster in 1984, Asahi Shimbun 02.08.2011.
Energy plan shakeup, (leder) Japan Times 01.08.2011.
Michael Hoffman: Japan finally seems to be shifting from nuclear power, Japan Times 01.08.2011.
Koide Hiroaki: The Truth About Nuclear Power: Japanese Nuclear Engineer Calls for Abolition, The Asia-Pacific Journal 01.08.2011.
Juli 2011
Shinichi Sekine: Cabinet recommends cutting nuclear reactors, Asahi Shimbun 30.07.2011.
WRI: How Germany plans to succeed in a nuclear free, low-carbon economy, The Guardian 29.07.2011.
Ryoji Noyori, president, RIKEN: Japan should lead global debate on nuclear energy, Asahi Shimbun 29.07.2011.
Jacob Møllerhøj: Japansk ministerium: 1.600 arbejdere får for meget stråling, Ingeniøren 28.07.2011.
Government orders halt to beef shipments from Miyagi Prefecture, Asahi Shimbun 28.07.2011.
Norimitsu Onishi: Japanese, in Shortage, Willingly Ration Watts, New York Times 28.07.2011.
Prof. Kodama Angry about Japanese Gov.’s Gross Negligence, YouTube video i to dele, kan ses i blog-indlægget Fukushima – What are you doing?.
Kosaku Narioka: Fukushima LDP Lawmaker: My Party Also to Blame, Wall Street Journal 27.07.2011.
Hajime Matsumoto: Influence politics with street demonstrations, Asahi Shimbun 27.07.2011.
Turkey warns it may buy nuclear tech from another country if Japan doesn’t clarify stance, (Mainichi) Turkish News 27.07.2011.
Suicide Plague: Japan swept by Fukushima depression, YouTube video 26.07.2011.
Jonathon Porritt: Why the UK must choose renewables over nuclear: an answer to Monbiot, The Guardian 26.07.2011.
Yuri Oiwa & Yoshinori Hayashi: Fukushima to provide life-time cancer checks, Asahi Shimbun 25.07.2011.
Winifred Bird: Powering Japan’s future, Japan Times 24.07.2011.
Japanese support PM’s call to do away with nuclear power: poll, Reuters 24.07.2011.
Chubu Electric to build sea wall to protect nuke plant, Asahi Shimbun 23.07.2011.
Contrary to power company figures, cost of nuclear power generation highest: research, Mainichi 23.07.2011.
Eiichiro Suganuma: Effects of March 11 disaster still felt at Tsukiji fish market, Asahi Shimbun 23.07.2011.
Tsunamier skal holdes ude med kæmpe mur, (Ritzau) Politiken 22.07.2011.
Government may buy all radioactive beef, Asahi Shimbun 21.07.2011.
Anna Novick: In Fukushima Fields the Sunflowers Grow, Wall Street Journal 21.07.2011.
Beef scare: Cesium-laced beef reached 43 prefectures, Asahi Shimbun 20.07.2011.
Arnie Gundersen: Fukushima: Minimize Exposure to Radiation, Not Information! Global Research TV 19.07.2011.
Risa Maeda: Fukushima: 554 Cows Fed Contaminated Feed Shipped, Reuters 19.07.2011.
Government bans shipment of Fukushima beef cattle, Asahi Shimbun 19.07.2011.
Yusuke Ishimura et al.: Disasters take heavy toll on nursing home residents, Asahi Shimbun 19.07.2011.
Don’t fall ill in a nuke crisis, (Sentaku Magazine) Japan Times 18.07.2011.
Seeking a society without nuclear power generation: Let consumers regain leadership in developing energy policy, (leder, 5. af 5) Asahi Shimbun 18.07.2011.
Tatsuyuki Kobori: Stress tests on reactors to look at four disaster scenarios, Asahi Shimbun 16.07.2011.
Fukushima to scrap nuclear plants, (Kyodo) Japan Times 16.07.2011.
Seeking a society without nuclear power generation: Strong policy support would nurture growth of renewable energy, (leder, 4. af 5) Asahi Shimbun 16.07.2011.
Seeking a society without nuclear power generation: Japan should stop nuclear fuel cycle policy, (leder, 3. af 5) Asahi Shimbun 15.07.2011.
Seeking a society without nuclear power generation: Nuclear-phase out roadmap needed soon, (leder, 2. af 5) Asahi Shimbun 14.07.2011.
PM’s pursuit of nuclear power-free society should be commended, but details lacking, (leder) Mainichi 14.07.2011.
Toshihide Ueda: If Kan is serious about a nuclear-free society, he should offer a plan, (kommentar) Asahi Shimbun 14.07.2011.
Reiji Yoshida: General Electric plan followed with inflexibility, Japan Times 14.07.2011.
Reiji Yoshida & Takahiro Fukuda: Fukushima plant site originally was a hill safe from tsunami, Japan Times 13.07.2011.
Yoshinori Onoki: Seeking a society without nuclear power generation: Japan must change course to create a nuclear-free society, (leder, 1. af 5) Asahi Shimbun 13.07.2011.
Justin McCurry: Fukushima pensioner army waits for call-up to frontline duties, The Guardian 13.07.2011.
Kan comes out for a society with no nuclear power plants, Asahi Shimbun 13.07.2011.
Linda Sieg: Japan PM Says Must Reduce Dependence On Nuclear Power, Reuters 13.07.72011.
Japan skal gøre sig fri af atomkraft, (Reuters) Politiken 13.07.2011.
One-fourth of cesium-contaminated beef was consumed, Asahi Shimbun 13.07.2011.
Keishi Nishimura & Kazuyuki Ito: For some who need work, nuclear plants are the only option, Asahi Shimbun 13.07.2011.
Masami Ito: ‘Stress tests’ to be done in two stages, Japan Times 12.07.2011.
Roberta Rampton & Eileen O’Grady: Analysis: After Japan, Slow Change Seen For U.S. Nuclear Industry, Reuters 12.07.2011.
David Cyranoski: No fallout legacy for Japan’s farms, Nature 12.07.2011.
Justin McCurry: Japan nuclear reactors must pass tsunami test before reopening, The Guardian 11.07.2011.
Japanske køer fyldt med radioaktivt stof, (Rizau/AFP) Information 09.07.2011.
Chico Harlan: Japan faces dilemma over nuclear reactors, Washington Post 09.07.2011.
Matthew Penney: The Voices of Ten Million: Anti-Nuclear Petition Movement Launched in Japan, The Asia-Pacific Journal 09.07.2011.
Genkai mayor retracts approval of reactor restarts after ‘surprise’ stress tests, Asahi Shimbun 07.07.2011.
Michio Ushioda: Fukushima nuclear crisis an exhibition of panic by the elite, Mainichi 07.07.2011.
Justin McCurry: Japan faces power shortages due to nuclear shutdowns, The Guardian 06.07.2011.
Hirohito Ohno: Ulrich Beck: System of organized irresponsibility behind the Fukushima crisis, Asahi Shimbun 06.07.2011.
Stresstest skal gøre japanere trygge ved atomkraft, (Ritzau) Politiken 06.07.2011.
Power conservation in summer, (leder) Japan Times 05.07.2011.
George Monbiot: The nuclear industry stinks. But that is not a reason to ditch nuclear power, The Guardian 04.07.2011.
T. Morsing: A-kraft: Barsebäck skal næppe væk, Ingeniøren 03.07.1998.
Satoshi Ozawa: Daisaburo Hashizume: Fukushima disaster may help avert worst-case scenario, Asahi Shimbun 02.07.2011.
Spreading anti-nuclear sentiment, (leder) Japan Times 02.07.2011.
Takafumi Yabuki et al.: Dairy farmer’s last words blame nuclear plant crisis, Asahi Shimbun 02.07.2011.
John Vidal: Fukushima spin was Orwellian, The Guardian 01.07.2011.
Kayoko Geji: Radiation hot line receives 10,000 calls, Asahi Shimbun 01.07.2011.
Anna Novick: More Fukushima Worries: Internal Contamination, Wall Street Journal 01.07.2011.
Pia Bulh Andersen: Britiske embedsmænd ville knuse modstand mod a-kraft efter Fukushima, Politiken 01.07.2011.
Radiation Dosage Chart, informationisbeautiful.net 07.2011.
Juni 2011
Rob Edwards: Revealed: British government’s plan to play down Fukushima, The Guardian 30.06.2011.
Germany Approves End to the Nuclear Era, Der Spiegel 30.06.2011.
Tysk parlament vedtager atom-exit i 2022, (Ritzau) Politiken 30.06.2011.
UK government and nuclear industry email correspondence after the Fukushima accident, The Guardian 30.06.2011.
Strengthening of nuclear safety more important than TEPCO’s ‘internal company logic’, (leder) Mainichi 29.06.2011.
Hiroko Tabuchi: Tepco Quells Push by Shareholders to End Nuclear Program, New York Times 28.06.2011.
Mette Buck Jensen: Fukushimas naboer tisser radioaktivt, Ingeniøren 28.06.2011.
Ken Belson: Elders Offer Help at Japan’s Crippled Reactor, New York Times 27.06.2011.
Shareholders Push Tepco to Abandon Nuclear Power, (Blomberg) New York Times 26.06.2011.
Fukushima gives radiation meters to pregnant women and children, Asahi Shimbun 26.06.2011.
Naoyuki Fukuda: Interview – Tadashi Maeda: Japan should nationalize all nuclear power plants, Asahi Shimbun 25.06.2011.
Fukushima gives radiation meters to pregnant women and children, Asahi Shimbun 25.06.2011.
Noritmitsu Onishi: ‘Safety Myth’ Left Japan Ripe for Nuclear Crisis, New York Times 24.06.2011.
Restart of reactors is premature, (leder) Japan Times 24.06.2011.
Kevin Krolicki & Chisa Fujioka: Special report: Japan’s “throwaway” nuclear workers, Reuters 24.06.2011.
Sunflowers to clean Japan radioactive soil, Herald Sun 24.06.2011.
Fredrik Dahl: Nuclear terrorism can cause another Fukushima: expert, Reuters 23.06.2011.
Fiona Harvey: Germany’s nuclear phase-out will cause UK emissions to fall, report says, The Guardian 22.06.2011.
Damian Carrington: Citizens across world oppose nuclear power, poll finds, The Guardian 21.06.2011.
John M. Glionna & Yuriko Nagano: Electricity-strapped Japan alters work hours, wardrobes, Los Angeles Times 21.06.2011.
Andy Coghlan: Agency report praises Fukushima staff, slams TEPCO, New Scientist 21.06.2011.
Damian Carrington: The timebomb of ageing US nuclear reactors revealed, The Guardian 21.06.2011.
Gavin Blair: Beginning of the end for nuclear power in Japan? Christian Science Monitor 20.06.2011.
Takao Yamada: Preventing radiation contamination more important than TEPCO’s stock prices, Mainichi 20.06.2011.
Damian Carrington: Fukushima report shows nuclear power can never be safe and cheap, The Guardian 20.06.2011.
Steven C. Jones: Fukushima is the greatest nuclear and environmental disaster in human history, Global Research 20.06.2011.
Speaking out on nuclear power, (leder) Japan Times 19.06.2011.
Fukushima halts water decontamination, (AP) The Guardian 18.06.2011.
CO2 emissions on the rise, (leder) Japan Times 18.06.2011.
Jørgen Steen Nielsen: Japansk milliardær går i spidsen for skift til solenergi, Information 16.06.2011.
Fukushima radioactive water clean-up begins, (Reuters) The Guardian 16.06.2011.
Kazuo Yamagishi: Fukushima’s emergency power failure traced to U.S. design, Asahi Shimbun 16.06.2011.
74% of Japanese Favor Nuclear Phase-out, The Asia-Pacific Journal 16.06.2011.
Nuclear retreat to add 30 percent to CO2 growth: IEA, Reuters 15.06.2011.
Yakuza eye cleanup profits, (Sentaku Magazine) Japan Times 15.06.2011.
Mark Lynas: What Italy’s nuclear referendum means for climate change, The Guardian 15.06.2011.
Gaidi Zampano & Nathania Zevi: Italians Vote to Abandon Nuclear Energy, Wall Street Journal 14.06.2011.
Hideharu Tamura: Elderly ‘suicide corps’ may get nod for Fukushima mission, Asahi Shimbun 14.06.2011.
Tomooki Yasuda: Nuclear plant safety standards rendered useless by quake, Asahi Shimbun 13.06.2011.
Kan comes out for a society with no nuclear power plants, Asahi Shimbun 13.06.52011.
Rintaro Sakurai: Japan turned deaf ear to warnings about quake risks, (Behind the Myth, 4. af 4) Asahi Shimbun 13.06.2011.
Super Cool Biz, (leder) Japan Times 12.06.2011.
Housing still scarce three months after disaster, (Kyodo) Japan Times 11.06.2011.
Kenneth Maxwell: Murakami Slams Japan’s Nuclear Choice, Wall Street Journal 10.06.2011.
Novelist Murakami raps Japan’s nuke policy during award speech, (Kyodo) Mainichi 10.06.2012.
Energy draft misses the point, (leder) Japan Times 10.06.2011.
Naoya Kon: Huge volume of radioactive water a big problem at Fukushima, Asahi Shimbun 09.06.2011.
Survey finds wide gulf in global opinion on nuclear power, Asahi Shimbun 09.06.2011.
Seiji Kanda: A town built on nuclear subsidies, emptied by nuclear disaster, (Behind the Myth, 3. af 4) Asahi Shimbun 09.06.2011.
Tomooki Yasuda: Accident management proved inadequate at nuclear plant, (Behind the Myth, 2. af 4) Asahi Shimbun 08.06.2011.
Atsushi Komori: ‘Nuclear village’ rules itself in TEPCO hierarchy, (Behind the Myth, 1. af 4) Asahi Shimbun 07.06.2011.
Mark Clayton: Germany to phase out nuclear power. Could the US do the same? The Christian Monitor 07.06.2011.
Justin McCurry: Japan doubles Fukushima radiation leak estimate, The Guardian 07.06.2011.
Eric Johnston: Fukushima nuke crisis invoked at Hiroshima event, Japan Times 07.06.2011.
Arnie Gundersen: Fukushima Predicted: Regulatory Commission was Warned for Years, Global Research TV 05.06.2011.
Mariko Yasu: Japan’s Richest Man Challenges Nuclear Future with Nationwide Solar Plans, The Asia-Pacific Journal 04.06.2011.
Radiation monitoring continues near damaged Japanese nuclear plant, UN reports, UN News Centre, 02.06.2011.
Tokuhiko Saito: Sales of electric fans heat up as stores try to meet demand, Asahi Shimbun 02.06.2011.
Jørgen Steen Nielsen: Vendepunkt, Information 02.06.2011.
Koichiro Ishida: Tsunami reached 10 stories high in Iwate Prefecture, Asahi Shimbun 02.06.2011.
Mitsuru Obe: IAEA Humbled By Worker Courage at Fukushima Daiichi, Wall Street Journal 02.06.2011.
Cordula Meyer: The Painful Evacuation of a Japanese Village, Der Spiegel 01.06.2011.
Mr. Kan’s lofty energy goal, (leder) Japan Times 01.06.2011.
Maj 2011
Satoko Norimatsu: Worldwide Responses to the 20 Millisievert Controversy (link-samling), The Asia-Pacific Journal 31.05.2011.
Yoichi Shimatsu: Who Will Take the Radioactive Rods from Fukushima? Global Research 31.05.2011.
Steven Mufson: Germany to close all of its nuclear plants by 2022, Washington Post 31.05.2011.
Alister Doyle: Analysis: German nuclear exit plan won’t draw many imitators, Reuters 30.05.2011.
Ian Sample: Nuclear power loses its appeal after Japan crisis, The Guardian 29.05.2011.
Andrew Dewitt: A Crossroads for Japan: Revive Nuclear or Go Green? Environment 360 29.05.2012.
Lucas Whitefield Hixson: What To Do With All The Nuclear Waste? Global Research 28.05.2011.
Satoshi Otani & Keishi Nishimura: Potatoes may be more dangerous than other vegetables, Asahi Shimbun 28.05.2011.
Use solar and wind power to achieve new energy target, (leder) Asahi Shimbun 28.05.2011.
Quirin Schiermeier: Wildlife threatened by Fukushima radiation, Nature 27.05.2011.
Survey: 73 percent of Japanese do not trust TEPCO, Asahi Shimbun 27.05.2011.
Kengo Sakajiri & Hidenori Tsuboya: Kan vows to boost ‘green’ power to 20 percent by 2020, Asahi Shimbun 26.05.2011.
Vandana Shiva: Nuclear Insanity, Global Research 25.05.2011.
Michael Reiter: Danmark til kamp mod a-værker i Europa, Ingeniøren 25.05.2011.
James Kanter: Switzerland Decides on Nuclear Phase-Out, New York Times 25.05.2011.
Leigh Philips: Europe divided over nuclear power after Fukushima disaster, The Guardian 25.05.2011.
Jørgen Steen Nielsen: Tilsyn: 70.000 flere bør evakueres fra Fukushima, Information 25.05.2011.
Matthew Penney & Mark Selden: The Severity of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Disaster: Comparing Chernobyl and Fukushima, Global Research 24.05.2011.
Justin McCurry: Japan nuclear plant confirms meltdown of two more reactors, The Guardian 24.05.2011.
Eisuke Sasaki & Ryoma Komiyama: TEPCO says meltdown likely at 2 other reactors, Asahi Shimbun 24.05.2011.
Michael Reitner: Tepco: Også nedsmeltninger i Fukushima-reaktor 2 og 3, Ingeniøren 24.05.2011.
Facility for tainted water almost full, (Kyodo) Japan Times 24.05.2011.
Matthew Penney & Mark Selden: What Price the Fukushima Meltdown? Comparing Chernobyl and Fukushima, The Asia-Pacific Journal 23.05.2011.
Sophie Knight: Green ‘satoyama’ planters cool the steamy urban sprawl, Asahi Shimbun 23.05.2011.
Hirose Takashi: The Nuclear Disaster That Could Destroy Japan – On the danger of a killer earthquake in the Japanese Archipelago, The Asia-Pacific Journal 23.05.2011.
Helen Pidd: Germany nuclear shutdown by 2022 may mean blackouts, Merkel warned, The Guardian 23.05.2011.
Andreas Kroener: Germany’s Merkel Backs Nuclear Exit Within A Decade, Reuters 23.05.2011.
Justin McCurry: Operator of Japan’s tsunami-hit nuclear plant reports a record loss of £9.5bn, The Guardian 20.05.2011.
Photos: When the Tsunami Hit Fukushima Daiichi, Wall Street Journal 20.05.2011.
Photos show tsunami slamming into nuke plant, Mainichi 20.05.2011.
Mie Stage: Gå med rundt på Fukushima-værket og se alle ødelæggelserne, Ingeniøren 19.05.2011.
Steve Jurvetsen: Radiation in Japan, 17.05.2011.
Minoru Matsutani & Masami Ito: Worker error may have led to meltdown, Japan Times 17.05.2011.
Troels Heeger: Merkel vil af med a-kraft, Information 16.05.2011.
Hiroko Tabuchi, Keith Bradsher & Matthew L. Wald: In Japan Reactor Failings, Danger Signs for the U.S., New York Times 12.05.2011.
UK nuclear industry gets green light from government inspector, (Press Association) The Guardian 18.05.2011.
Rie Ishiguro: Japan Govt Body Detailed Tsunami Risks Before March 11: Documents, Reuters 16.05.2011.
Core of reactor 1 melted 16 hours after quake, (Kyodo) Japan Times 16.05.2011.
More than 60% of voters support Hamaoka nuclear plant shutdown, Asahi Shimbun 16.05.2011.
Two-thirds back Kan over Hamaoka closure, (Kyodo) Japan Times 16.05.2011.
Radioactive cesium found in 5 more tea refineries, Asahi Shimbun 15.05.2011.
Eriko Arita: Renewable’s time is now, expert says, Japan Times 14.05.2011.
Fukushima nuke plant worker tells of heat exhaustion, slipping safety standards, Mainichi 14.05.2011.
James Corbett: Meanwhile, in Fukushima…, Global Research 13.05.2011.
Gregory Smits: Danger in the Lowground: Historical Context for the March 11, 2011 Tōhoku Earthquake and Tsunami, The Asia-Pacific Journal 16.05.2011.
Yoichi Shimatsu: Tepco “Compensation” for Fukushima Nuclear Crisis is a Political Fraud, Global Research 13.05.2011.
Hiroko Tabuchi & Matthew L. Wald: Japanese Reactor Damage Is Worse Than Expected, New York Times 12.05.2011.
Jonathan Watts: How nuclear disaster forced Japan to be frugal with energy, The Guardian 12.05.2011.
Jun Hongo: Nuclear energy at a crossroads, Japan Times 12.05.2011.
‘A Reliable Energy Supply’ Without Nuclear Power, Der Spiegel 12.05.2012.
Emily Gertz: Japan (Officially) Sours on Nuclear Power, onearth blog 12.05.2011.
Helen Caldicott: The Fukushima Nuclear Disaster in Perspective, Global Research 12.05.2011.
Michael Reiter: Tysk regerings ekspertpanel anbefaler atom-exit i 2021, Ingeniøren 11.05.2011.
Brian Walsh: Why Can’t We Turn Away From Coal As Japan Has Turned Away From Nuclear? Time Magazine 11.05.2011.
Suspension of Hamaoka nuke plant sparks battle between common sense and outdated thinking, Mainichi 11.05.2011.
Atsushi Matsukawa: Bitter return: Residents find more misery upon return to village in no-entry zone, Asahi Shimbun 11.05.2011.
J.T. Cassidy: Nuclear regulators leave Kan to fill in the blanks, Japan Times 10.05.2011.
Vivian Norris: Deadly Silence on Fukushima: It’s Not Over, Global Research 10.05.2011.
Jørgen Steen Nielsen: Japan kæmper stadig mod radioaktiviteten, Information 10.05.2011.
Japan to scrap nuclear power in favour of renewables, (AP) The Guardian 10.05.2011.
Martin Fackler: Japan to Cancel Plan to Build More Nuclear Plants, New York Times 10.05.2011.
Lisa Song: Next-Generation Nuclear Energy Reactors: A Primer, InsideClimate News 09.05.2011.
Christian Schwägerl: How Angela Merkel became Germany’s unlikely green energy champion, The Guardian 09.05.2011.
Fiona Harvey: Renewable energy can power the world, says landmark IPCC study, The Guardian 09.05.2011.
Brendan Barrett: Tetsunari Iida on the renewable future of Japan, Green Conduct 09.05.2011.
Eric Johnston: Osaka day laborer duped into reactor cleanup, Japan Times 09.05.2011.
Toru Tamakawa: Rape plants may help cleanse soil in Fukushima, Asahi Shimbun 08.05.2011.
Stephen Leahy: The Nuclear Cost Shell Game, IPS News 06.05.2011.
Kan asks that Hamaoka nuke plant shut down, Asahi Shimbun 06.05.2011.
Jorge Salazar: Christopher Flavin on the future of nuclear power, Fast Company 05.05.2011.
‘The German Nuclear Debate Is Objective and Rational’, Der Spiegel 04.05.2011.
Joe Giambrone: Radiation: The Future Children of Fukushima, Global Research 03.05.2011.
Jonathan Watts: Fukushima parents dish the dirt in protest over radiation levels, The Guardian 02.05.2011.
Radioactive iodine turns up in 7 breast milk samples, Asahi Shimbun 02.05.2011.
Kenneth Maxwell: Fukushima Daiichi, the Movie, (m. videolink til konsktruktionsvideo) 02.05.2011.
Paul Jobin: Dying for TEPCO? Fukushima’s Nuclear Contract Workers, The Asia-Pacific Journal 02.05.2011.
Roger Pulvers: It is time to target who calls the shots in Japan when disaster strikes, Japan Times 01.05.2011.
April 2011
Helen Caldicott: Unsafe at Any Dose, New York Times 30.04.2011.
Helen Caldicott: Fukushima: Nuclear Apologists Play Shoot the Messenger on Radiation, Global Research 30.04.2011.
Kazuo Teranishi: Bank to offer incentives to push non-nuclear energy, Asahi Shimbun 29.04.2011.
Paul Jobin: Dying for TEPCO? Fukushima’s Nuclear Contract Workers, Global Research 29.04.2011.
David Biello: How to Tear Down a Nuclear Power Plant, (Slide Show) Scientific American 29.04.2011.
Norbert Röttgen: What Germany Must Learn from Chernobyl and Fukushima, Der Spiegel 27.04.2011.
Farmers demand Fukushima compensation but obstacles remain, Asahi Shimbun 27.04.2011.
Ukraine Marks a Quarter Century Since Chernobyl, Der Spiegel 26.04.2011.
Jørgen Steen Nielsen: Sandkasser 60 km fra japansk a-værk er nu forbudt område, Information 25.04.2011.
Ayako Mie: Softbank’s Son: Philanthropist Turns Energy Activist, Wall Street Journal 25.04.2011.
Jørgen Steen Nielsen: 25 år senere, Information 25.04.2011.
Krista Mahr: Brand Fukushima: Can Fishing and Farming Recover? Time Magazine 22.04.2011.
Pano Kroko: Fukushima victims? Bleeding Edge Blog, 22.04.2011.
Study: Wind can generate power on par with nuclear plants, Asahi Shimbun 22.04.2011.
Andrew McKillop: The True Cost of the Atomic Myth: “Uranium Dollars” and the Economics of Nuclear Power, Global Research 22.04.2011.
David Rainoshek: We Are All Fukushima. An Integral Perspective on the Meanings and Promises of Disaster, www.naturalnews.com 21.04.2011 (pdf).
Damian Carrington: Unsure about nuclear power? Here’s the five questions you must answer to decide, The Guardian 21.04.2011.
Leaks into sea 20,000 times over safe limit, (Kyodo) Japan Times 21.04.2011.
The Trillion Dollar Costs of A Nuclear Catastrophe Enough to Bankrupt an Entire National Economy…, (Washington’s Blog) Global Research 21.04.2011.
Mark Roe: Fukushima No. 1 and derivative meltdowns, Japan Times 21.04.2011.
Justin McCurry: Fukushima evacuees face arrest if they return home, The Guardian 21.04.2011.
Richard Bramhall: The Chernobyl deniers use far too simple a measure of radiation risk, The Guardian 20.04.2011.
Chernobyl Radiation Fells Female Birds, Making Chirping More Frequent from Lonely Males, Science Daily 19.04.2011.
Brian A. Victoria: Who pays for nuclear nightmare? Japan Times 19.04.2011.
Daniel Bergsagel: Halvdelen af verdens planlagte a-kraftværker skrottes, Ingeniøren 19.04.2011.
Muriel Boselli & Geert De Clercq: Special Report: The nuclear industry’s trillion dollar question, Reuters 18.04.2011.
Jørgen Steen Nielsen: Atomofre kommer ikke hjem i år, Information 17.04.2011.
Convenience in Tohoku, (leder) Japan Times 17.04.2011.
Naoto Kan: Japan’s road to recovery and rebirth, Washington Post 16.04.2011.
Masaki Hashida et al.: Nuclear disaster levels tourist industry, Asahi Shimbun 22.04.2011.
Kanako Takahara: Fuel rod fragments at bottom of vessels, Japan Times 15.04.2011.
George Monbiot: Nuclear opponents have a moral duty to get their facts straight, The Guardian 13.04.2011.
Japan opgraderer atomkraftulykke til højeste niveau, (Ritzau) Politiken 12.04.2011.
What went wrong: Fukushima flashback a month after crisis started, Asahi Shimbun 12.04.2011.
Gillian Terzis: Fukushima crisis fails to dampen Indonesia’s nuclear ambitions, The Guardian 12.04.2011.
Helen Caldicott: How nuclear apologists mislead the world over radiation, The Guardian 11.04.2011.
Roger Pulvers: Could Japan’s tragedy help forge some overdue reconciliations? Japan Times 10.04.2011.
Takao Yamada: A society that depends on nuclear energy is just like a house of cards, Mainichi 09.04.2011.
Malin Schmidt: På under et døgn blev atomkraften dømt ude, Information 08.04.2011.
Robert Peter Gale: Why German Nuclear Worries Are Both Wrong and Harmful, Der Spiegel 07.04.2011.
Elizabeth Grossman: Radioactivity in the Ocean: Diluted, But Far from Harmless, environment 360, 07.04.2011.
Jordskælvet har flyttet havbunden 24 meter, (Ritzau) Politiken 07.04.2011.
Joe Romm: Does nuclear power have a negative learning curve? Climate Progress 06.04.2011
Japan says not seeking exemption from Kyoto CO2 pledge, (Reuters) Asahi Shimbun 06.04.2011.
Kosaku Narioka: Fukushima Fishermen to Tepco: Stop the Dumping, 06.04.2011.
Minoru Matsutani: Nuclear crisis man-made, not ‘an act of god’: experts, Japan Times 06.04.2011.
Rob Edwards: UK nuclear plans on hold after Fukushima, The Guardian 05.04.2011.
Debito Arudou: Letting radiation leak, but never information, Japan Times 05.04.2011.
Siemens Said to Consider a Retreat from Nuclear Power, 05.04.2011.
Hiroshi Komiyama: Investigation, discussions required on future use of nuclear energy, Asahi Shimbun 05.04.2011.
Melanie Windridge: Fear of nuclear power is out of all proportion to the actual risks, The Guardian 04.04.2011.
Risa Maeda: Japan Has No Immediate Plan To Review 2020 Climate, Reuters 04.04.2011.
‘Fukushima Has Made Me Start to Doubt’, Der Spiegel 04.04.2011.
Kaneko Musaru: The Plan to Rebuild Japan: When You Can’t Go Back, You Move Forward. Outline of an Environmental Sound Energy Policy, The Asia-Pacific Journal 04.04.2011.
Mette Lützhøft: Fukushima-arbejder: Der er jo ingen, der har lyst til at gøre det, Politiken 03.04.2011.
Justin McCurry: Japan PM tells Fukushima nuclear plant workers to hold firm, The Guardian 02.04.2011.
David Mark & Mark Willacy: Crews ‘facing 100-year battle’ at Fukushima, ABC News 01.04./25.05.2011.
‘Fukushima radiation’ detected in Scotland’s rain, BBC News 01.04.2012.
Mike Adams: A 100-year battle awaits Fukushima while suicide workers are needed to keep up the rescue efforts, Natural News 01.04.2011.
John Vidal: Nuclear’s green cheerleaders forget Chernobyl at our peril, The Guardian 01.04.2011.
Jørgen Steen Nielsen: Blindgyden, Information 01.04.2011.
Marts 2011
Chris Busby: The Dangers of Radiation: Deconstructing Nuclear Experts, Global Research 31.03.2011.
Justin McCurry: Japan under pressure to widen nuclear evacuation zone, The Guardian 31.03.2011.
Mette Lützhøft: Japan-effekten: Svenske atomværker skal stresstestes, Politiken 31.03.2011.
‘Our Most Dangerous Illusion Is that We Can Control Nuclear Energy’, Der Spiegel 30.03.3011.
Robert X. Cringely: Plutonium is forever, BetaNews 30.03.2011.
Niels Holst: Fukushima-arbejder skriver hjerteskærende email, Politiken 30.03.2011.
250.000 tyskere marcherede mod atomkraft, Politiken 26.03.2011.
Ai Matsumura: Japan objects to overseas import bans following Fukushima accident, Asahi Shimbun 23.03.2011.
Minoru Matsutani: Plutonium traces point to core leak, Japan Times 30.03.2011.
Jørgen Steen Nielsen: Mareridtet er først lige begyndt i Fukushima, Information 30.03.2011.
Tepco comes under fire for issuing erroneous info, (Kyodo News) Japan Times 30.03.2011.
Andreas Lang Hedegaard: Tepco har ført hele Japan bag lyset, Ingeniøren 30.03.2011.
Thomas H. Maugh II: Japan’s prime minister criticizes nuclear plant’s owner, Los Angeles Times 29.03.2011.
Declan Butler: Radioactivity spreads in Japan, Nature 29.03.2011.
David Cyranoski: Japan faces up to failure of its earthquake preparations, Nature 29.03.2011.
Letters From Fukushima: Tepco Worker Emails, Wall Street Journal 28.03.2011.
Emil Rottbøll: Fukushima har skabt ny usikkerhed om atomkraft kan betale sig, Information 28.03.2011.
Jun Hongo: Signs of disaster were there to see, Japan Times 27.03.2011.
Satoshi Othani: Farm animals starving to death in 20-km evacuation zone, Asahi Shimbun 27.03.2011.
Roger Pulvers: Japan’s crises spark wide alarm and some unlikely sympathizers, Japan Times 27.03.2011.
Ilya Sandra Perlingieri: Fukushima Reactors Catastrophe: Radiation Exposure, Lies and Cover-up, Global Research 26.03.2011.
Workers exposed to radiation in water 10,000 times normal level, Asahi Shimbun 26.03.2011.
True Cost Accounting for Nuclear Power (Amory Lovins interview), living on earth 25.03.2011.
Søren Astrup: Japan frygter, at der er hul på den farligste reaktor, Politiken 25.03.2011.
When the steam clears, The Economist 24.03.2011 (interactive map).
Peter Coy: Nuclear Safety Lessons Start With Manholes, Axes, Bloomberg 24.03.2011.
Farzam Abolhosseini: Japansk jordskælv ramte Danmark 12 minutter senere, Politiken 24.03.2011.
Shari Bell: My Chernobyl: Reflecting on Scenes from a Disaster Zone, Climate Central 23.03.2011.
Jason Clenfield: Fukushima Engineer Says He Helped Cover Up Flaw at Dai-Ichi Reactor No. 4, Bloomberg 23.03.2011.
Vegetable intake restricted after high radiation levels found, Asahi Shimbun 23.03.2011.
Vincent Martinez & Francesca Desmarais: Nuclear Energy: Fact Check, Architecture 2030, 22.03.2011.
Frank Dohmen, Alexander Jung & Christian Schwägerl: How Quickly Can Germany Abandon Nuclear Energy? Der Spiegel 22.03.2011.
Thomas Walkom: Forget meltdowns. The real nuclear problem is waste, The Star 21.03.2011.
George Monbiot: Why Fukushima made me stop worrying and love nuclear power, The Guardian 21.03.2011.
Jørgen Steen Nielsen: Det grønne har dobbelt momentum efter Japan og Libyen, Information 21.03.2011.
David Biello: Anatomy of a Nuclear Crisis: A Chronology of Fukushima, Environment 360 21.03.2011.
Eriko Arita: Disaster analysis you may not hear elsewhere, Japan Times 20.03.2011.
Terry Macalister: Embattled Tepco faces its BP moment over Japan nuclear disaster, The Guardian 20.03.2011.
Erik Holm: Analyse: Kan Europa undvære atomkraften? Ingeniøren 20.03.2011.
Roger Pulvers: This awful tragedy will show Japan’s true character to the world, Japan Times 20.03.2011.
Toby Helm: Chris Huhne: Nuclear power may become less attractive option for UK, The Guardian 19.03.2011.
Mark McDonald: Food Contamination Fears Could Harm Japanese Brands, New York Times 19.03.2011.
Ken Belson & Hiroko Tabuchi: Japan Finds Tainted Food Up to 90 Miles From Nuclear Sites, New York Times 19.03.2011.
Ellen Barry: Lessons From Chernobyl for Japan, New York Times 19.03.2011.
Workers must cool 4,546 spent fuel rod bundles, Asahi Shimbun 19.03.2011.
Workers frantically try to restore power at nuclear plant, Asahi Shimbun 19.03.2011.
Tania Branigan: IAEA: Japan in race against time to control nuclear crisis, The Guardian 18.03.2011.
Amory Lovins: Nuclear Power Makes Climate Change Worse, (Lovins-videoer) climatecrocks.com 20.03.2011.
Amory B. Lovins: Learning From Japan’s Nuclear Disaster, Rocky Mountain Institute 18.03.2011.
Amory Lovins: Nuclear After Japan, PBS 18.03.2012.
David Sanger & William J. Broad: Radiation Spread Seen; Frantic Repairs Go On, New York Times, 18.03.2011.
Bill McKibben: Japan’s horror reveals how thin is the edge we live on, The Guardian 18.03.2011.
William R. Broad: Radiation Plume Reaches U.S., but Is Said to Pose No Risk, New York Times 18.03.2011.
David Jones: ‘We have been betrayed’: Mayor of town near stricken Japanese nuclear plant claims his people have been ‘abandoned’, Daily Mail 18.03.2011.
Erik Holm: Tidligere atomkraftchef: Svensk atomkraftværk tæt på Fukushima-katastrofe i 2006, Ingeniøren 18.03.2011.
Bob Herbert: A Price Too High? New York Times 18.03.2011.
The Real Dangers of Nuclear Power and Nuclear War, Global Research TV 18.03.2011.
Keith Harmon Snow: Nuclear Apocalypse in Japan. Lifting the Veil of Nuclear Catastrophe and cover-up, Global Research 18.03.2011.
Michael W. Golay: Examining the Missteps In Japan’s Nuclear Crisis, Environment 360 18.03.2011.
Keith Bradsher & Hiroko Tabuchi: Greater Danger Lies in Spent Fuel Than in Reactors, New York Times, 17.03.2011.
Dan Eggen: U.S. nuclear advocates try to limit political impact of Japan reactor crisis, Washington Post 17.03.2011.
Kevin Krolicky: Special Report: Mistakes, misfortune, meltdown: Japan’s quake, Reuters 17.03.2011.
Søren Astrup: Løbske reaktorer sætter spot på Japans mange atomskandaler, Politiken 17.03.2011.
Helicopters dump water on nuclear plant in Japan, CNN 17.03.2011.
Gov’t must provide accurate information on nuclear disaster risks, (leder) Mainichi 17.03.2011.
China suspends approval for nuclear power plants, (Reuters) The Guardian 17.03.2011.
Japan nuclear crisis: Seven reasons why we should abandon nuclear power, Christian Science Monitor 17.03.2011.
Japan nuclear crisis: Why even the emperor speaks out, Christian Science Monitor 16.03.2011.
Anne C. Mulkern: Japan Disaster Sparks Message Battle Over Nuclear Energy in Washington, New York Times 16.03.2011.
Daniel Fineren & Nina Chestney: Analysis: World to warm if Japan panic spreads, Reuters 16.03.2011.
Josie Garthwaite: How Is Japan’s Nuclear Disaster Different? National Geographic 16.10.2011.
Michal Graham Richard: Update on Japan’s Nuclear Crisis at Fukushima I, Treehugger 16.03.2011.
Robert Marquand: Across Europe, Japan crisis provokes nuclear rethink, Christian Science Monitor 16.03.2011.
Jens Ramskov: WikiLeaks: Japan var advaret om risikoen ved jordskælv, Ingeniøren 16.03.2011.
Søren Astrup: WikiLeaks: Japan var advaret om mangelfuld atom-sikkerhed, Politiken 16.03.2011.
George Monbiot: Japan nuclear crisis should not carry weight in atomic energy debate, The Guardian 16.03.2011.
Robert X. Cringely: Who ya gonna call? Supertanker! BetaNews 16.03.2011.
Nick Carbone: Fukushima Reactor Flaws Were Predicted – 35 Years Ago, Time Magazine 16.03.2011.
Matthew Mosk: Fukushima: Mark 1 Nuclear Reactor Design Caused GE Scientist To Quit In Protest, ABC News 15.03.2011.
Mette Rodgers: Kan et atomkraftværk være sikkert nok? Information 15.03.2011.
No. 4 reactor poses more danger than other reactors, Asahi Shimbun 15.03.2011.
Søren Astrup: Japan-skælv har gjort dagene kortere, Politiken 15.03.2011.
Eliott Caroom: Japanese Fukushima Daiichi, N.J. Oyster Creek nuclear plants use same reactor design, nj.com 15.03.2011.
What caused the magnitude-9.0 earthquake? Asahi Shimbun 14.03.2011.
Greg Palast: Tokyo Electric to Build US Nuclear Plants. The no-BS info on Japan’s disatrous nuclear operators, 14.03.2011.
Mette Buck Jensen: Helsefysiker: Så meget stråling kan mennesker klare, Ingeniøren 14.03.2011.
Fukushima Marks the End of the Nuclear Era, Der Spiegel 14.03.2011.
Robert X. Cringely: Is anything nuclear ever really super safe small and simple? BetaNews 13.03.2011.
Explosion hits Fukushima nuclear plant, fuel begins to melt, Asahi Shimbun 12.03.2011.
Crucial safety feature fails at Fukushima nuclear plants, Asahi Shimbun 12.03.2011.
Video of blast at Fukushima nuke plant, radiation leak reported, RT news 12.03.2011.
Robert X. Cringely: Flea powder may be saving lives in Japan, BetaNews 11.03.2011.
Før 11.03.2011
Brendan Barrett: Can nuclear power save Japan from peak oil? UN University OurWorld 2.0 02.02.2011.
Andrew DeWit and Iida Tetsunari: The “Power Elite” and Environmental-Energy Policy in Japan, The Asia-Pacific Journal 24.01.2011.
Daniels Rasmussen: Fugle i Tjernobyl har mindre hjerner, Ingeniøren 20.02.2011.
Michael Reiter: Ekspert: Ingen af de tyske a-kraftværker ville blive godkendt i dag, Ingeniøren 07.09.2010.
Birgitte Marfelt: Alle svenske akraftværker dumper i sikkerhedskrav, Ingeniøren 12.05.2010.
Helen Caldicott: The medical and economic costs of nuclear power, Global Research 18.10.2009.
Toraneko: Nuclear Ginza – YouTube video i tre dele: Del I / Del II / Del III 11.09.2009.
Joe Romm: Exclusive analysis, Part 1: The staggering cost of new nuclear power, Climate Progress 05.01.2009.
Eriko Arata: Rokkasho Plant Too Dangerous, Costly: Expert, Japan Times 27.11.2008.
Kurt Kleiner: Nuclear energy: assessing the emissions, Nature 24.09.2008.
Joe Romm: Nuclear power, Part 2: The price is not right, Climate Progress 13.06.2008.
Joe Romm: The Self-Limiting Future of Nuclear Power, Part 1, Climate Progress 02.06.2008.
Frank von Hippel: Managing Spent Fuel in the United States: The Illogic of Reprocessing, NPEC 15.01.2007.
Niels Berg Olsen: Tjernobyl-katastrofen hærger stadig i Norge, Ingeniøren 30.10.2006.
Leuren Moret: Japan’s deadly game of nuclear roulette, Japan Times 23.03.2004.
Denne link-samling blev efterhånden så lang, at den er delt op efter år, se: Fukushima links – år 1, Fukushima links – år 2 samt Fukushima links – år 3.