28. november 2008 arkiv

The Uppsala Interfaith Climate Manifesto 2008

28. november 2008

I forbindelse med The Uppsala Interfaith Climate Manifesto 2008, 28.-29. november, underskrev ledere fra verdens religioner et manifest. Efter underskrivelse er manifestet sendt til klimatopmødet i Poznan.

Det er en smuk tekst, som slår bro ikke bare mellem de forskellige verdensreligioner, men mellem hvad politikere og videnskabsmænd siger er nødvendigt for at stabilisere klimaet, og den moralsk-etiske fordring i at sikre klodens levevilkår for alle elvende skabninger. Jeg har derfor medtaget det i sin fulde udstrækning herunder:


Faith traditions addressing Global Warming

As religious leaders and teachers from the whole world, gathered in Uppsala 2008, we call for effective leadership and action in view of the global threat to the climate. From religious traditions, with different approaches to religious life, we come together at this time in human history to assure the world of what we have in common. We all share the responsibility of being conscious caretakers of our home, planet Earth. We have reflected on the concerns of scientists and political leaders regarding the alarming climate crisis. We share their concerns.

The world religions are a source of empowerment for change in lifestyles and patterns of consumption. Religious faith remains a powerful force for good among a considerable number of the human family. We undertake this mission in a spirit of responsibility and faith.

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